
Monday 19 October 2009

'Share a Smile' - Love Barrow

How does the saying go, ‘smile and the world smiles with you’? Well some agencies working in Barrow would like your help to put this to the test.

Workers from Barrow Borough Council and Cumbria Constabulary are working together on a project to record the smiling faces of local people. The ‘One Thousand Smiling Faces’ project will also involve local photographers, and father and daughter team, Steve and Rosie Hillman who have volunteered as official photographers for the scheme.

The original idea came after a local police officer, Inspector Geoff Steele, visited the US city of Chicago recently and saw a piece of public art depicting a sequence of smiling faces of Chicago residents.

Inspector Steele said “It just struck me as a really good idea and something we could easily copy in Barrow. Ours might not be as flashy as the Chicago version, but it’s worthwhile doing just the same. A smile’s a really simple way of showing how happy we are with where we live – and it’s a simple way of communicating with one another in a positive way. You never know this might encourage us all to do more of it.”

The team will be collecting photos of smiling faces over the coming weeks and it’s open to anyone who wants to take part. Collecting the smiling faces will kick off at the Market Hall entrance on Portland Walk between 10am and 2pm on Wednesday 21st of October. All people have to do is give permission for their photos to be used and then strike a pose.

The team intend to use the photographs of smiling faces on video screens, large scale projections and posters to promote the positive side of living in the town and to reinforce the Love Barrow message. One of the team behind the project, Rebecca Rawlings, said “As soon as Geoff told me about it I thought it was a great idea. The idea of giving the gift of a smile to show you Love Barrow is so simple yet really effective. We all know how lucky we are to live where we do and this is a nice way for us all to share in reminding ourselves of that.”

Supposedly it takes fewer muscles to smile than to frown so there’s no excuse for not getting involved and the team will also be visiting local schools, businesses and community groups. If you’re interested in them visiting your group or business then you can contact them through the Central and Hindpool Neighbourhood Management Team, 242/244 Dalton Rd, or by ringing 01229 876546.

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