
Monday 31 January 2011


Councillor Rory McClure, Mayor of Barrow will launch Barrow’s 2011 tourism marketing initiative at the Dock Museum at 3 pm on Wednesday, 2nd February, 2011. A new Tourist Leaflet for entitled “Barrow-in-Furness Where the Lakes meet the Sea including Dalton-in-Furness, Walney and the Islands of Barrow" features attractions across the Borough and a free map of Barrow Town Centre and Dalton Town Centre.

The leaflet is themed around the categories Love family fun, Love shopping and nightlife, Love active leisure and Love culture and heritage and features the whole Borough of Barrow including the beautiful beaches of Walney and Roanhead. Attractions including The Dock Museum, Furness Abbey, Piel island and ferry, Hollywood Park Leisure and Retail Complex, the three nature reserves, The forum, the Park Leisure Centre, Sea View Riding School, kitesurfing, favourite coastal walks, Barrow Park, golf facilities and the new Karting Centre and the new PlayMax activity area for children are all included.

The town of Dalton-in-Furness is promoted together with the South Lakes Wild Animal Park, Crooklands Garden Centre and Dalton Castle. Walney and the Islands of Barrow feature beaches, sailing and windsurfing and Piel Island and the Ship Inn. Visitors are encouraged to shop in Barrow Town Centre and the Indoor Market and partake of the town’s vibrant night life. All inspected accommodation throughout the Borough has been included.

The leaflet is currently being distributed across Cumbria and north Lancashire in time for February half term and will feature on the Barrow Borough Stand at the Best of Lakeland Show in Bowness in March.

The leaflets will be distributed across Cumbria by AHA Marketing a South Cumbrian enterprise based at Kendal and to the top 250 Tourist Information Centres in the Country and those in the North West of England in time for February half term. The leaflet can also be downloaded directly from the Council's website by following this link.

Barrow Borough Council also provide copies of the leaflet to local organisations in the Borough e.g. NHS for their promotional events to help recruit medical staff to the area. If any organisation requires stocks of leaflets they should contact Barrow Tourist Information Centre.

The leaflet has been designed and printed by Fingerprints, a local Barrow company who won the printing contract this year with the lowest tender which not only gives the Council excellent value for money but allows us to support a local business.

Police issue warning to moped owners in Barrow

Police in Barrow are advising owners of moped and small motorcycles to take simple crime prevention measures after a black Honda XR 125cc motorcycle was stolen on Sunday.

The vehicle was stolen between 1.15am and 5.45am on the morning of Sunday 30 January 2011 from Church Street, Barrow.

Sergeant Ian McClymont said: “In recent years we have seen a rise in moped thefts around this time of year, and this is a timely reminder to owners to take measures that will prevent thieves from stealing their property.

“I’d urge anyone with any information about the theft or the whereabouts of the stolen bike to contact Barrow police immediately on 0845 33 00 247. Owners should consider locking their vehicles or alternatively take them off the road to put them in secure storage such as a locked garage or shed.

“Anyone who wants more information about helping to prevent crime should visit or call their local neighbourhood policing team on 0845 33 00 247.”

Information can be passed to Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

Friday 28 January 2011

Upcoming sports fixtures

Barrow AFC
Saturday 29th January v Altrincham - 3pm

Barrow Raiders
Northern Rail Cup
Sunday 6th February v York - 2pm

Rotary Club - Fundraising Stall

A stall featuring upcoming fundraising events is set to go on display in Barrow Market.

The three Rotary clubs of Barrow; Barrow, Furness and Furness Peninsular, will staff the display from 21 February to 27 February 2011.

The stall will give information on charity fundraising, Barrow Carnival, social events and polio eradication.

Cumbria police seize over 400 unfit vehicles to make roads safer

Officers from Cumbria Constabulary’s Roads Policing Unit and Neighbourhood Policing Teams have seized over 400 unfit vehicles from the county’s roads over the last 12 months.

433 vehicles have been seized from Cumbria’s roads over the last year which means that on average, 36 were uplifted every month. This is a result of a proactive effort by police around the county to target uninsured, unfit vehicles in a bid to make road networks safer.

This follows research conducted by the Department for Transport in April 2009 which estimates that uninsured and untraced drivers kill 160 people and injure a further 23,000 every year on the UK’s road networks. Police officers have a legal power under the road traffic act to seize any vehicle which is uninsured, or where the driver has an unsuitable license.

Inspector Andy Wilkinson from Cumbria's Roads Policing Unit said: "Reducing collisions and denying criminals the use of our county’s roads are priorities for Cumbria Constabulary.

“As well as the criminal consequences of driving while uninsured or without a license, irresponsible drivers commonly cause collisions which means that all road users are put in danger.

“To tackle this issue, officers around the county conduct routine patrols of our roads with the intention of stopping illegal motorists in their tracks to make the lives of law abiding road users safer. The purpose of seizing vehicles is to remove illegal, and in the majority of instances unroadworthy, vehicles from our roads."

In addition to facing criminal prosecution, owners and drivers of vehicles that are seized have to pay costs to have their vehicle stored and then recovered. If vehicles aren’t recovered by their owners, they are destroyed.

Inspector Wilkinson continues: “The busiest month for seizing vehicles was in May 2010 when 49 were recovered. Targeting irresponsible drivers and seizing unroadworthy vehicles will remain a main focus for the team in 2011.”

Anyone with information about the illegal use of vehicles, uninsured or unlicensed drivers, should contact Cumbria Police on 0845 33 00 247. For further information, visit:

Thought for the Week

"Imagination is more important than knowledge." Albert Einstein

Thursday 27 January 2011

Holocaust Memorial Day

A Barrow & South Cumbria UAF and Barrow & South Cumbria LMHR Holocaust Memorial Day event will take place in the Ante Room at The Forum, Duke Street, Barrow, tonight (Thurs Jan 27th) at 7.30pm.

The event is called 'Music, Resistance and the Holocaust', and will feature readings of the testimonies of Holocaust survivors, a presentation by Martin Smith, National Co-ordinator of LMHR, and a speech by John Woodcock MP.

Admission is free.

Art Gene-Design Cafe 2011, Islands of Barrow - Panel discussion and debate

Wednesday 9 February 2011 at Art Gene Nan Tait Centre, Abbey Road, Barrow in Furness from 6.15pm for buffet and drinks for a 7pm start until 9pm. No need to book just come along.

Join us for a Public Discussion and Debate with expert panelists:
Gemma Blackburn and Steve Benn - Natural England
Richard Greenwood - Cumbria Tourism
Harry Knowles - Furness Enterprise
Jens Nybo - Dong Energy (Wind farms)
Neil Forbes & Pete Burton - National Trust
Sue Thurley - Cumbria Wildlife Trust
Val Holden - Barrow Borough Council Regeneration
Steve Almond - Roa Island Boat Club

Question: Can more users be introduced to the Natural Environment of Barrow Borough without damage? If so how?

1/2 of Barrow: Nearly 50% of Barrow Borough is made up of Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI's), Wetlands of International Importance (RAMSAR's), Special Protection Areas or are designated as a Special Area of Conservation.

... So why don't these areas play a larger role in defining external perceptions of the Borough?

Do we need more infrastructure and buildings? If so what should they be? What are the guiding principles we should consider when planning for sustainable development?

Please join us for good food and what promises to be a relaxed, friendly yet rigorous examination of the issues and an opportunity to contribute your thoughts to a discussion around how we might develop our natural environment, and the challenges we will have to overcome along the way.

For further details please call: Steve Harris, Design Café Project Manager on 07946126412 or email:

Hindpool Community Drop-In Session

Thursday 10 February 2011 from 10–12 noon at St. Marks Church Hall, Rawlinson Street, Barrow. Trading Standards will be giving advice on door stop crime, rogue traders and bogus callers. A Health Trainer will give free advice and support to anyone who is unemployed on health and lifestyle.

In attendance:
- Age Concern
- Barrow Borough Council – Household/Housing
- Central and Hindpool Neighbourhood Wardens
- Fire and Rescue Service
- Cumbria Constabulary

Come along and have a brew and a chat with a representative of your community. Free refreshments provided.

For further information contact Derek Brook/Carol Last on 01229 407574.

Wednesday 26 January 2011

Safer Stronger Community (SSC) meeting

For Hindpool, Barrow Island and the town centre (Central)

14 February 2011 6:30 PM

Neighbourhood Management Offices, Dalton Rd, Barrow

Contact: Sgt McClymont Telephone: 0845 3300 247

Do something amazing … Give blood

Thursday 3rd February 2011 at the Forum, Duke Street.

Thursday 17th February 2011 at the Forum, Duke Street.

96% of us rely on the other 4% to give blood.

Please don’t leave it to someone else.

Inspiring Communities News #43

Find out what's on and what's happening - including Youth Film Festival this weekend, Street Soccer starts 28 Jan and National Street Soccer Showdown during half term - your chance to get to Wembley!

Friday 21 January 2011

Crime levels fall as Cumbria Constabulary continues to perform well

Cumbria has the lowest rate of burglary in England and overall crime continues to fall according to the latest figures revealed by the Home Office today.

The national quarterly crime statistics highlight that there were 2,440 fewer reported crimes in Cumbria between September 2009 and September 2010 compared to the same period the previous year. This represents a reduction in overall crime of eight per cent and thousands of fewer victims across the county.

Crime fell from 29,729 reported incidents in Cumbria between September 2009 and September 2010, to 27,289 between September 2009 and September 2010.

The statistics also show there were fewer victims of burglary in Cumbria than anywhere else in the country with 16 per cent fewer incidents reported to police than last year.

The number of residents who are confident that Cumbria Constabulary is dealing with the crimes that matter most to them has increased to 64 per cent – the highest levels in the country. While those who perceive anti-social behaviour levels as being high are amongst the lowest in the country at just nine per cent.

The report released today is produced by the Home Office and discusses the latest crime trends in England and Wales. The report is based on two sources of statistics, the British Crime Survey (BCS) and police recorded crime data.

The statistics reveal that criminal damage has fallen by 16 per cent, vehicle crime by 9 per cent, violence against the person by 8 per cent, and fraud by 6 per cent.

Chief Constable Craig Mackey welcomed the figures. He said: “Over the last year my officers and staff have been working hard to support our communities to tackle crime and focus on the issues that matter most to local people. This commitment shines through in the latest figures released today which show overall crime has fallen by eight per cent.

“To see that in Cumbria we have had fewer victims of burglary than anywhere else in England and Wales is really good news – it shows that our focus on crime prevention, deterring offenders and working with local communities to set up Neighbourhood Watch and Farm Watch schemes has made a real difference and improved the quality of life for our residents.

“It is encouraging to see that 64 per cent of our community believe we are dealing with the local issues which matter most to them. Our communities are at the heart of everything we do and this is something we want to build on in the future by tackling policing priorities in each area and making sure local residents are kept up to date with what we are doing in their neighbourhoods.

“These figures highlight why the people of Cumbria are right to be proud of their police force. The next year will see the restructure the Constabulary to provide the best police service possible to the people of Cumbria on the available budget. I am confident we can meet this challenge and maintain our high levels of performance.”

Although overall crime is down, Cumbria has experienced a 13 per cent rise in reports of sexual offences but still has the fewest victims in the country. The figures also highlight a 19 per cent rise in drug offences.

Mr Mackey added: “It is always disappointing to learn that specific types of crime are on the rise, but by constantly taking stock of crime trends across Cumbria we can ensure that we shift our focus to tackle these issues as a priority.

“Over the last year our specialist teams of detectives have been working with our Neighbourhood Policing Teams to dismantle and disrupt the county’s serious and organised crime groups. Our successes in this area over the last year led to greater numbers of drug offences being recorded and helped protect our communities.

“The increase in sexual offences is on the one hand worrying, but on the other a welcome rise, as one of the major hurdles faced by victims is working up the courage to report incidents to police. We have worked hard over recent years to ensure we have the people and facilities available to support victims and investigate sexual offences and this rise shows that this work is making a difference to victims.

“Over the coming year we will continue to focus on protecting our communities and pursuing offenders so that we can continue to drive down crime in Cumbria.”

Thought for the Week

"The obvious is that which is never seen until someone expresses it simply."
Kahlil Gibran

Thursday 20 January 2011

Christmas Drink and Drugs Driving Campaign – The Results

Cumbria police today issued the results of their Christmas Drink and Drug Drive Campaign. The annual crackdown ran from Wednesday 1 December 2010 to Saturday 1 January 2011.

Due to the severe weather in December the traffic on the roads reduced significantly meaning less breath tests were performed this year, a total of 1,641 breath tests were taken with a total of 58 drivers providing positive breath tests. This meant that 3.5 per cent of those tested were over the limit.

This is a reduction on last year when 5% of those tested during the festive period were over the limit. Last year a total of 2,334 breath tests were taken with 116 drivers providing positive breath tests.

Alongside the usual breath tests, Officers also conducted Field Impairment Tests (FIT tests) on the roadside to test motorists for illegal drugs. Of the 7 FIT tests undertaken by drivers 3 were arrested for being under the influence of illegal drugs.

Inspector Paul Madden from Cumbria’s Roads Policing Unit, said: “We are pleased to have seen a reduction in the percentage of positive breath tests this year and this shows that our warnings and safety messages are being listened to. However, it is still extremely worrying that, a significant number of people continue to ignore our advice and put their lives and those of others at risk on our roads.

“Unfortunately of the 446 young drivers under the age of 25 that were breath tested 24 drivers provided a positive test. This meant that 5.38 per cent of those tested were over the limit. We will continue the work we do with young drivers under Operation Orwell and the message of drinking and driving will continue to be enforced.

“The effects of driving under the influence of drink and drugs can be devastating and will not be tolerated in Cumbria.

“We will continue to crack down on those who are intent on driving under the influence of drink and drugs. Everyone should take responsibility for road safety by reminding friends and family to drive safely and by reporting anyone they know to be drink or drug driving to police immediately.”

Of the 58 people who tested positive in this latest clampdown, 17 had been involved in collisions, providing a stark reminder of the risks associated with drink driving.

Assistant Chief Constable Michelle Skeer said “Whilst our figures are in line with the national figures, I am disappointed that there are some people who continue to ignore our warnings and put lives at risk by driving under the influence of drink or drugs.

“There is no excuse for this and we will not tolerate those who needlessly endanger the lives of other road users.

“The penalties for drink and drug driving include fines, the loss of driving licences and even prison, but these are nothing compared to the risk of injury and loss of life that rises steeply when motorist’s reactions are impaired by alcohol or drugs.

“During 2011 we will continue to target those who choose to drink and drug drive and are committed to making the roads of Cumbria safer.”

If you suspect someone is drink or drug driving call police on 0845 33 00 247 or call 999 in an emergency.

Wednesday 19 January 2011

Safer, Stronger, Better … excellence in our communities

The next safer, Stronger, Better event organised by Barrow Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnership is planned for

Tuesday 8 February 2011, 9.30am in the Studio, the Forum, Duke Street.

The main presentations will be;

‘Loan sharks and illegal money lending’
‘Burglary prevention for vulnerable people’

For further information please contact Rebecca Rawlings on 01229 876475 or email

Tuesday 18 January 2011

Inspiring Communities News #42

Find out what's on and what's happening for young people and their parents/carers ... lots of interesting, fun and FREE events and activities all round Barrow and Furness.

Why not get invovled?!

Monday 17 January 2011

New Neighbourhood Policing Teams in Cumbria

Neighbourhood Policing Teams in Cumbria are being restructured to improve community policing and ensure Cumbria Constabulary has an adaptable structure for the future.

Assistant Chief Constable Jerry Graham, who has responsibility for neighbourhood policing in Cumbria, said: “Creating larger Neighbourhood Policing Teams will help us maintain our policing service to the community by increasing resilience and providing increased flexibility at a local level. Cumbria Constabulary needs to save £18.6million by 2015 and our new team structure will ensure that we have the best policing service that we can afford.

“The newly expanded teams will continue responding to 999 and non-emergency calls as before, but will have the flexibility to target community priorities with a greater focus. Policing teams will continue to set community policing priorities by listening to local people at community and online meetings to ensure they can address the issues that matter most in each neighbourhood.

“We will work to a new shift pattern that ensures more Police Officers are on duty at key times. Combining this change with larger, more flexible teams will allow increased police visibility in the community."

The new Neighbourhood Policing Teams will be implemented on Monday 7 February 2011, for South Cumbria as follows;
• Barrow Borough - covering Barrow, Dalton and surrounding areas, led by Insp Dave Bosson.
• Ulverston & Lakes - covering Ulverston, the Lake District, the Grange Peninsula and surrounding areas, led by Insp Kevin Spedding.
• Kendal - covering Kendal, Milnthorpe, Kirkby Lonsdale and surrounding areas, led by Inspector Neil Allison.

ACC Graham continued: “The new teams will begin their shifts at ‘deployment centres’ before heading out into the community where they will continue using existing police stations and other bases. Officers and PCSO’s will remain dedicated to particular neighbourhoods, meaning you will still see a familiar face providing a consistent service.”

The new ‘deployment centres’ are as follows (A deployment centre acts as the hub station for that team, where officers will store kit and where they will begin their shift each day with a formal team briefing before being deployed into the community):

South Cumbria
• Barrow Borough – deploying from Barrow
• Ulverston & Lakes – deploying from Ulverston and Windermere
• Kendal – deploying from Kendal

ACC Graham said: “Cumbria Constabulary’s estate is being scrutinised as part of our attempts to save money and increase efficiency in the current economic climate. Every police station and office building is being reviewed to ensure it provides value for money and meets our requirements.

“Developments in technology mean that officers can complete paperwork away from the office and we are investigating sharing office space with partner agencies. An example of this can be seen in practice in Carlisle where the city centre police officers work effectively from a base they share with Carlisle City Council at the Civic Centre.

“Whatever happens, you will still have police officers visible in your community.”

Details of your existing Neighbourhood Policing Team can be found at www.cumbria.police/yourneighbourhood

These details will be updated on the 7th February when the new team structure is implemented.

Cumbria Police Authority Budget Forums

Cumbria Police Authority have been holding Liaison Forums across Cumbria focussing on the future of Policing in Cumbria.

Police Authority Treasurer Douglas Thomas, has been providing an overview of the financial settlement for the next four year period, the main message is, that as a consequence of the Government’s spending review, every class of local authority is required to make unprecedented savings.

Ray Cole, Cumbria Police Authority’s Chair, said “Due to the scale of reduction in grants to local authorities and police authorities cumbria police authority will be faced with a 12 million pound reduction in grants over the next four years, in order to balance the budget over this period, the Chief Constable will be expected to make savings of approximately 18.6 million, two thirds of this reduction will be within the first two years.

“There will have to be some tough decisions made regarding the future police budget, which will mean extremely demanding times ahead for Cumbria Constabulary.

“The liaison forums have provided an opportunity for people within Cumbria to gain an understanding of the impacts of the reduction in grants to Police Authorities.

Thursday 13 January 2011

Thought for the Week

"We believe that a person is a person through another person; that my humanity is caught up, bound up, inextricably, with yours." Archbishop Desmond Tutu

Wednesday 12 January 2011

Green Heart Den

Green Heart Den (community garden) - Volunteer Coordinator: In an effort to increase participation and build on the capacity of our organisation we are continually looking to offer opportunities, should you wish, to become a valued volunteer within our project and help to make a real difference in your community. You can choose how you want to become involved and it need not take up too much of your time. Currently we are looking to appoint a Volunteer Coordinator. If you would like to learn more about this opportunity, a copy of the role description can be viewed and/or downloaded from this link

If you are interested in this opportunity, please contact Lisa Millard at Cumbria CVS in Barrow. Lisa can be contact by: email at Telephone 01229 825630 or by post to Cumbria CVS in Barrow, Lesser Kings Hall, 57-59 Hartington Street, Barrow-in-Furness.

Tuesday 11 January 2011

Furness Breast Cancer Support Group meetings

The group aims to provide support to people whose lives have been affected by breast cancer. They meet twice a month: 1st Monday 2:00 to 4:00pm (bank Holidays on the 2nd Monday) and 3rd Wednesday 7:00 to 9:00pm in the Green Room, The Forum, Duke Street, Barrow. They often have a speaker or demonstrator at the meeting. There will also be plenty of opportunity for informal chat over a cup of tea or coffee and biscuits.

Wednesday 19 January 2011 (evening)
'The Work of SARDA Mountain Rescue Dogs'.

Monday 7 February 2011 (afternoon)
'First Aid Awareness plus Demonstrations' by John Mossop of the British Red Cross.

Wednesday 16 February 2011 (evening)
'Tiger Conservation', by Karen Brewer from South Lakeland Wild Animal Park.

For further information regarding the Support Group, please contact Margaret (Secretary) 01229 822470, or Jenny (Evening Co-ordinator) 01229 465355.

The Nutrition and Lifestyle Service at CADAS Free Taster Day

This event is for local community members and is your chance to find out more about how the service can help you, or someone you care about.
It will be held at 52 Paradise Street, Barrow-in-Furness, Cumbria (Cumbria Alcohol and Drug Advisory Service - CADAS) and will include Cooking Demonstrations, Healthy Food Tasting, Tai Chi Class, Body Composition Analysis, Handouts on improving your diet, exercise, sleep, and lots more … presentation about the service, question and answers, information on free workshops and training events.

Come along and meet the CADAS team on Friday 25 February 2011.

Session 1: 10am -12noon
Session 2: 1pm - 3pm

Call 01229 811111 to book your place.

Monday 10 January 2011

Room for Hire - Hindpool

Hindpool Community Centre, Nelson Street

Does anyone need a room or a large hall to hire Monday - Friday on either a weekly or monthly basis reasonable rates please contact

Jenny English on 01229 871971 for more details.

Friday 7 January 2011

Neighbourhood News #93

For the latest news about what's on and what's happening follow the link below.

Thursday 6 January 2011

Thought for the Week

"Even the knowledge of my own fallibility cannot keep me from making mistakes. Only when I fall do I get up again." Vincent Van Gogh

Barrow and District Credit Union Study Group Meetings

Dates of future meetings of Barrow and District Credit Union Study Group are set as follows:-
Monday 10 January 2011 - 6pm
Monday 7 February 2011 - 6pm

All meetings to take place at Stafford House, 103-105 Abbey Road, Barrow-in-Furness (NHS Cumbria building).

At the most recent meeting held on 1 November the group agreed and adopted a constitution. Eight individuals signed up to the constitution and other individuals are welcome to sign up at any time. It will be available at all future meetings. The group has also applied to the Financial Services Authority for their approval for us to use the words "credit union" as part of the name and activities of the group. These are both small but important first steps of progress towards setting up a Barrow and District Credit Union. However more help is always needed and other individuals are very welcome to come along to future meetings and join the group.

For further information contact Gordon Henry, Cumbria Credit Union Development Coordinator on 01900 607532.

Wednesday 5 January 2011

Barrow Borough Council’s Petition Scheme

Barrow Borough Council welcomes petitions and recognises that petitions are one way that people can tell us about their concerns or priorities.

The council has a ‘Petition Scheme’ which you can view at the link below;

The ‘Petition Scheme’ has been developed in accordance with the Local Democracy, Economic Development and Construction Act 2009, and this scheme applies to most petitions submitted to the Council. (Details about the kind of petitions it does not apply to are given at the link above).

Petitions can be created, signed and submitted either on paper or online at

To help ensure that your petition is accepted and published you should take time to read the petition scheme before submitting a petition.

Appeal to trace good samaritan after death of Barrow man

The South Cumbrian coroner is appealing for information to trace a member of the public who came to the aid of a man who had fallen in Barrow last year.

On the evening of 30th November 2010 Edward Burns, of Marsden Street, Barrow, was out walking his dog on Foundry Street when he slipped and fell on the ice. A member of the public came to the aid of Mr Burns and rang for an ambulance. He was taken to FGH and transferred to Preston Royal but despite medical attention he sadly died on 10th December from severe head injuries.

There are no suspicious circumstances surrounding the death and an inquest has been opened by HM Coroner for South Cumbria Ian Smith. As part of this Mr Smith is keen to speak with the member of the public who helped Mr Burns. Anyone with information to help trace this person is asked to contact Coroners Officer Liz Gaskell at Barrow Police Station on 01229 848868.

Tuesday 4 January 2011

How will budget cuts affect Cumbria Police?

Cumbria Police Authority will be holding a Police Community Liaison Forum Meeting in January 2011, in Barrow focussing on the projected Police budget deficit in 2011-12 and the four-year period to 2014-15.

Cumbria Police Authority would like to invite members of the community to attend a Police Community Liaison Forum Meeting to be held on Thursday 13th January 2011, 7:00pm, in the Studio at Forum 28, Barrow.

Douglas Thomas, Cumbria Police Authority’s Treasurer, will provide information on the projected Police budget deficit, and the implications for Cumbria Constabulary.

Ray Cole, Cumbria Police Authority’s Chair, said: “Cumbria Police Authority are the Governing body for the Constabulary, we have a statutory duty to engage and find out the views from people within our communities. The Communilty Liaison Forums will provide the opportunity to discuss future budget implications, and to inform the public on what this actually means for Cumbria’s Policing service.

There will have to be some tough decisions made regarding the future Police budget, which will mean extremely demanding times ahead for Cumbria Constabulary”

For more information about Cumbria Police Authority log on to: