
What you say about us ...

“Thanks … for all your support.  We wish you well at your new address.” A Mills, Barrow Foodbank

“Thanks for all your help and support as a voucher holder. Good luck with the move.” C Lim, Barrow Foodbank

“I'd like to thank you and your Team for all the help you have given me and my husband over the years regarding the problems in our own small area … diligent and efficient in problem solving as you and your Team … Thanks for all your sterling work and continued help.” Town Centre resident

“I would like to thank Steve, Rebecca and all the lovely staff, who provided so much warmth, help and support for so many groups and individuals over the years, myself included in that. You have been so kind in helping bring so many community events to Furness. I for one will miss being able to promote these positive opportunities without your valuable assistance. All the very best to you all.” S Turner

“Good spot by you, don't want another school on fire!  Thanks for the info.” M Roach, Cumbria Fire and Rescue Service, March 2015

“Thanks for displaying our poster on your Facebook page. We’ve just signed up a new volunteer for the carer sitting service who contacted us after seeing your Facebook listing.” M Cassells, Furness Carers, February 2015

“An amazing team, amazing place to work. Great people to work with, gonna miss the craic.” PCSO Sullivan, March 2015

“Thank YOU you fantastic people, for so much support - & many laughs!” C Smith, March 2015

"Thank you very much for you invaluable assistance, your cheerful help made the task so much easier for everyone concerned. Your help was so greatly appreciated.” D Craig (Centre Manager at Abbeyfield), March 2015

“Thanks for all the help Steve, brilliant as ever!” R Exley, Cumbria Fire and Rescue Service, March 2015

“I just wanted to say that I have enjoyed working with you and your colleagues since I joined ASDAN and have always been impressed with the work done in Barrow to engage and inspire young people.” Karen Hudspith, ASDAN

“Just to say a big thank you to you and your Team for (once again) ensuring our backstreet is clear of household rubbish fly-tipped. Anyway, thanks ever so much!!!” Mount Pleasant resident

“Just a note to say thank you, you and your team were always a pleasure to work with.” Thomasina McNaughton (Former Team Leader at The Workshop)

"I would like to offer my thanks for your help and support with the 'Junior PCSO' scheme." PCSO Brockbank, May 2014

“Just a quick note to thank you and your team for your efforts on our behalf regarding the non-sweeping of our backstreet.” Mount Pleasant resident, 2014

“Thank you for all your help for the event, it was a really good morning …” W Kolbe, St Matthews Community Halls, April 2014

“Thanks for the loan of Phil and Paul this week - they were such a good help and they fit in to our school way of doing things so well!” Paula Hillman, Deputy Head Greengate Jnrs,  June 2014

“We had a really successful day at Green Heart Den yesterday and the families really appreciated all the lovely art materials.” Trina Robson, Love Barrow families, August 2014

“Many thanks for your continued support with Greengate kids.” Paula Hillman, Deputy head Greengate Juniors, July 2014

“I would like to personally thank you for the donations ... They are a massive help and really appreciated.” Davinda, Newton School, Sept 2014

“Thank you so very much. They are a huge help and we really appreciate them.” Greengate Juniors, Sept 2014

“Thank you for the generous gift ... You can be assured that these will be used for those children most in need at our school and will be very much appreciated. You have quite clearly identified a need in our local community.” Z J Lines, Acting Head, South Walney School, Sept 2014

‘These events are great … parents registered with us and will be attending our Christmas activities.’ Hindpool Children's Centre, 2013

“Big thanks for yesterday, on the whole I think it went well and one parent has already said she got a lot from it!” Sue Jackson, Headteacher, Greengate Junior School, 2013

“… within minutes of putting the phone down he rang back to say he had sorted it for me. While on the phone to me one of his crew was down assessing it, he’s also arranged recycling boxes etc for us to be delivered today, something we have been waiting for. Many thanks.” Buccleuch Court resident, 2013

“Thank You, Steve. Your help is much appreciated.” Susan, Bus Users UK, 2013

“… the work of the Neighbourhood Management Team whose staff I have always held in the highest esteem for a number of years – no ‘hot air’, just practical solutions to problems.” Mount Pleasant resident, 2013

“I am writing to thank you both for all of your time spent hosting our visit today. We both came away inspired by what you have achieved with the site and how it is used to benefit local residents and community groups. It is clearly a very successful project that is involving so many different individuals and community groups in so many different ways.” Gordon Henry, Your Housing Group

“I suppose we've all been spoiled with the formation of the Neighbourhood Management Team and the high level of service we've come to expect from all your Team.” Central resident

“Thanks for all that you have done for R the last two years. He has really enjoyed being a Junior Warden.” D Moser (parent)

“Thanks a million Paul, Phil, Rebecca and Andy.” R Moser (Junior Warden)

“Thanks for a great evening. It was really great to see E get her awards along with the rest of the group.” M Crawford (parent)

“Just to say that Jo and I both enjoyed the awards ceremony last night. We thought that the film was excellent.” Neil, National Trust

“You should be proud yourself, what a vibrant group!” Insp M O’Hagan

“I just wanted to congratulate everyone involved in putting together the Junior Wardens film and presentation evening. As usual your humour and good musical taste, together with star appearances from the young people (and your staff) made it a fantastic evening.” Kerry, Inspira

“Thanks for your help Andy - much appreciated. Have a lovely Christmas.” Mount Pleasant residents

“I really enjoyed yesterday's event, there was a lovely atmosphere!” Sarah, Inspira

“Many thanks once again. The TV and car-tyre I spoke of disappeared yesterday afternoon - I guess I have your Wardens to thank for that. Today both chairs have been removed too - BIG thanks and much appreciation to you and your team.”  Central resident

“That is because you are indeed COMPLETELY SPLENDID thank you!" Furness Sharkstoppers, March 2013

“I just wanted to thank you for all your help and support over the past weeks.” Furness Sharkstoppers, March 2013

“Thank you for everything, room, patience and accommodating us generally.” New Roots, April 2013

“Thanks for the super newsletter. What a great way to find out all the events and activities that are going on in Barrow.” Katy McCormick, Art Gene

“On behalf of the residents, staff, committee and friends of Abbeyfield House our sincere thanks for the lovely Carol Concert you arranged with St James’ School choir, this was wonderful and enjoyed and appreciated by everyone. Thank you for arranging events involving the younger generation and linking young and old together, all your help over 2012 with gardening, visits to Marsh Street community garden, in house local video showings and help with anti-vandal deterrents … and hope you will be able to carry on your good work for our residents in the coming year.” D Craig, Abbeyfield

“Thanks for all your support and help in the past year.” Karen Dobson, MIND

“I had a great night, thank you for the invite and just wonderful to see the enthusiasm your team inspire in the young people.” Karen Hudsptih ASDAN Regional Co-ordinator

“Done it again … another easy to read, informative and interesting newsletter. Thanks for all the hard work.” M Arts, Sept 2012

“To Andy, and other members of the Neighbourhood Management team, thank you for putting up with me this summer, I have really enjoyed myself, working with the Junior Wardens and participating in a wide range of activities … hopefully in the future, if you need a hand with some activities, I would be more than happy to come along.” James M (volunteer) Sept 2012

"Thanks for sorting bin problem at Nelson St." M Cassells

"I wish to thank you and your employees for making our students' Work Experience so enjoyable over the last few weeks." T Eales, Furness Academy, July 2012

“Thank you for giving me the opportunity to do work experience with you.” Furness Academy student July 2012

“Just to say thank you … our residents greatly appreciate the effort and time you and the children put into keeping our patio bright.” D Craig, Secretary, Abbeyfield Society

“Thank you very much for all your work to get us organised for the litter pick last night, as part of the Rotary 'Big Clean' project.” A Fryer, Community and Vocational Chair, Rotary Club of Furness Peninsula 2012

“Rebecca who took my call was very professional and understanding, she handled my concerns very, very well. It was a pleasure to talk to her, as it always is to talk to you and the staff at your office!” S Wallwork

“This is Hindpool Community Centre I would just like to thank you for the advertising you have done for me.” J English

“Thanks very much for removing the graffiti yesterday. I went to update Emily and her mum yesterday and they wanted me to pass on their thanks.” PCSO Thomas

“We are very grateful to the Neighbourhood (Management) Team, who have extended their hospitality to us and are supporting our work in Cumbria.” Tutu Foundation

“Thanks again for a really well put together newsletter.” M Arts

“I hope you'll remember how appreciated you and the team you work with are.” Margie Arts

“I would like to say a big thank you for your donation towards this (Jubilee) event.” M Burton, Vulcan and BrathayTenants and Residents

“Virtually all of those interviewed praised the work of the Neighbourhood Management Team in promoting and enabling community regeneration. The team were able to utilise their local knowledge to pool their experience and expertise that already existed in the community, and through consultation and the creation of an inclusive and co-operative ethos, they enabled what one steering group member described as ‘bottom up ideas to arise from the community’. These ideas were then channelled by the team into the programme.” Lancaster University final evaluation of our Inspiring Communities programme

“Thanks for everything and all your help with our group and the garden, we couldn’t do it without your help and time.” J Cox, TASC Group and community

“The Junior Wardens…are a great example of the whole ethos for the John Muir Award – taking responsibility for their environment in a spirit of fun and adventure, and they, and their leaders, have been a delight to support. The leaders… (have) used the Award to celebrate the achievements of the young people…(which) has advanced the thinking of the leaders as well.” Regional Manager, John Muir Awards

“Thank you for all your support and donation of £50 pounds towards our fun day that went very well and raised £500 which will go back into the community.” M Burton, Vulcan and Brathay Residents Association

“Thank you very much for bringing the St James’ School Choir and the visit you arranged to Green Heart Den. We greatly appreciate the time and interest you and your colleagues extend to Millennium House.” D Craig, Secretary, Abbeyfield Society

“Thank you for taking year 5 to meet the Mayor. I found it very interesting because I didn’t know much about the Town Hall. I really thought the debate was fun and you all were kind.” Barrow Island school pupil

“Many thanks again for clearing mess on Manchester/Emlyn backstreet.” M Cassells

“Thanks for all your help with the Strawberry Tea. The residents really enjoyed it and said how hard you all worked.” Staff and residents at Abbeyfield Society

“Thank you very much for all your help cleaning the back street.” D Rawley, resident

“Joseph has had a great day - thanks. Its really good these activities are available.” W Chubb, parent

"Thank you for giving up your time to help us, it’s much appreciated and you have given us a lot to think about.” Team 17 and 18 National Citizen Service 2011, Connexions

“Cumbria also uses neighbourhood management principles as part of its level 1 partnership approach. For example, the Barrow Neighbourhood Management Office is a partnership of the fire and rescue service, police, county and district councils, and voluntary services. The one-stop shop reduces demand on police services and achieves savings.” p3 Sustaining value for money in the police service. Developing transformational efficiency in Cumbria – a case study in Valuing the Police; policing in an age of austerity, Audit Commission/HMIC 2010.

“With many thanks for your support and involvement with St Georges Primary School. We hope to continue to work together …” E Kent (Headteacher) and team

“Thank you all so much for all your help. You are all so much appreciated.” Rawlinson St resident

“Good to see Council staff out checking rubbish in backstreets. Had visit at work re: rubbish that got loose, keep it up.” M Cassells, resident

“For all your prompt and efficient help and kindness – sincere thanks and appreciation. Quite wonderful!” Sutherland St resident

“Thanks for all your help with my TV.” Hawke St resident

“You were right in that as of yesterday my backstreet is looking much clearer of rubbish, and much cleaner.  Please pass on my thanks to yourself and your Team. Thanks for all your assistance and your time.” Mount Pleasant resident

“The Wardens have assisted us greatly in walking bus, talks and activities. The children enjoy seeing familiar faces and often let us know that the wardens have been spotted around the area. Many thanks.” C Hagan, Brisbane Park Infants

“The fly-tipped items have now been removed in a large white van about half an hour ago. My husband also tells me there was a Warden in our backstreet, just as you promised. Thank you for getting onto this as quickly as you did, and please pass my gratitude and thanks on to your Team and the Wardens.” Mount Pleasant resident

“I have seen a big improvement in the dog fouling situation in the town center. Your team have obviously been hard at work convincing dog owners to dispose of there dog fouling in a responsible manner. Some people from your team visited my house this week, asking if we had any dogs, educating people into the consequences of there actions. I thank you and your team” Clifford St resident

“Many thanks for your speedy, responsible and professional response.” Rawlinson St resident

"Neighbourhood Wardens are a key part of how we deliver Neighbourhood Management as a partnership." Insp Dave Bosson, 2009

"The Neighbourhood Wardens are an asset to the community in Barrow. Their friendly face to face contact ... knowledge and awareness ... a sound reputation for reliability." Dave Coverdale, Locality Manager Cumbria Fire and Rescue Service, 2009

"Before the Wardens were introduced many problems, particularly the smaller ones concerning local residents were overlooked and left to continue.. Many of these are now resolved. They are the friendly face of public services." Central resident, 2009

"For years many people have had to address their problems to departments that, at times, have made them feel like they are just put on list that will be dealt with sometime if they are lucky. The Wardens have changed all that, being able to talk to someone face to face, and knowing that they can solve your problem. They will, there and then, nothing's too much trouble." Hindpool resident, 2009

"Not only have they enriched the community but they have given so much to our school." Angela Rawlinson, Head of St James', 2009