
Wednesday 30 September 2015

Thought for the Week

“The task of leadership is not to put greatness into humanity, but to elicit it, for the greatness is already there.” John Buchan

Wednesday 23 September 2015

Police send warning message to those who risk lives by using phones whilst driving

Police are launching an operation that is sending a warning message to those who risk lives by using their mobile phone whilst driving.

The operation, which runs from 24th September until 30th September, will see officers run checkpoints on roads across the county in order to deter motorists distracting themselves by using their phones and not paying full attention to the road.

The use of mobile phones whilst driving has been identified as one of four key contributors to fatal road traffic collisions that occur in Cumbria and this operation will aim to target this behaviour through education and enforcement.

Chief Inspector Terry Bathgate, Cumbria Police Operational Support Unit, said “Over the years, we have conducted numerous campaigns targeting those who risk people’s lives by using their mobile phones whilst at the wheel and still we see drivers in this county doing this. During this campaign officers will be looking to enforce the law where necessary to deter further people from doing this."

“Road traffic collisions can have tragic consequences on those involved and those who are close to them. What can only increase that pain is knowing that the collision could have been avoided had the driver been paying full attention to the road. It only takes a slight loss of concentration to cause a collision in which lives could be lost. A split-second decision to check a message can impact you for the rest of your life. Simply put don’t do it, don’t risk lives, no message or call is worth a serious injury or fatal road traffic collision."

“We fully understand that some people are very busy and may need to take and make calls whilst on the go. Our advice to those who require this facility is to purchase and use in-car Bluetooth technology. It may be a small expense but one that does not compare to that of a person’s life. It is important to note that whilst using hands-free technology is much safer, it still can be distracting and the best advice is to only use a phone when safe and legal to do so."

“Safer drivers save lives and our message could not be more clear; do not risk lives by using a mobile phone whilst driving.”

Police & Crime Commissioner Richard Rhodes said “I fully support this campaign, and urge drivers to follow this is simple but effective advice that could prevent a road traffic accident and potentially save lives, not just of drivers but other innocent road users too.”

Thought for the Week

“Most people think that Darwin had this idea of survival of the fittest and that it’s really the most ruthless and bloodthirsty who really thrive and survive. That is not Darwin’s view of human evolution at all. He really felt that sympathy is the strongest instinct that humans have.”  
Dacher Keltner, University of California at Berkeley

Furness Listening Event and 'Maternity Matters'

The next Furness Listening Event is due to take place at
12:30pm on Friday 25th September 2015 at Barrow Town Hall, Duke St, Barrow LA14 2LD.

There will be an opportunity to talk about issues relating to health in the Furness area this week.
It’s being held straight after the ‘Maternity Matters’ session due to be held in the Town Hall from 9:30am – 1:30pm on the same day.

It will give people there the chance to talk about other aspects of healthcare with some local clinicians on hand to listen to any comments, queries or concerns that members of the public might raise.

The previous Furness Listening Event in June focused on communication – and saw issues raised around the way departments and organisations communicate with one another, and the way colleagues introduce themselves to patients and their families.

Arabella Onslow, Deputy Lead GP for NHS Cumbria Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) Furness said “The listening event team is delighted to support UHMBT at their maternity matters event which will inform the public about how maternity services are moving on following the Kirkup enquiry. Working with our partners and the public is essential for joined up effective health care services. However, we are committed to providing listening space to ensure people have the opportunity to talk to us about their health, care and wellbeing which will take place over lunch for one hour from 12.30pm-13.30pm. Drop in & talk to us, we are here to listen.”

Friday 18 September 2015

Thought for the Week

“Ultimately, the secret of quality is love … if you have love, you can then work backward to monitor and improve the system.” Avedis Donabedian