
New Barrow Foodbank collection point in Barrow town centre

The Neighbourhood Management office at 242/244 Dalton Rd is now a collection point for Barrow Foodbank.
Barrow Foodbank is about feeding local people in crisis and provides a minimum of 3 days emergency food and support to those across South-West Cumbria who are in crisis.

It is part of a national network of foodbanks, one of over 170 foodbanks providing emergency food to people in crisis nationwide.

Food items the Foodbank collects include ...
Milk (UHT or powdered)
Sugar (500g)
Fruit juice (carton)
Pasta sauces
Sponge pudding (tinned)
Tomatoes (tinned)
Rice pudding (tinned)
Tea Bags/instant coffee
Instant mash potato
Tinned meat/fish
Tinned fruit
Biscuits or snack bars

To get involved with Barrow foodbank you should contact: 
or find out more at

Monday 29 October 2012

Love Barrow Community Awards 2013 - nominations close in seven days!

Love Barrow Community Awards 2013 – Nominations close Monday 5 November at 2pm!

Visit for more information and to access the nomination form.

This is your chance to recognise the hard work of people in your community or neighbourhood who go that extra mile.

Paper copies of the form are available from the Neighbourhood Management Office, 242-244 Dalton Rd; Barrow Police station counter; Barrow Town Hall reception.

Cumbria CVS Barrow Funding Fair - Wednesday 21 November 2012

Booking Now -  Cumbria CVS Barrow Funding Fair -  Wednesday 21 November 2012

Our funding fairs are highly valued and this year’s South Cumbria event is at The Forum, Duke Street, Barrow, 9.15am - 3.45pm.

It’s the opportunity to meet key funders to learn about and discuss funding opportunities; attend workshops for fundraising tips and best practice and hear speakers on a range of funding, income generating and organisation sustainability topics.

The event this year has a Quality theme, with topics ranging from the benefit of adopting Quality standards; managing financial risk; to writing quality funding applications.

We’re delighted that Anastasia Mihailidou from Charities Evaluation Service (CES), the UK's leading provider of support and advice on quality and evaluation systems for the voluntary sector, will be providing an essential introduction to and overview of this topic.

Other highly experienced professionals will be running a series of workshops, presentations and other training-related sessions to help groups maximise their chances of securing funding and remaining sustainable.

Local, regional and national funders will be on hand to talk to at the Marketplace sessions: including the Big Lottery Fund, Lloyds TSB Foundation and Heritage Lottery Fund, alongside local funders and support organisations including Cumbria CVS to give practical advice and information about grants and other forms of income.

The day costs £20 per delegate. Simply complete and return a booking form with a cheque (£20 per delegate).  All bookings will be confirmed by email.

The programme and booking forms are on our website:

For further details, please call 01768 800350 or email:

Friday 26 October 2012

Thought for the Week

"Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies.” Mother Teresa

Thursday 25 October 2012

Over 50 bikes stolen in Barrow in two months

Police in Barrow say that in August and September this year there were 52 pedal cycles stolen in the area, resulting in a total loss to the owners of over £25,000.

The main areas which are being targeting are Risedale, Barrow town centre and the area around Furness College.

Sergeant Mark Rawlinson from Barrow Police said “If people take a few simples precautions to make their bike safe when they leave it, then we can significantly reduce the number of thefts in the area.

“You can significantly reduce the risk of having your bike stolen if you secure your property, using a strong cycle lock such as a D lock, locking the bike to something secure and ensuring that removable parts such as quick release wheels are also locked, will make your property less attractive to thieves.

“Anti-tamper cycle marking labels are a very good way of permanently marking bicycles and also increase the chances of your bike being traced and returned if it’s stolen and then recovered.

“Make sure your bicycle is secure whenever you leave it, both at home and when you’re out and about. We also ask that people contact the police if they think they are being offered a stolen bicycle for sale or suspect that someone is using a stolen cycle.

“If people are more security conscious about their bikes, then we can work together to reduce the number of thefts in the area.”

If the public have any information or see somebody acting suspiciously around a locked pedal cycle they should call 101 immediately.

Top Tips to keep your cycle safe:
At home
· Keep your bike in a secure garage or shed and keep the door locked and consider registering them at or* (the world’s largest free register of possessions ownership which enables you to register items such as mobile phones, iPods,cycles and other valuables. In the event of a loss or theft this could help to identify true ownership and hopefully aid in the recovery of your possessions).
· Make sure you bike is out of public view.
· Secure your bike to an immovable object, or consider installing a floor or wall mounted anchor lock for extra security.
Out and about
  • Always lock your bicycle, even if you are just leaving it for a couple of minutes.
  • Avoid leaving your bike in isolated places. Leave it where a potential thief can be easily seen.
  • Invest in a quality lock, two if possible. Two locks of different types will slow thieves down. Hardened steel D-shaped locks are recommended as the minimum standard.
  • Lock your bike to an immovable object – a bike rack or ground anchor. Remember that thieves can remove drainpipes and lift bikes off signposts.
  • Secure removable parts. Lock both wheels and the frame together. Take smaller parts and accessories with you, for example, lights, pumps and quick-release saddles.
For further help and advice visit the Cumbria Police website at  or call 101 and ask to speak to your local Crime Prevention Officer.

Barrow police team up with community partners to host Twitter ‘takeover’ day

Police in Barrow are teaming up with colleagues from emergency services and other partner agencies to launch a 24 hour ‘Twitter Takeover’ this weekend.

Throughout Saturday 27 October, representatives from Barrow police, Cumbria Fire and Rescue Service, the Ambulance Service, the Air Ambulance, NHS and Bay Search and Rescue will tweet about a selection of the call outs they deal with to give the community an insight into the work that goes on around the clock to keep them safe.

The event will run for 24 hours between 7am on Saturday 27 October and 7am on Sunday 28 October and will be used to engage with the community and distribute key safety advice.

A multiagency web chat will also take place where the local community can log on and direct questions to the team.

Cumbria Constabulary Inspector, Mike O’Hagan, who is in charge of the policing team in Barrow said “The whole aim of this event is to raise awareness of the diverse and complex role of the emergency services in Barrow.

“We hope to highlight the volume of emergency and non-emergency calls that we, and our partners deal with on a daily basis, to help keep local communities safe.

“Our Twitter account, @barrowpolice, now has over 2,900 followers and by publishing basic information about our activity over a 24 hour period, we hope to encourage more local people to log onto Twitter to see what work goes on around the clock.

“We will use the event to provide relevant crime prevention advice to communities and would encourage as many people as possible to log onto a web chat that will take place between 5pm and 7pm on Saturday where representatives from the Health service, Fire and Rescue and Police will be available to respond to any questions the public may have.

“This is the first time that we have done an event of this nature in Barrow and we hope that the local community supports us by following us on Twitter and take the opportunity to speak directly to local agencies via the web chat – without having to leave the comfort of their homes.”

Stuart Dolan, Barrow Station Manager for Cumbria Fire and Rescue Service, said “We’re always looking at new ways to engage with our local community and Twitter is becoming increasingly popular.

“Taking part in this ‘Twitter Takeover’ is a good way for us to give people a flavour of some of the incidents we attend and the type of work we get involved in.

"On Saturday morning the @barrowfire Twitter account will go live, and we will use this account to tweet out our messages and information. The aim is to get as many followers as possible so that our key safety messages can be seen and shared with all of the community.”

The agencies participating in the event will use #barrow999 as part of any Twitter posts during the period. To log onto the web chat, go to:

Thought for the Week

“That which is striking and beautiful is not always good, but that which is good is always beautiful.” Ninon de L’Enclos

Remember, remember - don`t fool with fireworks

Cumbria County Council's Trading Standards and Fire and Rescue Services have once again joined forces with Cumbria Police in the lead up to the firework sales period to remind retailers to be vigilant and ensure that fireworks are not sold to anyone under the age of 18.
Bonfire night is fast approaching, and whilst it’s a time for fun and enjoyment, the firework season can often encourage incidents of anti social behaviour which can cause concern in many neighbourhoods. Fireworks will go on sale from this week (w/c 15 October).

The partnership is also taking this opportunity to remind young people of the serious consequences of firework misuse. Posters designed by schoolchildren in Carlisle will reinforce the safety message 'Don't fool with fireworks'.

Police officers can hand out on the spot fines to anyone throwing or setting off fireworks in a street or public place or anyone under 18 found to be in possession of fireworks in public.

Angela Jones, Trading Standards Service Manager said "Our aim is provide a safe environment in which the people of Cumbria can enjoy Bonfire Night and the period leading up to it.

"Officers from our team will be carrying out routine inspections and underage sales test purchase operations and will continue to work with partner agencies to ensure fireworks retailers act responsibly and think "safety" when storing and selling fireworks.”

Chief Superintendent Don Spiller is Cumbria Constabulary’s lead on anti-social behaviour issues in the county, he said “The majority of people - young and old - celebrate the bonfire season safely with family and friends. However, there are always a few individuals who cause us concern by either misusing fireworks or attempting to buy them underage.

“Disorderly behaviour traditionally rises at this time of year so we are working proactively with partners to stop trouble before it starts. In addition to laying on extra high visibility patrols, we are working closely with local retailers and licensees who are actively helping us ensure fireworks do not get into the hands of under 18s.

“Young people who are we suspect to be carrying fireworks can expect to be searched, have the fireworks seized, and then taken home to inform their parents. 

“Anyone caught mis-using fireworks should expect to be handed an on-the-spot fine.

“We want everyone to enjoy Halloween and Bonfire night - but not at the expense of others. Many people do not want Trick or Treaters coming to their door, and feel harassed and intimidated by this so we are asking people to respect one another’s privacy.”

If you are concerned about young people in your area being sold fireworks illegally please contact Trading Standards via the Citizens Advice Consumer helpline on 08454 04 05 06

Tuesday 16 October 2012

FREE October Half Term Activities for young people

FREE October Half Term Activities for young people aged 8-15 years - Monday 29 October to Friday 2 November

New!  Boxing!
Thurs 1 Nov 2-4pm at Pat's Gym, Dalkeith Street

Table tennis*
Mon 29 Oct to Fri 2 Nov 2-4pm at Barrow Table Tennis Centre (Academy South)

Multi sports at Dalton - indoors or outdoors depending on the weather
Wed 31 Oct 2-4pm - meet at DASH reception

Dance Mats*
Mon 29, Tues 30 Oct and Fri 2 Nov, Park Leisure Centre  2-2.45pm and  3-3.45pm. Young people are welcome to stay for both sessions

Youth Gym
Wed 31 Oct and Thurs 1 Nov, Park Leisure Centre 2-2.45pm and 3-3.45pm
Young people are welcome to stay for both sessions

Table Tennis and Dance Mat sessions are open to young people aged *6 to 15 years.   
All 6 and 7 year olds MUST be accompanied by an adult at ALL TIMES.
More activities to be added. It’s all FREE. For more details, please contact on 01229 845929.

When you change your clocks test your smoke alarm - October 2012

Don't forget the clocks go back on 28th October. We'll all be going round our homes, changing them by an hour.

All except for 226 people. They won't be doing it this year, because time has stopped for them. They've died in house fires since this time last year.

So there's one extra thing we'd like you to do this weekend - it won't take much time.

When you change your clock, test your smoke alarm.

Fire kills. You can prevent it.

Monday 15 October 2012

CCTV bid to trace offender

Barrow detectives investigating an armed robbery that occurred last month have today released CCTV in a bid to trace the offender.

At approximately 6.20am on Saturday 29th September 2012, a man entered a shop on St Luke’s Street in Barrow carrying a knife and demanded money. He then jumped onto the counter and stole cigarettes before leaving. He did not make off with any cash.

The owners of the premises were understandably shaken by the incident but were not injured.

Two weeks on from the incident, officers have released an image of the robber in a bid to encourage witnesses to come forward.

Detective Constable Sarah McArthur is on the investigative team. She said “We have been focused on identifying this man and are turning to the community for help.

“A local 20 year old man was arrested as part of our enquiries but he has since been released without charge.

“The offender was seen to leave the shop and walk off in the direction of Roose road. He is described as being about 5-6' to 5-9' tall, of a slim to medium build, and was wearing dark grey tracksuit bottoms, and a quite distinctive hooded top which was grey and black with a blue stripe running down the arm and across the hood.

“I’d appeal to the community to take a good look at this footage and see if you recognise this man. Does he look familiar? Have you seen this tracksuit before?

“If you have any information that could help please call us. You may not think your information is important but it could end up being vital to our enquiry.”

Police are appealing for help in trying to locate this man and would request that anybody who has any information, or was in the area at the relevant time and saw any of this incident to contact Barrow CID on 101.

Information can also be passed anonymously to police via Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.    

Cumbria CVS Volunteer Workshop - 30 October 2012

Tues 30 Oct 2012 from 10-11.30am.
Free refreshments provided.

Do you want to improve your skills and get a job in administration, youth work, health & social care, retail, driving, teaching, nursing, environmental work?  Whatever job you are looking for why not gain some experience first by volunteering? Try volunteering to expand and enhance your CV and improve your job prospects. It is a fantastic opportunity to meet new people, improve your skills, try a new challenge and it also helps to improve your confidence.
In Barrow our Volunteer Centre at Lesser Kings Hall, Hartington St is now holding monthly 'Introduction to Volunteers'. The sessions cover the wide range of volunteering opportunities, organisations that are needing volunteers, the benefits of volunteering and state benefits, training opportunities, courses and NVQ's available to volunteers. This is a fantastic opportunity to find out what is available to you. No skills or qualifications are necessary.

To book your place Tel: 01768 800350 or e-mail

Barrow AFC league fixtures at home

Sat 10 November v Lincoln City
Sat 17 November v Forest Green
Fri 7 December v Hereford Utd
Wed 26 December v Gateshead
Sat 29 December v Macclesfield Town

Friday 12 October 2012

'Spooky Tours' at Barrow Town Hall

Spooky Tours at Barrow Town Hall
‘I want to play a game.’

Tuesday 23 October to Saturday 27 October 2012
Times; 7.30, 8.30, 9.30
Price: £5 and £3.50children

Come and join the Mayor of Barrow and the CAST Youth Theatre for a Spooky Tour of Barrow Town Hall.

Fire Fighters Charity evening

The Fire Fighters Charity Presents an 'ELVIS' Tribute Evening
Friday 2nd November at 7-30pm
West Shore Bowling Club, Walney Island
Tickets £7-50

Available from Barrow Fire Station (407800) or the West Shore Club (Evenings).

For further details contact Mark Ducie 0780911504 or

Thursday 11 October 2012

Thought for the Week

"You can't hold a man down without staying down with him." Washington's Rule

Mayor's Charity Christmas Concert

The Mayor of Barrow will be hosting a charity Christmas Concert to be held on Friday, 14 December commencing at 7.30 pm at Barrow Town Hall.

The concert will be performed by "Voce" - a four piece group with a difference. Phil McIntosh, Iain Nicholson, Mark Johnston and Chris Warby are all from the amateur stage musical scene, singing crossover pop/classical songs, similar in style to Il Divo and Blake.

Tickets are priced at £6.50 each (£5 concessions) and are on sale now at The Forum.

All proceeds will be donated to the Mayor's chosen charities for this year which are the RNLI, Duddon and Furness Mountain Rescue and the NW Air Ambulance Service.

World Mental Health Day - 10 October 2012

World Mental Health Day raises public awareness about mental health issues. The day promotes open discussion of mental disorders, and investments in prevention, promotion and treatment services. This year the theme for the day is “Depression: A Global Crisis”.

Depression affects more than 350 million people of all ages, in all communities, and is a significant contributor to the global burden of disease. Although there are known effective treatments for depression, access to treatment is a problem in most countries and in some countries fewer than 10% of those who need it receive such treatment.

Thursday 4 October 2012

Thought for the Week

"Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions". Dalai Lama

Police to host web chat to raise awareness during World Mental Health Day

For the fourth consecutive year, police will be hosting an event in partnership with Cumbria Mental Health Group to mark World Mental Health Day at Durranhill Police Station in Carlisle.

A week today, on Wednesday 10th October, a training session will be delivered to police officers and staff based in North Cumbria to raise awareness of the issue of depression to recognise the signs and understand the coping mechanisms and support available. The session will be delivered by First Step which is part of Cumbria Partnership NHS Trust.

This training coincides with World Mental Health Day which is designed to raise awareness about mental health issues and aims to promote open discussion of mental disorders and investments in prevention, promotion and treatment services.

Cumbria Constabulary has pledged its support and will host an online meeting to provide an opportunity for members of the public to ask police and staff from partner agencies questions about mental health issues in Cumbria and how police deal with incidents involving people who suffer from mental health issues.

Between 11.30am and 1.30pm on Wednesday 10 October, Inspector Adrian Sowerby, will be online to answer questions, together with representatives from Cumbria Mental Health Team and Carlisle & Eden Mind, along with others.

Inspector Adrian Sowerby said “This is the fourth year that the Constabulary has helped to promote World Mental Health Day and we are coming together to raise awareness of important information such as what treatment and support is available for those who suffer with mental health issues in Cumbria.

“This year the theme of the day is depression and police, along with partner agencies, are using the opportunity to learn more about the condition, how it affects people and how different organisations can provide further support for those who have it.

“We know that depression affects more than 350 million people of all ages in all communities across the world. Although treatment is available, it is widely known that a very small percentage of people receive the right treatment.

“It is important that police understand as much as possible about the communities we serve as it is often emergency services who are first on hand in times of need.

“I would encourage as many people as possible to log on to learn more about mental health and what services Cumbria has to offer.”

To join the web chat, visit the following page