
Monday 7 December 2009

Community campaign to reduce burglary in Central/Salthouse

Cumbria Constabulary has launched a large community campaign to reduce burglary in Barrow this Christmas.

Officers from Barrow police have teamed up with partner agencies and the Barrow Crime and Reduction Partnership (CDRP) to launch the ‘Don’t give burglars a gift this Christmas’ campaign, designed to raise awareness of burglary and the steps to take to protect homes and Christmas presents this December.

One week into the month long multi-agency campaign (which began on Tuesday 1 December), police are gearing up for a three day ‘mega’ Streetsafe operation on 8th, 9th and 10th December which will be the largest event of its kind ever seen in Cumbria. Over the three day event, over fifty police officers and many other group representatives will offer crime prevention and offer free assessments on existing home security to over 1,500 homes in Barrow.

The focus will be on Salthouse, Barrow, after police revealed that it is the neighbourhood that is most commonly burgled in the town. 75 burglaries were reported to officers over a three year period from January 2006 - October 2009, which is markedly higher than other neighbourhoods in Barrow. Of the 75 burglaries reported to police, approximately 50 per cent occurred at insecure premises.

Over the course of the Streetsafe events, the group will be offering a combination of advice on crime prevention, property security marking, fire safety, free smoke detector fittings, graffiti removal, and offering specialist advice on health and community participation.

Amongst the Home Protection Pack of information that officers will be distributing to residents, a Home Office life-size leaflet in the shape of a hand and forearm will be posted through letterboxes, urging residents to keep their valuables ‘out of the reach of burglars’.

Detective Inspector Dave Banks who is leading the initiative said: “This campaign has been launched in response to a very local problem as almost 60 per cent of burglaries reported to police in South Cumbria occur at insecure premises.

“Burglary is a top local priority and one that we can only tackle together, as a community. Local agencies that are involved in the operation have come together to raise awareness amongst residents and encourage them to work alongside their local policing teams to tackle the issue and reduce burglaries in their neighbourhoods.

“We want to make our communities safer, stronger and confident that we are doing all we can to reduce burglary in the lead up to Christmas. We are providing residents with the tools and advice they need to keep their homes secure as well as increasing the numbers of high visibility officers on the streets as part of our policing pledge.

“During the three day Streetsafe event, experts from local agencies aim to visit over 1500 homes in the Salthouse area to give out advice on how to enjoy a safe and happy Christmas.”

For more information on home security, please contact a member of your local policing team on 0845 33 00 247.

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