
Thursday 28 May 2015

One day to go before Pearl Izumi Tour Series comes to Barrow

Excitement is building ahead of the arrival of the BAE Systems Barrow round five of the Pearl Izumi Tour Series on Friday 29 May.

The high-adrenaline bike race will transform the town as some of the world’s top professional cyclists battle it out on a street circuit.

The free event takes place at 7.30pm and will be preceded by a series of community cycling displays and races. Cllr David Southward, Cumbria County Council’s Cabinet member responsible for economic development, said:
“The Tour Series is back. Those who missed out last year can come and see what the fuss is about. The thousands who came can come again to soak up the atmosphere and see the spectacle of Barrow town centre turned into a professional cycling circuit, with a riot of logos, banners and lycra transforming the town’s streets into a kaleidoscope of colours. Last year people who have lived in the town all their lives said they’d never seen anything like it before. Don’t miss out this time!”

The event has been brought to the town by Cumbria County Council, alongside main sponsor BAE Systems.

Barrow Borough Council is helping to co-ordinate the event, alongside volunteer stewards from Barrow Rotary, Furness Rotary, Furness Peninsula Rotary, Submariners’ Association, BAE Systems, and other local volunteers. The event is also being stewarded by Barrow Rugby and Football Clubs.

Barrow Borough Council’s spokesperson for sport, Councillor Tony Callister, said:
"Once again Barrow has been chosen to host an important leg of the Pearl Izumi road race series and with that, brings huge excitement for the residents of Barrow and the surrounding area. During the day, a junior run and equity projects will take place with a further build up with top amateur club riders competing prior to the elite riders challenging for the honours of winning the BAE Systems Barrow leg of the Pearl Izumi national race tour. The influx of travelling fans and locals turning out to watch the professional cycle teams is fantastic for the area. It’s also an opportunity to highlight the beauty of our area. Here's to another brilliant race day."

Information for visitors:

Road closures on 29 May:
0700 First road closures come into force: Duke St (closed from Ramsden Square roundabout to Schneider Square roundabout) and Market St, Lawson Road and Cornwallis Street all closed to all traffic. Traffic arriving at Ramsden Square roundabout from Duke St will be diverted left up Abbey Road.
1300 Hindpool road closed (closed from John Whinnerah Roundabout next to Tesco to junction with Cornwallis St – access to retail parks including Tesco and Homebase will not be affected). Abbey Road closed from John Whinnerah Roundabout to Ramsden Square roundabout. No access on Abbey Rd southbound beyond the junction with Dalkeith St.
All roads will be reopened by 23:59.
Visitors should follow the yellow Tour Series parking signs from the A590. They will direct you to Barrow Borough Council's Dalton Road, Cavendish Street and Scott Street car parks, where the parking charge has been reduced to a single payment of £3 for all day parking after 12 noon.
In addition to these 3 car parks there are also 3 other town centre car parks (Whittaker Street, Fell Street and Emlyn Street) which will be operating as usual, offering in access of 500 spaces. Due to the various road closures the multi-storey car park above Portland Walk can be accessed from Slater Street, which will be a two way street for the day of the race. 
Information about car parking can be found on the Barrow Borough Council webpage -

Bus information:
There will be no services in both directions from the Police station /Mall stops all the way down to Coronation Gardens/ Dalton Road.  There will also be no service to Tesco stop on Hindpool Road.
There will be no temporary stops put out. Services will use stops which are already in use.
-Services 2 to West Shore, 3 To Newbarns, 4 to Tesco/Asda (Tesco stop on Cornmill Crossing), 5 to North Scale and 7 to Ireleth and Millom will all use the stop outside the Old Alfred Barrow School.
Services 3 to Ormsgill and 4 to Holbeck will use the stop opposite the old Alfred Barrow School near ther Albion Pub.
Services 1 to Walney and 6 from Ulverston will use the bus shelter on Michaelson Road opposite the Job Centre.
Services 1 to Furness General Hospital and the 6/X6 to Ulverston, Kendal and Windermere will use the shelter on Michaelson Road outside the Job Centre.
Services 1, 3 and 6/X6 Will be diverted along Rawlinson Street and Greengate Street.  There will be no stops on the diversion.
Schedule of events:
1300 Promo zone opens in Cornwallis Street
14:00 – 14:30 Barrow sports partnership: (Disabled children from Barrow and Ulverston special schools taking part in bicycle skills workshop and demonstration)
14:30 – 15:00 Youth running event  (Circuit running race organised by local running club Walney Wind Cheetahs. Under 11s and 11-16s).
15:00 - British Cycling Sky Ride (opportunity to ride the circuit)
15:30 – 16:00 30 minute window to let vehicles in and out of the circuit area
16:15 – 17:00 Furness Future Flyers Race - The first British Cycling Go-Ride cycling club in South Lakes plus other young racers (under 16s) from the region will be competing on the full race circuit. 17.10 – 18:00 Adult amateur race Lakes Road Club adult amateur race - 3rd & 4th category amateur cyclists compete in a race on the full race circuit for approximately 45 minutes.
18:15: Podium prize giving for amateur races
Riders Warming up on Circuit and Signing on the podium
Pearl Izumi Tour Series Round Six Start of Race
Race Finish
Podium Ceremony and Presentations
Event finishes and clear-up begins

Tuesday 26 May 2015

Thought for the Week

“Look into your own heart, discover what it is that gives you pain and then refuse, under any circumstance whatsoever, to inflict that pain on anybody else.” Karen Armstrong

Monday 18 May 2015

Buried treasure and an enchanted princess found in Barrow Archive

barrow library map drawing

The unique and irreplaceable documents in Barrow Archives and Local Studies Centre include some most unusual items, such as this drawing of the imaginary castle of Sir Thomas Skeltonne, complete with buried treasure, ogre, ghosts, dragon and enchanted princess. It was found by the archivist among the plans of Barrow Borough  Council Surveyors’ Department that are deposited there. Perhaps a clerk with time on his hands one day drew it for his child and hastily hid it when the boss walked in!
Why not pay the Centre’s friendly and helpful staff a visit and see what you can discover? It is easily accessible through Barrow Library and you can check out their online catalogue and opening hours here

New library scheme offers 2 hours of free internet access to all

Skip main menuBarrow Library Group has been chosen to pilot a project to give all library customers access to the public library computers free-of-charge for up to 2 hours.
Everyone who would like to use a library computer can do so. There is currently a charge of £2 per hour to use a computer, unless you are over 60, under 19, unemployed, disabled or a student - then a one hour session is free. The new pilot scheme means that everyone will be able to access a computer for free for up to 2 hours a day.

Councillor Ian Stewart, Cabinet Member for Public Health and Community Services, has championed this project. He said “Internet access opens up a whole world of opportunities, enabling more people to access education and training online. Access to the internet literally connects us to the world. “

“Currently only one free hour of computer access is available to some concessionary groups, yet there are many reasons why someone would need to use a computer for longer than one hour, for example job searchers are expected to search for more than one hour per day and may need to visit twice on one day to check emails, and universal credit applications can take up to 2 hours to complete. If the pilot is a success and enough people make use of the free service, then it could be rolled out to other libraries in Cumbria”.

The pilot started on Wednesday 13th May and will run initially for 3 months.  The pilot will run in Barrow-in-Furness Library, Roose Library, Dalton-in-Furness Library, Askam Library and Walney Library. If you would like to use the service, ask a member of the library staff.

Tuesday 12 May 2015

Thought for the Week

“If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” African proverb

Monday 11 May 2015

Subsidised rider course on offer to Cumbrian motorcyclists

Police and partner agencies are working together to provide a subsidised motorcycle course to Cumbrian riders in order to reduce the number of collisions involving motorcyclists in the county.

The Cumbria Road Safety Partnership have offered to subsidise motorcyclists who attend and complete the DVSA Enhanced Rider Scheme.

The subsidised scheme is available to everyone who has a full ‘Category A’ motorcycle licence who is a resident of Cumbria. There are a number of different training providers who are linked into the scheme. To apply for the subsidised scheme, speak to your preferred training provider and complete the course. The training provider will link back into the Cumbria Road Safety Partnership and obtain the rest of the funding. The Enhanced Rider Scheme is a one day training session which will assess and improve your skills.

Superintendent Matt Kennerley, from the Operational Support Unit, said: “Cumbria offers motorcyclists with some of the best scenic routes in the UK and is popular with bikers from other parts of the country as well those who live in the county. We want motorcyclists to enjoy these routes safely and to avoid fatal consequences.

“I would encourage as many as people as possible to take advantage of the subsidised rider course in order to improve their skill and competence. Motorcyclists remain extremely vulnerable road users and it is vital that riders build on their skills and experience in order to deal with the challenges they face. 

Chris Broadbent, from the Cumbria Road Safety Partnership, said: “The Cumbria Road Safety Partnership works throughout the year in order to reduce road casualties amongst all road user groups. We hope that motorcyclists take up this offer to improve their skills and to help ensure their safety whilst out on their bikes.” 

John Forrester from Eden Pro Rider Training, one of the training providers signed up to the scheme, said: “Road safety should be at the forefront of all motorists minds, especially motorcyclists. This DVSA Enhanced Rider Scheme is similar to the Pass Plus scheme for cars however it is not just aimed at those who have passed their motorcycling test, the scheme is great for those who are returning to riding after a break or are upgrading to a more powerful motorcycle.

“The training will stress to the rider the dangers presented on the road and the importance of being in control of your vehicle. The development in motorcycles means that bikes are much more powerful and are capable of greater speeds. This can cause serious danger to a rider who is not competent on such bikes. 

“At Eden Pro Rider Training a rider will receive live training, whilst in contact with an instructor via a radio, enabling the training to simulate real life situations.” 

Police and Crime Commissioner, Richard Rhodes said:“This sounds like a great initiative, and I would urge motorcyclists to take advantage of the scheme.  All too often we hear of accidents involving motorcyclists on our roads, unfortunately some fatal, so anything that can be done to improve road safety is to be welcomed.” 

Those applying for the DVSA Enhanced Rider Scheme through the subsidised scheme will have £100 taken off the price courtesy of the Cumbria Road Safety Partnership.

Following successfully completing the course, a rider will be presented with a certificate which could reduce motorcycle insurance.

Cumbria motorcyclists can benefit also from signing up to the BikeSafe scheme, which is a national police-led motorcycle project run by most forces across the country. For further information go to to register interest.

For more information on the subsidised rider scheme and to find your local training providers please visit the ‘For Motorcyclists’ page on the Cumbria Road Safety Partnership website at