
Friday 30 November 2012

County council helps Cumbria to prevent food waste in winter

Cumbria County Council and Recycle for Cumbria will be showing shoppers how to “get thrifty and save £50” at road shows in supermarkets across the county from next week.

The partnership team will be holding road shows at supermarkets, and will be advising people on how they can save up to £50 by using left-over food rather than throwing it away, particularly around the Christmas period, where food wastage increases enormously.

The road shows are part of the Love Food Hate Waste campaign, a national initiative to reduce food waste in landfill. At the road shows there will be experts on hand to advise how shoppers can avoid wastage, as well as free cards to keep which will detail how different types of food should be stored and frozen, with recipe ideas for unused food.

The road shows will take place in supermarket foyers, from 10am–2pm on the following days:

Wednesday 5 December Whitehaven – Asda, Preston Street

Thursday 6 December Barrow – Tesco, Hindpool Road

Friday 7 December Penrith – Sainsburys, Common Garden Square

Cllr Tim Knowles, Cabinet Member for environment, said “Wasting food costs the average household £480 a year or £680 for a family with children. Statistics unsurprisingly show that a huge amount of food is simply binned during the festive period. These road shows will demonstrate how storing and freezing unused food properly can save people a great deal of money and also contribute to a reduction in the county’s carbon footprint and I strongly encourage shoppers to drop by the stands.”

Thursday 29 November 2012

Thought for the Week

“If you don’t know where you are going, any road will get you there.” Lewis Carroll

Safety advice for motorists

Motorists are being advised to take extra care and time with their journeys as colder weather over night as resulted in icy conditions on the roads.

Patches of ice are on the roads and people are advised to take their time, keep a safe breaking distance from the car in front and reduce their speed.

Safety advice for motorists
• Plan your journey in advance
• Check local and national weather forecasts and tune into local radio stations to check on road conditions and closures
• Tell someone at your destination what time you expect to arrive and ensure you have a charged mobile phone with you
• Make sure you are equipped with warm clothes, food, boots and a torch. In snowy conditions, take a spade
• Clear your windows and mirrors fully before you set off and carry a screen scraper and de-icer

If you have an accident, break-down or become stuck in bad weather conditions:
• Do not use a mobile phone while driving. Stop somewhere safe or ask a passenger to make the call
• On a motorway, it is best to use a roadside emergency telephone because the emergency services and breakdown recovery services will be able to locate you easily. If you have to use a mobile phone, make sure you know your location from the numbers on the marker posts on the side of the hard shoulder
• If you have to leave your vehicle to get help, make sure other drivers can see you

Vehicle maintenance:
• Keep lights, windows and mirrors clean and free from ice and snow – remember also to clear your vehicle roof of compacted snow in case it dislodges while you drive, as this could be dangerous to other road users
• Keep your battery fully charged
• Add anti-freeze to the radiator and winter additive to the windscreen washer
• Make sure wipers and lights are in good working order
• Check that tyres have plenty of tread depth and are maintained at the correct pressure. Consider changing to high performance winter tyres.

Drive according to weather conditions:
• Allow extra time and distance to brake as it can take ten times longer to stop in wet or icy conditions
• Adapt your driving behaviour. Keep in mind the decreased visibility and changing road conditions.
• Slow down and avoid sudden or jerky movements
• When driving on ice or snow use the highest gear possible to avoid wheel spin
• To brake on ice or snow without locking your wheels, get into a low gear earlier than normal, allow your speed to fall and use the brake pedal gently
• Be wary of satellite navigation systems as they tend to direct you over high rural roads that are likely to be closed or particularly hazardous in winter
• Do not assume that pedestrians have seen you. They may be elderly, young or not be able to hear you
• Do not attempt to cross flooded roads if the water seems too deep
• Drive slowly through water in first gear but keep the engine speed high by slipping the clutch - this will stop you from stalling
• Test your brakes when you have driven through a flood before you drive again at normal speed

Check the Traffic Link section of Cumbria Constabulary’s website ( ) which is designed to provide information about the current state of Cumbria’s roads and the immediate surrounding areas in relation to road traffic collisions, weather, and delays as a result of incidents and congestion. The information provided is sourced from police and the Highways Agency and is updated every 10 minutes.

Stay safe this Christmas

As Christmas draws closer, Cumbria Police are asking people to consider their own personal safety as they plan their Christmas celebrations by launching a campaign to help people to stay safe and enjoy their nights out.

With just over four weeks until Christmas Day, Christmas parties are starting to take place across the county and officers want to take this opportunity to remind people to stay safe, look after each other, stay within their drinking limits, and remain in control.

In a bid to make revellers more aware of their safety during nights out and as they make their way home, police across the county will be handing out a range of free safety products, along with top tips to encourage people to consider safety as a top priority.

This year will see the continued promotion of the Constabulary’s “Keys, Money, Phone, Plans to get home?” campaign, which reminds young women, students and party goers to think ahead and plan their safe journey home.

Police will be giving away credit card sized handouts with key safety advice on that provides a space to write an ‘In Case of Emergency’ (ICE) contact number, should they lose their mobile phones. They will also be handing out personal attack alarms.

Assistant Chief Constable Jerry Graham said “As the Christmas season approaches and people make plans for their parties, we want to help them to enjoy their night and get home safely.

“By thinking ahead, looking after each other and making plans to get home will help you to enjoy your Christmas celebrations.

“Make sure you have a registered taxi number on you, don’t be caught out and if you end up on your own, having that number will ensure that you get home safely.

Focus will also be on people staying in control of their night, not drinking too much and knowing their own limits.

ACC Graham added “We want everyone to enjoy the festive season and it is a great time to get together but we remind people to drink within their limits and remain in control. It can be easy to get carried away with the atmosphere, but having that awareness will mean that your night is a good one.”

“The consequences of drinking too much and becoming vulnerable or overstepping the mark can spoil your Christmas. As well as risking becoming a victim of crime, you could risk getting into trouble by a situation quickly escalating into violence or disorder.

“It’s not worth the risk. Enjoy drinks with friends but know your limits. Go too far and you can spoil your Christmas before it’s begun - you could see yourself banned from all Pubwatch bars and clubs or even under arrest.”

“People’s safety is our upmost priority and we want everyone to enjoy themselves and have consideration for others.”

The campaign will encourage people planning a night out to follow this advice:
  • Think: Keys, money, phone, plans to get home?
  • Stick with your friends and look out for each other
  • Stash some cash in case you lose your purse or wallet
  • Pre-book a taxi home
  • Don't make yourself vulnerable by getting too drunk
  • Store an ICE (in case of emergency) number in your phone
Throughout the county extra police officers will be out on Friday and Saturday nights to make sure people are enjoying themselves responsibly and to assist quickly if any disorder does occur.

Police officers will be visiting some of the local colleges to hand out personal safety advice and attack alarms in an aim to encourage the students to think about their own safety.

People can also follow Cumbria Police on Facebook and Twitter where up to date safety advice and information will be shared.

Friday 23 November 2012

Thought for the Week

“The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt.” Bertrand Russell

Festive Fire Safety Tips

Cumbria Fire & Rescue Service would like to wish everybody a Merry Christmas but with Christmas just around the corner Cumbrians are being issued with a festive fire warning.

Statistics show the chances of dying in an accidental house fire increase by 50 per cent at Christmas as the use of candles increases, lights and decorations are on display and alcohol flows when people get into the festive spirit.

So to help people have a merry but safe Christmas, Cumbria County Council’s Fire and Rescue Service is issuing hints and tips for festive fire safety.

The top tips for keeping safe from fire this Christmas are as follows:
- Ensure you have a working smoke alarm installed on all levels of your home. Test your smoke alarms weekly and never remove batteries.
- Never leave cooking unattended and avoid cooking while under the influence of alcohol. The majority of fires start in the kitchen so this is a high risk area. Always turn off kitchen appliances when you have finished cooking.
- Never leave candles unattended. Keep decorations, cards and wrapping paper away from candles, fires, lights and heaters.
- Ensure you switch off Christmas tree and fairy lights and unplug them before you go to bed, or leave the house. Check your lights conform to the British Standard (BS EN 60598).
- Always use an RCD (residual current device) on outdoor electrical equipment (This safety device can save lives by instantly switching off the power if there is a fault and can be found in any DIY store).
- Don’t overload sockets – ensure only one plug per socket. Always turn off plugs when they are not in use, except those that are designed to be left on, like freezers.
- When dry, real Christmas trees can take less than a minute to completely involve a room in fire so it’s essential people with real trees ensure that they keep the tree in a suitable stand that can be kept topped up with water.
- Always use a fire guard on a real open fire to protect against flying sparks and hot embers. Also make sure embers are properly out before going to bed.
- Make sure cigarettes are extinguished properly and never smoke in bed. Put it out, right out.
- Check on older relatives and neighbours this Christmas to ensure their safety at this time of year.
- Ask the experts – Cumbria Fire and Rescue Service offer free home fire risk checks to identify potential fire risks and advise what to do to reduce or prevent them. This includes the free installation of a smoke alarm – the ideal gift for keeping your family safe
- And finally, in the event of fire - get out, stay out and call 999.

Cumbria’s Assistant Chief Fire Officer Adrian Buckle said “Christmas is one of the most enjoyable times of the year but it can turn to tragedy if potential fire hazards are ignored.

“While of course we don’t want to spoil anybody’s fun and we hope everybody has a fantastic Christmas and New Year, it’s important that people take a few basic precautions to keep themselves and their friends and families safe over the festive season.”

Cumbria Fire and Rescue Service operates a freephone number - 0800 358 4777 - which people can call to arrange a free home fire safety check and receive other useful safety information. Landlords who would like their properties checked can also call this number.

Thursday 22 November 2012

New Police and Crime Commissioner starts work today

The new Police and Crime Commissioner for Cumbria, Richard Rhodes has officially taken Office from today.

Mr Rhodes will be responsible for holding Cumbria Constabulary and the Chief Constable to account on behalf of the public.  As well as overseeing how crime is tackled in Cumbria and to make sure the police are providing a good service.

Mr Rhodes said “Today is the start of a new era and I am really honoured that the people of Cumbria have chosen me to represent them.

“There are some keys issues that I need to deal with in the next few weeks.  This includes a full update briefing on the active investigation by South Wales police into the suspension of Temporary Chief Constable Stuart Hyde and the setting of the Police budget for the next financial year.  The setting of the budget is challenging as the Constabulary is in the process of implementing significant budget cuts and we are waiting for the Government to announce the funding levels under the next round of the Comprehensive Spending Review.

“I am keen to start my three and half year work programme of delivering my manifesto promises.  I have a real opportunity as the first Commissioner to focus on prevention whilst the Chief Constable has the responsibility to enforce the law.  It will improve all our lives if interventions are put in place to stop the offending before it happens.  This is especially true for young offenders, victims and veterans.

“Anti-social behaviour makes lives in some of our communities miserable and it is essential that we deal with the small minority who blight our lives.  A key to tackling crime and anti-social behaviour is the ‘hotspot’ style of policing and I will be asking the Chief Constable to develop a robust operational policing strategy to deal with this issue.   

“I will be establishing the Office of Victim Support and the Office of Public Engagement by 31st March 2013.  It is essential that ‘you’ the people of Cumbria have a say in policing matters,  Information gathered will form an integral part of the Police and Crime Commissioners Crime Plan.

“Protecting victims of crime by making criminals pay is key.  Often crime doesn’t have only one victim and I want to use the proceeds of the Victim Surcharge to provide relief to the victims of crime.

“One of Cumbria’s strengths is the quality and quantity of partnership working and I want to engage with partners so that together we are building a strong criminal justice system for the benefit of the public. "By all working together we can make Cumbria an even safer to live."

Love Barrow at Christmas with a feast of festive entertainment hosted by Barrow Market

Experience the magic of Christmas and enjoy the ambience of the season as you shop in Barrow this Christmas. There will be a full programme of festive entertainment in the Indoor Market.

Saturday 1 December
1 pm KS Musicals

Wednesday 5 December
10 am Sacred Heart and St. Columba’s Schools

Friday 7 December            
2 pm North Walney Primary School

Saturday 8 December
10 am – 1 pm Islanders Dance Troup Entertain at Christmas
2 pm – 4 pm Dalton Town Band

Friday 14 December          
10 am Greengate Infants School
12.45 pm Greengate Junior School

Saturday 15 December
10 am South Furness Singers
Millom Amateur Dramatic Society
2.30 pm Messy Nativity with St. Mark’s Church

Mrs. Ann Taylforth, Town Centre and Festivals Manager commented “This year we have a lovely programme of entertainment in the run up to Christmas.  I am really grateful to local schools and other organisations which are joining with us to bring a festive ambience to the Market.”

Barrow Market will be open 7 days a week from 10 December to Christmas Eve, including Sundays 16 and 23 December. 

Wednesday 21 November 2012

Events this week at Signal Films

Thursday 22 November 7-8.30pm @ Signal Films, Cookes Studios, Abbey Rd, Barrow-in-Furness - £2 per person

Mike Stubbs is the Director of FACT Gallery in Liverpool and an internationally recognised artist who works mainly with moving image. Mike will be presenting his own work, talking about his career and fielding a Q+A session following the presentation. This is a great opportunity for people interested in arts and culture to share an evening with an exciting practicing artist who heads up a regional centre for the sector.

For more information about Mike and his work please click on these links:

Saturday 24 November 2-5pm @ Signal Films, Cookes Studios, Abbey Rd, Barrow-in-Furness - FREE

With Award-winning directors Col Spector + Nick Whitfield.
Nick Whitfield’s first feature film ‘Skeletons’ (2010) received a BAFTA nomination for ‘Outstanding Debut by a British Writer, Director or Producer’ and a Writers’ Guild of Britain nomination for ‘Best Film Screenplay’. The feature evolved out of short film he made in his neighbourhood of Matlock in Derbyshire, focusing heavily on improvising with actors.
“Ambitious and brightly original comedy” The Observer
“Whitfield is clearly a talent to watch” The Telegraph

See link for trailer

Col Spector started out documentaries, made an award-winning short starring a then-unknown Keira Knightly and was signed up to direct commercials for Ridley Scott's production company. His first low budget feature was writer/director, 'Something Else' (2006), drew comparisons from critics to Woody Allen's 'Manhattan', and his second feature 'honeymooner', shot on a budget of £48,000 in 17 days, premiered at the Edinburgh Festival in 2010 and has enjoyed widespread festival success. Col currently teaches directing at the London Film Academy and Central School.

And this link for his recent film

Reserve a place on either event via telephone on 01229 838592 or by email at

Monday 19 November 2012

Cumbrian webchat to tackle alcohol concerns and queries

Children and parents across Cumbria have the opportunity this week to ask anything about alcohol in an online webchat.

As part of alcohol awareness week (19-25 November) Cumbria Police and NHS Cumbria are taking part in the online webchat offering people the chance to ask any questions they want about alcohol; its effects, the law, what age people can drink alcohol from and how to watch out from being spiked.

The webchat hosted by Cumbria Constabulary will take place on Wednesday, 21st November from 10am until 12pm.

People are invited to visit where they can ask their questions online before or during the live chat. All questions will then be responded to during the live webchat.

Representatives taking part in the webchat include; Graham Cassells, North West Ambulance Service's Operations Manager for North Cumbria, Su Sear a Public Health Partnerships Specialist for NHS Cumbria, Cherilee Cornthwaite from Cumbria Trading Standards and Inspector Jon Sherlock from Cumbria Constabulary.

People should log on to  to participate on Wednesday, 21st November from 10am until 12pm.

Cumbria’s new Police and Crime Commissioner

Cumbria has its first Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) – Richard Rhodes.

The new PCC will be responsible for:
·        Meeting the public regularly to listen to their views on policing
·        Producing a police and crime plan setting out local policing priorities
·        Deciding how the budget will be spent
·        Appointing the Chief Constable and dismissing them if required

Cumbria’s Police and Crime Commissioner, Richard Rhodes said “I am delighted to be elected the first Police and Crime Commissioner for Cumbria.

“It is a real honour and privilege that the people of Cumbria have chosen me to represent their views in the future of policing in the county. I would like to thank everyone that has supported me through my campaign and all the people that have trusted me with their vote. Thank you.

“I have campaigned hard on the following key areas:
·        Establish an office of public engagement
·        Establish an office of victim support
·        Promote restorative justice
·        Promote a pan-Cumbria Vision
·        Establish an executive committee

Enforcement is the principal element in reducing crime but it isn’t the only one. Using my extensive experience of the criminal justice system, I will develop a range of interventions to support victims, reduce re-offending and ensure public safety to reinforce the activities of a high achieving Constabulary in Cumbria.”

“I look forward to getting out and about over the coming months to meet the people of Cumbria as you will play a vital role in influencing the future policing priorities and building on the many views that people kindly shared whilst I was campaigning.

“Having worked with the police in a number of partnerships I truly respect the hard work and dedication of our officers and staff and will value being able to work with them to make a better Cumbria. 

“Cumbria is very fortunate to have a high performing Constabulary and as Commissioner I will be looking to maintain and improve performance and ensure good value for money despite the challenging financial pressures.

“I look forward to working for the people of Cumbria and making the county an even better place to live.”

Thursday 15 November 2012

Thought for the Week

“Love is not some complex, mystical abstraction. It is something accessible and human that we learn through our everyday experience, as often at times of failure as in moments of ecstasy.” Leo F. Buscaglia

Reports to Crimestoppers are steadily rising in Cumbria

Monthly figures from Crimestoppers show that for the last two month over 70 people have reported crimes to them, with 418 reports being received since January 2012.

In October 2012, 58% of the reports received related to drug offences, with 8% relating to drink driving, 4% to theft, 5% weapons, 4% uninsured drivers.

Detective Superintendent Andrew Slattery said “The Crimestoppers charity is a valuable partner for Cumbria Constabulary in gathering intelligence from members of the public in all our communities. It is very good to see the number of local residents who have the confidence to pass information to us in this way.

“We take all reports seriously and after having evaluated the information and cross-referenced it with other policing sources we take positive action whenever possible. Last year alone 68 criminals were arrested as a direct result of Crimestoppers information.

“The figures produced by Crimestoppers illustrate the type of crime which impacts greatly on their lives with drugs trafficking clearly a major concern. The Constabulary treats drug dealing as a priority but the officers involved need information from the local residents to effectively combat this problem.

“I would encourage any local people to have information which they think will assist in policing Cumbria to contact Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 or on-line at Information can be given anonymously if you would prefer”

Gary Murray, the North West Regional Manager for Crimestoppers saidCrimestoppers are delighted that the number of pieces of information on crime that have been reported to us in the last year has risen significantly. We would urge the public to continue to support us in helping to make their communities safer by reporting crime and the criminals who carry to us anonymously.”

If you have any information which would assist policing in Cumbria, you can contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

To speak to an officer, please ring 101 or if a crime is in process ring 999 immediately.

Tuesday 13 November 2012

Four people sentenced for drug trafficking in Barrow

Four people have been sentenced today (13 November 2012) at Preston Crown Court to over 15 years for their involvement in drug trafficking in Barrow.

Police officers in the Southern Area Serious Organised Crime Unit launched Operation Sonata in February 2011 to investigate drug trafficking in Barrow.

The operation centred around two people, Tracy Wharton and Darren Knowles who both made regular made trips out of the county and into the Lancashire area in order to source heroin and on return, would sell to users in Barrow.

Following a lengthy investigation, Wharton and Knowles were arrested on 12th May 2011 and on arrest both were in possession of heroin.

The other two defendants, Zahir Baz and Shazaad Mahmood came to the attention of Cumbria Police after being stopped in a vehicle which was travelling on the A590 and stopped in Witherslack.

The vehicle was searched and two ounces of heroin was located and in subsequent searches of their properties, more heroin was found.  The estimated street value of the drugs recovered was £16,000

The link between all four defendants was established after a forensic examination of their mobile phones found evidence which showed that Baz was supplying heroin to Wharton and Knowles for distribution in Barrow.  After intensive investigation by the Southern Serious Organised Crime Unit the conspiracy became clear and the supply chain was stopped.

The following prison sentences were imposed:
Darren Knowles received five years 220 days
Tracy Wharton received two years six months
Zahir BAZ sentenced to six years
Shazaad Mahmood sentenced to 16 months

Detective Constable Jamie Eaton, who led the operation, said “This was an intensive investigation which resulted in one of the major supplies of heroin in Barrow being disrupted and removing a substantial amount of drugs from the streets.

“Wharton and Knowles played a pivotal role in the supply of Class A drugs from the Lancashire area into Cumbria. It is our aim to protect the public, quash the supply of drugs and target organised crime across the county.

“This sentence sends out a clear message that drug possession and supply is not tolerated by the police or community in Cumbria and that we will take positive action to bring criminals to justice.”

Monday 12 November 2012

Could you be Independent Custody Visitors?

Cumbria Police Authority is looking for Volunteers to join its Independent Custody Visiting Scheme.

Cumbria Police Authority is looking to recruit independent members of the community living within the Carlsile, Eden, Copeland and Allerdale areas.  Independent Custody Visitors, visit Custody Suites unannounced, always working in pairs, to check on the welfare of the people in police custody. This scheme aims to improve public confidence in the police and help the Police Authority to gain a clear insight, into the running of custody facilities within the county. 

Independent Custody Visitors must be impartial at all times. They don’t take sides, but look, listen and report on what they find.  Independent Custody Visitors are volunteers who receive no payment, though their expenses will be met. 

Anyone who is at least 18 years of age, and lives or works in Cumbria may apply.  However, anyone in the police service, such as police officers, special constables, police staff and members of the Police Authority are ineligible. 

Chief Executive, Stuart Edwards said “I would encourage anyone with an interest in policing or welfare matters to apply.  This role provides an unique insight into the working of the police service”

The closing date for the applications is Friday 30th November 2012.  Anyone requiring an application pack can

Visit our website -

Or contact: 
Cumbria Police Authority
Carleton Hall
CA10 2AU
Telephone 01768 217734

'Get Connected' - Child Poverty Challenge Fund

What’s the problem?
The number of children living in poverty in Central and Hindpool wards is 1,100

The percentage of children living in poverty in Central and Hindpool wards is 44.15%

How does this compare with the rest of Barrow and Cumbria?
The number of children living in poverty in Barrow is 3,340 – this means around one third of all children living in poverty in Barrow live in Central or Hindpool wards
The percentage of children living in poverty in Barrow as a whole is 21.7%.
The percentage of children living in poverty in Cumbria as a whole is 14.9%

What can you do to help address child poverty in Central and Hindpool?

The Neighbourhood Management team in Barrow are leading on a pilot project to address issues of child poverty across the Central and Hindpool wards of Barrow.

We currently have a steering group made up of representatives of various agencies and we’ve done some work to promote existing advice and support services which can help families who are suffering during these difficult times.

Now we want you to help too! What can your organisation do to help address child poverty issues in the Central and Hindpool wards?

We are offering up to £2,000, as a one-off grant, for any project your organisation can deliver which will address issues of child poverty across the target area. We’re interested in hearing from anyone who thinks they can make a difference … all we need from you is some basic information about your organisation, the kind of initiative you would run, what the measureable outcomes would be and a breakdown of your costs. You must be able to start your project straight away and we would need an interim report on progress against outcomes by 28 February 2013.

To find out more about the issue of child poverty in Barrow and Cumbria you can visit:

Cumbria Intelligence Observatory at, click on ‘Poverty and Deprivation’ in the left hand menu. This section also includes Cumbria County Council’s ‘Anti-Poverty Strategy 2011’ and their ‘Child Poverty Strategy 2011-2014’.

For a national perspective and further information you could also visit: - The Joseph Rowntree Foundation believe that poverty is damaging to individuals and to society and they are determined to reduce it. - Child Poverty Action Group is the leading national charity working to end poverty among children, young people and families in the UK. Their vision is of a society free of child poverty where all children can enjoy their childhoods and have fair chances in life to reach their full potential.

Closing date for applications is Friday 14 December 2012

You can download the application form here ...

Return application forms to Steve Robson, 242/244 Dalton Rd, Barrow in Furness, Cumbria LA14 1PN. For further information please call Steve on 01229 876546 or email 

FREE Bike Marking at Furness College

Due to the marked increase of reported thefts of pedal cycles in Barrow recently Cumbria Police are offering free cycle marking sessions at the front entrance of Furness College this week.

The times and dates of the sessions are as follows:
Tuesday 13th November 12noon-5pm
Wednesday 14th November 8:30am–1pm
Thursday 15th November 12noon–5pm
Friday 16th November 8:30am–1pm

These sessions are open to anyone and no appointment is necessary.

They will be using the Retainaguard System which involves attaching three tamper proof stickers to the cycle in prominent places and then treating these stickers with a clear solution which penetrates the frame to leave a unique code invisible to the naked eye.

The manufacturers state that this solution is safe to use on all frame types. This system acts as an excellent deterrent for would be thieves and of course helps us to identify a stolen bike should we recover it. The best deterrent of all is to invest and use a good quality bike lock.