
Thursday 24 December 2009

All the very best ...

Photo of Green Heart Den courtesy of Graham Bromley

Merry Xmas to you all and hope you have a great 2010. We're looking forward to an even safer, cleaner and stronger Central and Hindpool for 2010.

Thanks to everyone who's worked with us over the last 12 months and we look forward to more of the same, and better, next year.

Thanks to all the residents of Central and Hindpool who work with us, support us and join in our activities - without you we wouldn't be half as successful.

Enjoy your Xmas and New Year, keep safe, take care and have a great time.

Wednesday 23 December 2009

Thought for the week ...

"All that is needed for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing."

Edmund Burke

Friday 18 December 2009

Stall in Barrow Market ...

The stall went really well in Barrow Market today with lots of visitors picking up leaflets, free dog fouling bags, UV pens etc.

Lots of people also donated to the charity we were collecting for, Furness Homeless Support Group, which was really great.

The people of Barrow were very generous, including a couple of £10 donations, and in a few hours we raised £105.50.

Thanks very much for all your contributions, it was nice for us to meet lots of people and have a chat.

Thursday 17 December 2009

Come and see us in Barrow Market tomorrow

Visit us at our stall in Barrow Market tomorrow (Friday 18th) between 11am and 3pm.

We'll have lots of freebies - UV pens, dog fouling bags, Stubbies, leaflets and kids activity books. We've also got a wide range of stuff like frisbies, coloured pencils, cups, skipping ropes, pens etc etc which we're giving away for donations to Furness Homeless Shelter ... come and see us!

Share a Smile ...

See the first in the series of smiling faces here

Child safety online

The UK Council for Child Internet Safety brings together over 140 organisations and individuals to help children and young people stay safe on the internet and is made up of companies, government departments, law enforcement, charities, parenting groups, academic experts and others.
The strategy sets out what the UK Council for Child Internet Safety have done so far to keep children safe online; their commitments to parents, children and young people and the things they are planning to do to make them happen; and how you will know whether they are succeeding in making children and young people safer.
The strategy focuses on the next year, and this work starts with the launch of the Digital Code, which will be the basis of a public awareness campaign. Making children safer on the internet needs a long term partnership so the UK Council for Child Internet Safety will regularly measure progress over the next year and at the Second Child Internet Safety Summit in a year’s time they will look at this strategy to see how far they have come and what needs to be done in future years.
Read the strategy here.

Violent crime down by over 50% in Barrow town centre

A policing Operation in South Cumbria has been hailed a success after levels of violence in Barrow licensed premises dropped by over 50 per cent.

Operation Siskin was launched twelve months ago to target alcohol-related violence and disorder after community consultation identified alcohol-related issues as a top priority. Between April and November this year, violence in licensed premises in Barrow town centre has dropped by 51.9 per cent, assaults with injury have fallen by 11.5 per cent and overall violent crime in the area has reduced by 5.4 per cent compared to the same period last year.

This success is due to a range of initiatives by officers and partners in South Cumbria to tackle excessive alcohol consumption, underage sales and reduce alcohol-related offences such as the ‘Challenge 21’ campaign, UV torches to identify counterfeit ID and bar staff training. Licensed premises have also worked very closely with police to tackle local issues and improve the safety of the public.

Barrow Sergeant Ian McClymont said: “We have been working solidly all year round to address the community’s concerns about alcohol-related violence and disorder as part of our policing pledge, and I’m pleased to see that our efforts, with the support of partners, licensed premises and the community has started to pay off.

“Our efforts will continue right through the festive period so that people can be confident that they can enjoy themselves safely, without being subjected to fear, violence or aggravation.

“We want to build upon the success so far and will continue our vigilance with increased numbers of high visibility officers on the look out for potential troublemakers to diffuse incidents that could escalate into violence.

“Barrow is a great place for a night out and the majority of revellers are law abiding people who enjoy a safe and crime-free evening. However, there is a small minority of troublemakers who tend to consume too much alcohol and spoil evenings for others.

“We will be patrolling hotspot areas around the town centre and will be on hand to reassure the community and take early action to prevent violence and disorder.”

In July this year, police introduced Section 27 notices which are used under the Violent Crime Reduction Act 2006 to remove potentially violent and disorderly individuals from the town centre. Officers will be utilising this power throughout the holiday season to remove potential offenders from the area.

Sgt McClymont continues: "Since the introduction of Section 27 notices in Barrow, over 200 people have been issued with a notice to leave the town centre for up to 48 hours. These have been very successful with the majority of people accepting the order, taking the opportunity to reflect on their actions - and those who have ignored police instructions have faced arrest and court proceedings.

“Over the last 18 months, police and partner agencies in the licensing trade, environmental health and fire service, have been working together to make the pubs and clubs a safer place for people to socialise.

“We want people enjoy themselves in the true spirit of the season and have a safe, healthy and violence-free Christmas.”


5.4 per cent overall reduction across Barrow town centre, Hindpool and Barrow Island from April – November 2008/9 to April-Nov 2009/10 (financial year to date). Incidents have dropped from 569 (April – Nov 2008/2009) to 538 (April – November 2009/2010)

11.5 per cent reduction in assaults with injury from April – November 2008/9 to April-Nov 2009/10 (financial year to date). 269 reported incidents reduced to 238.

51.9 per cent reduction from April – November 2008/9 to April-Nov 2009/10 (financial year to date). 106 incidents were reduced to 51

Wednesday 16 December 2009

Our community challenge

A challenge for us all in the quest to improve our communities...This year, people in Cumbria will send around 8.3million Christmas cards. While we're now recycling more than ever before, many of these will still end up in Cumbria's landfill sites, and when you take into account the energy required to produce these cards, distribute them to shops and post them to family and friends.....they can leave quite the carbon footprint.
Cumbria County Council, through the Resource Cumbria waste partnership, is encouraging Cumbrians to reduce the amount of Christmas cards they need by sending their festive greeting with an e-card. E-cards are just like standard Christmas cards, only electronic; they're quick, easy, great for Cumbria and completely free of charge. All you have to do is visit and select the card you like, type in your personal message and the recipient's email address and click send.
The challenge is for each of us to replace at least one of our standard Christmas cards with an e-card. And with so many of 'us' that's already quite a big difference. Imagine if we all replaced two or three! Will you take up the challenge? If you would like any information on recycling and you live in the Borough of Barrow-in-Furness please get in touch with: Peter Buckley, Recycling Officer, Streetcare Dept. Barrow Borough Council, Town Hall, Duke Street, Barrow-in-Furness, CUMBRIA LA14 2UD. Tel: 876330 Mob: 07843 471414 E-mail:

Share a Smile

Every wondered how you could improve the place in which you live....for free...!!Well here is the answer....
A group of people, including volunteers from the community, the Community Press, local police officers, Central and Hindpool Neighbourhood Management and Barrow Crime and Disorder Reduction Parntership, have come together to share the smiles of fellow residents of Barrow. Our initial goal was to take pictures of 1,000 smiling faces of people who live and work in our town and display them on 'the Eye'. The 'Eye' is a very large projector that sits in the police station and projects an image approximately 40ft by 40ft on to the Furness House building opposite. You've probably seen it!
Now we want to capture the smile of every person, community group, group of colleagues, group of friends, and any other group you can think of! Do you fancy having your face on there?! Well now you can ... log on to our Share a Smile blog to see what's happening and keep up to date with the project as it develops. On there we ask everyone to send us a picture of themselves - smiling obviously - which we will put on to a slide show and feature on that blog.
Additionaly as many as possible will be shown on 'the Eye'. Some of the best will be chosen to feature in our local Community Press which is distributed for free to residents of local areas of Barrow. Copies of the papers can also be obtained form the Central and Hindpool Neighbourhood Management office on Dalton Road in Barrow (opposite Connexions). You can view the latest editions at
So...get smiling...get snapping...and e-mail your photos to us: Rebecca at: at:

Monday 14 December 2009

Safer, Stronger Community meeting - Central East

Great turnout from residents and partners at tonight's Safer, Stronger Community meeting at our Dalton Rd office.
Thanks very much to all who came along and thanks for showing how much you care about your neighbourhood and also for all the work you're putting in to make it a safe, clean and strong place to live and work.
Without all the active citizens working together with us we'd achieve nothing - working together we can go only go from strength to strength.

Xmas shoppers urged to stay safe online

Fresh from an International cybercrime conference held in Romania last month, Cumbria’s Deputy Chief Constable is urging Christmas shoppers to stay safe as they log on to the internet for last minute bargains.

Deputy Chief Constable Stuart Hyde who is one of the UK’s leading lights in cybercrime, recently attended a conference to discuss the latest developments in online crime. Now back on Cumbrian soil, he is encouraging shoppers to be aware of spammers and scammers who are using sophisticated techniques to get hold of people’s money online.

He said: “With only two weeks left until Christmas, millions of people will be logging on to the internet to find gifts for family and friends.

“The convenience of shopping online draws over 90 per cent of UK shoppers in at this time of year as we start browsing for the right-priced gifts at every opportunity - at home and in work. While this opens up a world of wonderful opportunities, it’s important to stay safe and be aware of criminals who use this time of year to cash in on shoppers who are looking to cut the cost of Christmas.

“The internet is a fantastic tool to use to your advantage – but make sure online criminals don’t take advantage of you. There are simple steps to take to avoid becoming a victim of crime and having your Christmas ruined.”

DCC Hyde offers the following top 5 tips for shopping securely online:

- Passwords
Always use strong passwords that combine upper and lower case letters and numbers. Try to use different passwords for different websites.

- Look out for the padlock
‘Copycat’ websites of popular high street stores are growing in number that look and feel legitimate but fail to send out goods after they have been paid for. Check that the websites you use have a golden padlock displayed in the bottom of your screen and that the website address begins with http://

- Check return policies
It’s important to check an online store’s privacy and returns policy. If it’s not clear, look the company up on the internet and check their reputation. If you have any doubts – don’t buy.

- Keep your PIN to yourself
No legitimate company will ever ask you to enter your credit card PIN on their website. Never enter details of your PIN online.

- Pay with a credit card or PayPal
If you have one, consider paying with a credit card as this gives you extra protection when paying for goods online. Should you fall victim to an online thief, credit card companies are jointly liable if the goods you purchase are not as described or fail to be delivered. Setting up a PayPal account also provides extra security when paying for goods online –see

DCC Hyde continues: “Fraud costs the UK around £14 billion each year and is a crime that could affect anyone, regardless of age, gender or location.

“We work hard to ensure that we remain one step ahead of criminals and equip ourselves with the right tools and technology to investigate online crime nationally, and at a local level. We are supporting this in Cumbria with the National Fraud Authority’s recent launch of ‘Action Fraud’ - the first contact centre for fraud victims to report crime and get advice.

If individuals or businesses have been victims of fraud in the last 12 months, they are encouraged to report it to Action Fraud on 0300 123 2040 or Textphone 0300 123 2050.

“Criminals turn their sights to the online world as they feel it’s an ‘anonymous’ way to commit crime because they never have to physically encounter their victims. They feel protected by their computer screens and we are dedicated to doing everything we can to remove this anonymity by tracking them down and bringing them to justice.”

For more information on how to stay safe online, visit Cumbria Police’s website: and

Friday 11 December 2009

Thought for the week ...

"Love comes in different shapes. Sometimes it comes in wisdom; at other times in justice; and oftentimes in hope."
Kahlil Gibran

Cumbria Police Authority

Cumbria Police Authority has today launched its new website to provide more information for its online visitors.

Cumbria Police Authority’s Chair Ray Cole said: “The new site is easy to use and will be a hub of information for the people of Cumbria to find out wide ranging information about policing in their areas.

“Cumbria Police Authority is responsible for ensuring that the county receives an efficient and effective police service – and we can only do that with communities’ help.

“The new site will provide information on the good work that is taking place in the county so residents can remain confident in the police service they receive and feel safe and secure in their homes. It also encourages people to think about the service they receive from police now, and how they would like to see this develop in the future.

“I would encourage everyone to take a look at our new website and let us know what you think about policing in their areas. I hope that it will encourage more people to get involved in their communities by sending us their views and attending our meetings.”

Cumbria Police Authority’s website can be visited by clicking on the following link:

Cumbria Constabulary also has a new website:

Thursday 10 December 2009

Don't give burglars a gift this Xmas

Barrow police are appealing for help from the public after a family's Christmas presents were stolen during a burglary after their home was left partially insecure.

Police are investigating after receiving reports that at 3am on Wednesday 9th December, a house on Mosley Street, Barrow in Furness was burgled. A female occupant heard a noise downstairs in the early hours of the morning and disturbed a man wearing dark clothing & a white cap who was leaving her house via the insecure front door.

It was then discovered that some of her 18 month old son's Christmas presents had been taken from under the tree and opened. Several of the contents of the presents were stolen.

Officers from Barrow police are currently working to raise awareness of burglary and the steps to take to protect homes in the lead up to Christmas as part of the ‘Don’t give burglars a gift this Christmas’ campaign. Since Tuesday 8 December, officers and partner agencies have been conducting the county's largest ever Streetsafe event and are attempting to visit 1500 homes in Barrow to provide crime prevention and home security advice.

DI Dave Banks, who is leading the operation, said: "We are anxious to speak to local residents who may have seen anybody acting suspiciously in the area or anybody fitting the description of the offender between 2.30am - 3.15am. We want to trace the missing presents and track down the offender to bring them to justice.

"I can't stress enough the importance of home security, especially this time of year, when many houses are full of costly Christmas presents. Secure your windows and doors - even if you are indoors or out in the backgarden. Finding that you've become a victim of burglary is incredibly distressing and could very easily ruin your Christmas."

A 20-yr-old local man was arrested on suspicion of burglary. He has been placed on police bail until 28 January 2010 pending further enquiries.

If anybody has any information about this crime or knows the whereabouts of the stolen goods, they are asked to contact DC Jack Montague or any local police officer on 0845 33 00 247 or contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

Monday 7 December 2009

Community campaign to reduce burglary in Central/Salthouse

Cumbria Constabulary has launched a large community campaign to reduce burglary in Barrow this Christmas.

Officers from Barrow police have teamed up with partner agencies and the Barrow Crime and Reduction Partnership (CDRP) to launch the ‘Don’t give burglars a gift this Christmas’ campaign, designed to raise awareness of burglary and the steps to take to protect homes and Christmas presents this December.

One week into the month long multi-agency campaign (which began on Tuesday 1 December), police are gearing up for a three day ‘mega’ Streetsafe operation on 8th, 9th and 10th December which will be the largest event of its kind ever seen in Cumbria. Over the three day event, over fifty police officers and many other group representatives will offer crime prevention and offer free assessments on existing home security to over 1,500 homes in Barrow.

The focus will be on Salthouse, Barrow, after police revealed that it is the neighbourhood that is most commonly burgled in the town. 75 burglaries were reported to officers over a three year period from January 2006 - October 2009, which is markedly higher than other neighbourhoods in Barrow. Of the 75 burglaries reported to police, approximately 50 per cent occurred at insecure premises.

Over the course of the Streetsafe events, the group will be offering a combination of advice on crime prevention, property security marking, fire safety, free smoke detector fittings, graffiti removal, and offering specialist advice on health and community participation.

Amongst the Home Protection Pack of information that officers will be distributing to residents, a Home Office life-size leaflet in the shape of a hand and forearm will be posted through letterboxes, urging residents to keep their valuables ‘out of the reach of burglars’.

Detective Inspector Dave Banks who is leading the initiative said: “This campaign has been launched in response to a very local problem as almost 60 per cent of burglaries reported to police in South Cumbria occur at insecure premises.

“Burglary is a top local priority and one that we can only tackle together, as a community. Local agencies that are involved in the operation have come together to raise awareness amongst residents and encourage them to work alongside their local policing teams to tackle the issue and reduce burglaries in their neighbourhoods.

“We want to make our communities safer, stronger and confident that we are doing all we can to reduce burglary in the lead up to Christmas. We are providing residents with the tools and advice they need to keep their homes secure as well as increasing the numbers of high visibility officers on the streets as part of our policing pledge.

“During the three day Streetsafe event, experts from local agencies aim to visit over 1500 homes in the Salthouse area to give out advice on how to enjoy a safe and happy Christmas.”

For more information on home security, please contact a member of your local policing team on 0845 33 00 247.

Sunday 6 December 2009

Young people - rights and responsibilities

What responsibilities should we have as citizens of the UK? Are there additional rights to those already protected in UK law that should be included in a Bill of Rights and Responsibilities?

Young people have an important contribution to make to this debate and a group of young people aged from 12 to 19 convened a mock committee hearing at Portcullis House to consider these questions and debate the issue of rights and responsibilities with Justice Minister Michael Wills.

The committee hearing, chaired by Dr Roger Morgan, the Children's Rights Director for England, marks the launch of a young person's version of the Green Paper Rights and Responsibilities: developing our constitutional framework. The Green Paper seeks specifically the views of young people on whether we should have a Bill of Rights and Responsibilities to set out in one place all the rights we have and the responsibilities we owe to each other.

The Green Paper lists some of the responsibilities we have, and asks if some should be explicitly stated in a single document, including:
- obeying the law and reporting crimes
- treating NHS and other public sector staff with respect
- safeguarding and promoting the wellbeing of children in our care
- living within our environmental limits.

An essay competition for young people aged from 11 to 18, on rights and responsibilities, has been opened alongside the Green Paper.
Launching the Green Paper Justice Minister Michael Wills said: 'We want young people to contribute to this very important debate. A new Bill of Rights and Responsibilities could clarify and change the relationship between citizen and State and make clear what each can expect from the other.

'Our existing rights and responsibilities are located in a large number of different documents. A Bill of Rights and Responsibilities could identify them and bring them together in one place so that they are easily accessible. It could make clear the importance of exercising rights responsibly, and the ways in which responsibilities have always been implicit in the expression of our rights. It could also add new constitutional rights to those which already exist.' Dawn Butler, Minister for Youth Engagement welcomed the Green Paper and said: 'Young people must be able to influence the decisions that affect them and have a real say in making the Government work for them. This young people's guide to the Green Paper on Rights and Responsibilities acts as a positive example of how the Government can communicate with young people, and is another step towards improved engagement.'

This Green Paper will provide young people with the opportunity to consider the arguments for and against a Bill of Rights and Responsibilities. The discussions could lead to a significant constitutional development with these rights and responsibilities drawn together in one place for the first time and new constitutional rights added to those which already exist.

Rights and Responsibilities - Young People

Thursday 3 December 2009

New website for Cumbria police

Cumbria Constabulary has launched its new interactive website to provide an improved, user-friendly experience for its online visitors.

The investment has been made to significantly improve the Constabulary’s online presence and as part of its commitment to the Policing Pledge, provide its visitors with a polished, modern website with up-to-the-minute news about what is going on in their area.

The site provides essential crime prevention advice and information on the latest news and events across the county. There is also a dedicated section for younger visitors to shed some light into the work of the Constabulary and provide informative puzzles and advice on how to stay safe.

Links to Cumbria Constabulary’s profiles on social networking sites such as Facebook, Bebo and YouTube also appear on the site, along with the Force’s latest ‘tweets’ on Twitter.

Video footage of Chief Constable Craig Mackey welcoming the launch of the new site takes prime position on the front page. He said: “I’m delighted to announce the launch of our new and much improved website for Cumbria Constabulary.
“The new site is far easier to use and has a firm focus on Neighbourhood Policing so that Cumbria’s residents and visitors get a clear idea of exactly what police are doing to address the communities’ priorities in every neighbourhood.

“We are committed to doing all we can to reach out to each and every one of our communities and hope that by improving our online presence, we will encourage more people to get to know their local officers, attend meetings, and help to positively shape policing in their area.”

Deputy Chief Constable Stuart Hyde said: “We are committed to using cutting edge technology to bring you the best information about the way we do business. We are moving with the times and want to find the most effective ways to communicate with our community, to investigate crime and ultimately, bring offenders to justice.

“As part of our policing pledge, we’ve promised to become more visible and provide more information about what we are doing and how we are doing it. Our website is a fantastic additional tool to help us do this and I’d like to urge everyone to go online and take a look!”

Thought for the week ...

"Work is love made visible."

Kahlil Gibran (The Prophet)

Local communities to be informed of sentences

Justice Secretary Jack Straw announced today that people are to be given more and better information about the punishments given to criminals in their area.

Offenders’ crimes and their punishments will be shared more frequently with local communities under new government guidelines, which encourage the police and other criminal justice agencies to make this information more widely available.

The move is part of a wider government drive to make justice more visible and provide better information in a way that is easy to find and understand.

It follows a government poll that showed more than two thirds of people think it is important for the public to be told about the sentences handed out to offenders, but only a quarter currently feel well informed.

Home Secretary, Alan Johnson, said, 'People want to know what happens to criminals in their area once they are convicted because it shows that there are consequences to breaking the law.

'If those consequences are visible to the public, it builds their confidence in the criminal justice system by reassuring those who have had to live alongside these criminals or those who have been their victims that taking a stand against them and supporting the police and local agencies to bring them to justice has been worthwhile.

'Publicising criminal convictions opens up the criminal justice system, making it more transparent and accountable to the public.'

The government’s crime and justice advisor, Louise Casey, has also published a report today outlining why this information should be shared with communities.
Read Louise Casey's report (new window)

Tuesday 1 December 2009

Xmas Event in Central

The Green Heart Den would like to invite you to join them at their Xmas event which will take place between 1pm and 3pm on Saturday 12th December.

Youth crime punishments - you decide!

More communities affected by youth crime and anti-social behaviour will, for the first time, have their say in how young offenders are punished and forced to make amends to their local neighbourhood, Justice Secretary Jack Straw announced today.

Youth Offending Teams across North West England will take part in the first official programme - 'Making Good' - allowing members of the public to propose local work for young offenders (10-17 years old). If the scheme, developed by the Youth Justice Board (YJB), proves to be successful it will be rolled-out across the country from early next year.

The type of projects expected to be put forward could range from cleaning graffiti and repairing vandalised public furniture, to work in local libraries and charity work.

'Making Good' will form part of the government's new stronger youth sentencing system - the Youth Rehabilitation Order (YRO) – which comes into effect from today (30 November) to further tackle the underlying causes of youth crime and make our neighbourhoods safer and better places to live.

Monday 30 November 2009

More Junior Wardens ...

See more of what the Junior Wardens have been up to lately at the link below ...

The John Muir Award encourages awareness and responsibility for the natural environment, and is open to all. It is the main educational initiative of John Muir Trust.

Cumbria police launch Xmas drink and drugs driving campaign

Cumbria police will be targeting motorists who drive under the influence of drink and drugs this Christmas.

Road safety has been identified as one of their top policing priorities by the communities of Cumbria, and the county’s roads policing unit will be out in force to target offenders.

The annual crackdown begins on Tuesday 1 December and will run throughout the festive period, when the number of people arrested for drink driving tends to rise.

Road conditions are already treacherous across the county after severe flooding damaged road surfaces and driving while over the limit increases the risks even further.

Last year, 90 people were arrested for drink driving offences over the festive period and police will once again set up targeted road side checks at key locations around busy town centre night spots in order to catch offenders and act as a deterrent to try and prevent people from getting behind the wheel in the first place.

Sergeant Paul Brown has coordinated this year’s campaign. He said: “It is vitally important that we get the message across that driving under the influence of drink and drugs will not be tolerated in Cumbria.

“We will be setting up roadside checks at key locations into and out of busy town-centre night spots and will be taking an intelligence-led approach by responding to information from the public.

“It is up to all of us to send the message that drink and drug driving is socially unacceptable in Cumbria. If you suspect someone is drink driving, or is planning to, then call police on 0845 33 00 247. Together we may be able to stop a family having a devastating Christmas this year by preventing a serious collision.”

As well as increasing police patrols and the number of breath tests taken by Cumbrian drivers, police will be raising awareness of the potential consequences associated with driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

This year’s campaign will be primarily targeted at educating young drivers aged 17-25, who are statistically more likely to get involved in road traffic collisions in Cumbria.

Anyone caught drink or drug driving can expect a 12 month driving ban, criminal record, substantial fine, higher insurance premiums and potential loss of job.

To help get their message across, officers will also be making use of a bluetooth device that sends an anti-drink driving message to a large number of mobile phones simultaneously, near to busy town centre nightspots and restaurants across the county. It is hoped that this will remind revellers to take a taxi or catch a lift with a friend after enjoying a night out.

Pledging her support to the campaign, Assistant Chief Constable Michelle Skeer, said: “We are committed to making the roads of Cumbria as safe as possible and we will not tolerate anyone who endangers the life of others by choosing to drive when under the influence of drink or drugs.

“Many people use the excuse that they’ve ‘only had a couple of pints’, but this is unacceptable, and we would urge people to take a zero tolerance approach – if you’re drinking any alcohol at all, don’t drive.

“The simple message is that if you choose to drink drive in Cumbria, you will be caught, prosecuted and face the inevitable consequences that accompany a drink driving conviction.”

Police and partners join forces to encourage a safe and healthy Xmas in Barrow

The next Streetsafe Operation will take place on Thursday 3rd December when police officers and partner agencies will be going to The Railway Public House, Wetherspoons in Barrow to engage with customers and staff.

The Streetsafe team which includes Cumbria Constabulary, Cumbria Fire & Rescue, NHS Cumbria, Trading Standards, Barrow Borough Council, Cumbria County Council and volunteers, will be visiting the venue to hand out crime prevention and health and safety advice ahead of the Festive season.

For the first time, the Streetsafe team will also be offering free blood pressure checks to customers and staff who want them. Cumbria Fire and Rescue Service’s Occupational Health Nurse will be on hand between 6.30 pm and 8.00 pm.

NHS Cumbria is supporting the initiative as forty per cent of adults in England suffer from high blood pressure which can cause serious medical conditions. High blood pressure (hypertension) can put people at risk of serious medical conditions such many different types of cardiovascular disease, a stroke, heart attack, blood clot or aneurysm (a swollen, or burst, blood vessel).

In 95 per cent of cases, there is no single reason for a raise in blood pressure. However an unhealthy diet, excess alcohol and lack of exercise can play a part.

High blood pressure can be treated or prevented by making changes lifestyle, such as exercising more regularly, eating a healthier diet and cutting back on your consumption of alcohol. Medicines are also available that can help lower blood pressure. Anyone who's concerned about their blood pressure should contact their GP.

PC John Irving who coordinates Streetsafe said: “It is fantastic that Streetsafe has been joined by another partner agency offering an additional service to residents within the Borough.

“During the evening, we will be consulting with staff and customers about issues that concern them and we will be reassuring them that we are doing all we can to make the area safer, cleaner and stronger.

“Working with our partner agencies, we want to make sure everyone has a safe and crime free Christmas. We will be giving a wide range of advice including how to keep your valuables safe, sensible drinking, cold callers, active citizens and fire safety.

“I would like to thank the management and staff at The Railway for their on going support with the Streetsafe project.”

Friday 27 November 2009

Follow us on Facebook

We now have a Facebook account join us at
We look foward to hearing from you.

Problems with our Twitter account

Weve just had to delete our CHNMT Twitter account as we had some kind of virus sending out relentless rubbish about taking IQ tests.
Apologies to all who were following us on Twitter. We'll be back with a new/clean/virus free Twitter account next week.
Once again apologies and we strongly suggest if you get anything from people about taking IQ tests that you delete it - even if it's from someone you know. It seems to be happening across various platforms such as Twitter, Facebook etc.

Visit Santa's Grotto and Xmas Fair

Visit Santa’s Grotto

There will be a Santa’s Grotto at Barrow and District Disability Association at The Willow Tree Café, 71-77 School Street, Barrow-in-Furness (Oldham Street car park, behind Home Bargains).
The Grotto will be open on Saturday 5th, Sunday 6th, Saturday 12 and Sunday 13 December between 10am and 3pm. The Grotto is pushchair and wheelchair accessible and all children are welcome. It costs £2.50 per child including present and there will be a colouring competition.

Barrow Jackals dancing troupe will be hosting a Christmas Fair on Sunday 13th December between 2pm and 4pm at the Hindpool Community Centre, Nelson Street. There will be dancing demos, singing, a raffle, tombola, refreshments, a Santa’s Grotto and more.

Table Top Sale anyone?

Devonshire Buildings Tenants’ Association

Are holding a TABLE TOP SALE on 5th DECEMBER 2009 at THE CANTEEN MEDIA & ARTS CENTRE, Michaelson Road, Barrow Island.
Doors open from 1:00pm till 4:00pm.
Entrance fee on the door only 20 pence.

Further details and table booking from ALLAN SMITH on 01229 812426.

Thought for the week ...

"Not everything that counts can be counted, and not everything that can be counted counts."
A quote generally attributed to Einstein but which some sources suggest was a sign hanging in his office at Princeton University.

Tuesday 24 November 2009

What does the Policing Pledge mean for you?

The new phase of policing pledge campaign makes clear what the public can expect from the police. New television, radio, press and online adverts which tell the public what rights they have under the national Policing Pledge were launched today by Home Secretary Alan Johnson.

The policing pledge is just one part of the Policing Green Paper, published last summer, which signalled a fundamental shift in police accountability and reporting. All 43 police forces have signed up to the pledge which sets out a range of promises about what the public can expect from the police.

The adverts focus on two of the promises within the pledge - that your neighbourhood policing team spend 80 per cent of their time visibly working in your neighbourhood and that you can make an appointment to see your local police at a time that suits you within 48 hours about non-emergency problems.

The adverts were launched as new polling published today shows that:
- over half of the public think they would have to wait more than 48 hours for an appointment with a police officer to discuss a non-emergency matter
- only three per cent of people think that their local police spend more than 75 per cent of their time on the beat in their area
- 81 per cent of people said they would find it useful to receive information which provided the contact details for the local police and other crime and anti-social behaviour services in their area
- 77 per cent of those interested said that the most useful way to receive such information would be as a leaflet through the door.

Alan Johnson said, 'The policing pledge sets out the standards the public can expect from their local force. We need to tell the public about these commitments – that neighbourhood police are pledging to spend 80 per cent of their time on the beat, that people can make an appointment to meet their local police team at a time that’s convenient to the citizen. By letting people know about these standards of service that all police forces have signed up to, we hope that people will have greater confidence to come forward to report crime and give evidence against criminals in court; because they’ll know that the police are a visible presence locally, available to be on their side.

'Part of this campaign is also about making it easier for the public to know what their rights are if they are suffering from anti-social behaviour so they don’t end up being passed from pillar to post. It also tells them about what service they should receive if they are a victim and who to contact to ensure their voice is heard.'

policing pledge (new window) is a set of promises to local residents that not only gives more information about local policing, but also ensures that communities across the country have a stronger voice in telling the police what they think is most important and what they are most worried about.
Policing pledge.

The police service in England and Wales will support law abiding citizens and pursue criminals relentlessly to keep you and your neighbourhoods safe from harm. We will:
Always treat you fairly, with dignity and respect, ensuring that you have fair access to our services at a time that is reasonable and suitable for you.

Provide you with information so you know who your dedicated neighbourhood policing team is, where they are based, how to contact them and how to work with them.

Ensure your neighbourhood police team and other police patrols are visible and on your patch at times when they will be most effective and when you tell us you most need them. We will ensure your team are not taken away from neighbourhood business more than is absolutely necessary. They will spend at least 80 per cent of their time visibly working in your neighbourhood, tackling your priorities. Staff turnover will be minimised.

Respond to every message directed to your neighbourhood policing team within 24 hours and, where necessary, provide a detailed response as soon as we can.

Aim to answer 999 calls within 10 seconds, deploying to emergencies immediately giving an estimated time of arrival, getting to you safely, and as quickly as possible. In urban areas, we will aim to get to you within 15 minutes and in rural areas within 20 minutes.

Answer all non-emergency calls promptly. If attendance is needed, send a patrol giving you an estimated time of arrival, and:
- if you are vulnerable or upset aim to be with you within 60 minutes
- if you are calling about an issue we have agreed with your community will be a neighbourhood priority and attendance is required, we will aim to be with you within 60 minutes
- alternatively, if appropriate, we will make an appointment to see you at a time that fits in with your life and within 48 hours
- if agreed that attendance is not necessary we will give you advice, answer your questions and/or put you in touch with someone who can help.

Arrange regular public meetings to agree your priorities, at least once a month, giving you a chance to meet your local team with other members of your community. These will include opportunities such as surgeries, street briefings and mobile police station visits which will be arranged to meet local needs and requirements.

Provide monthly updates on progress, and on local crime and policing issues. This will include the provision of crime maps, information on specific crimes and what happened to those brought to justice, details of what action we and our partners are taking to make your neighbourhood safer and information on how your force is performing.

If you have been a victim of crime agree with you how often you would like to be kept informed of progress on your case for how long. You have the right to be kept informed at least every month if you wish and for as long as is reasonable.

Acknowledge any dissatisfaction about the service you have received within 24 hours of reporting it to us. To help us fully resolve the matter, discuss with you how it will be handled, give you an opportunity to talk in person to someone about your concerns and agree with you what will be done about them and how quickly.

We want to do our best for you but if we fail to meet our pledge we will always explain why it has not been possible on that occasion to deliver the high standards to which we aspire and you deserve.

You are entitled to:
- a clear set of commitments from the police about their service
- a local pledge about how your neighbourhood will be policed
- contact details for your neighbourhood policing team
- monthly public meetings with your local police team to agree what matters most
- access to information on local crimes including crime maps and feedback on what action has been taken in your area by or searching for policing pledge online.

Policing Pledge

This video shows how the Home Office made one of their TV adverts to raise awareness of the new national policing pledge. To find out more about the policing pledge in Central and Hindpool contact us at Neighbourhood Management.

Friday 20 November 2009

Rights of the Child

Today is the 20th anniversary of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.

To find out more visit here and

Thought for the week ...

"... indifference is a powerful force in history it operates passively but effectively."

Fiori G (1978)

Xmas in Barrow Town Centre

Tap It and Unwrap It
Sunday 29th November Tap it and Unwrap it Show and A590 Theatre Company.
Christmas themed Street Entertainment, Traditional Carols & Christmas Songs with A590 Theatre Group.

Sunday shopping and free car parking. For further information contact Anne Taylforth on 01229 876389

Join the learning path!

Cumbria CVS Learning Champions encourage and support adults to join the learning path!

We provide information on courses for adults which are running in your community and around the Furness area. If you want to talk about adult learning, we are here to offer support to get you started! – there’s no pressure just information for you to think over your options.

Free Supportive impartial well informed and friendly.

Start your journey on the learning path today.

For more information contact The Learning Co-ordinator, Cumbria CVS Barrow, 72-74 Scott Street, Barrow-in- Furness,
Phone: 01229 823144

Thursday 19 November 2009

Click on image below to enlarge
Click on image below to enlarge

Click on image below to enlarge
Click on the image below to enlarge

Tuesday 17 November 2009

Police and partners join forces to tackle burglaries in Barrow

Barrow police and partner agencies from the Barrow Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnership have joined forces to launch a large operation this December to tackle burglary in the town.

A new Burglary Action Group comprising of representatives from Cumbria police, NHS Cumbria, Fire and Rescue, Age Concern, Trading Standards, Neighbourhood Watch and Barrow Housing Association, has been formed to drive down the numbers of burglaries in the town. By pooling resources and having a joined up approach to the issue, the Group hopes to tackle the problem by raising awareness amongst the local community and delivering vital crime prevention advice to local residents on their doorsteps.

The newly formed group has planned a month long multi-agency campaign throughout December which centres around a three day ‘mega’ Streetsafe operation which will see over fifty police officers and many other group representatives visit over 1500 homes in Barrow to discuss crime prevention and offer free assessments on existing home security.

The operation will specifically target an area of Barrow that suffers from the highest number of burglaries according to police data. Over a three year period from January 2006 - October 2009, figures show that police received reports of 75 burglaries in the Salthouse area - which is markedly higher than the other neighbourhoods. Of the 75 burglaries reported to police, approximately 50 per cent occurred at insecure premises.

In the lead up to the campaign, officers have turned to local youngsters for help and have launched a poster competition within three local schools in Barrow. Pupils in year five and six at Sacred Heart, Greengate Juniors and St George's schools are submitting their final designs for a crime prevention poster which will be used to raise awareness of burglary in the local community.

Detective Inspector Dave Banks who is coordinating the operation said: “Communities in Barrow tell us that burglary is a top priority and this is a problem we are committed to tackling.

“When comparing other areas across the country, the numbers of burglaries in Barrow are very low and teams of officers work incredibly hard to ensure this continues. However, one burglary is one too many and we have identified a particular neighbourhood that has the highest numbers of burglaries in the town and we want the local community to be confident that we are doing all we can to ensure criminals no longer think of the area as an easy target.

“In the lead up to Christmas, teams of officers will be out and about in over 45 streets in Salthouse to hand out leaflets to local residents and experts will be on hand to provide advice on how to make homes more secure. Over half of the burglaries reported to us happen at insecure premises so we want to proactively provide residents with all the tools they need to help keep their homes - and Christmas presents – safe from burglars this year.

“Thankfully, like other areas across our county, Barrow is one of the safest places to live in the UK however between April 2008 – October 2009, we have seen a 39 per cent increase in burglaries in South Cumbria. As we raise awareness of the problem within the neighbourhood and gather the support of the public, we hope to significantly reduce this and give burglars a miserable Christmas this year.”

Get Safe Online

The Get Safe Online initiative (, which is now in its fifth year, is the UK’s national internet security awareness campaign.
A joint partnership between the Cabinet Office, the Serious Organised Crime Agency (SOCA) and private sector sponsors from the worlds of technology, retail and finance, the campaign aims to educate, inform and raise awareness of internet security issues to encourage safe, confident use of the internet.

Monday 16 November 2009

Police launch campaign to highlight Constabulary's good performance

Cumbria police have launched a poster campaign on public buses to keep
local communities informed of the Constabulary’s shining performance.

Buses across Barrow and Carlisle over the next month will be sporting the new posters which are designed to inform the public about the reduction in the top community priority across Cumbria – anti-social behaviour.

This follows the release of figures that reveal that there have been 1856 less victims of crime in Cumbria between October 2008–September 2009 compared to October 2007 – September 2008, and an incredible 4984 less incidents of anti-social behaviour reported to police in the county during the same period.

Chief Constable Craig Mackey said: “This reduction is fantastic news for the Constabulary and people of Cumbria, and as part of our policing pledge we want to keep our communities informed of the hard work that officers put into driving down crime across the county.

“This significant reduction in the volume of crime and anti-social behaviour we deal with would not be possible without the support of our communities and partners who work with us to identify and tackle local issues so effectively in Cumbria.

“By taking our message out onto the county’s roads and into the heart of communities, we hope that more and more people will be confident in the service we provide and will choose to get involved with tackling local priorities in the future.”

Friday 13 November 2009

Thought for the week ...

"Thinking is the ultimate human resource. The quality of our future depends entirely on the quality of our thinking."
De Bono E (1982, De Bono's Thinking Course, BBC Books)

Community Philosophy - what do you think?

A new report, 'Community Philosophy', has been published by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation today. The report looks at a recent three year experiment which used an approach called communtiy philosophy to promote conversations and develop positive relationships between different groups of people within a community.
If you're interested in the possibility of esatablishing a local community philosophy project post a comment below and let us know what you think.

Thursday 12 November 2009

Barracudas Carnival Centre

Volunteers Required

We need two stewards for Saturdays and Wednesdays 1pm-7.30pm, starting 14th November. Must be physically strong as it involves helping with van loading/equipment moving.
If you can help with this request please contact the Barracudas Carnival Centre on 01229 812036. Barracudas Carnival Centre, The Nan Tait, Bath Street, Barrow in Furness LA14 5TY

Multi-cultural Winter Festival

Saturday 21 November 10am - 4pm
Tickets: Forum 28 Main Hall activities £2 per person or £6 for family of 4

Furness Multicultural Community Forum, in partnership with Barrow-in-Furness Borough Council, is holding their Winter Festival; a celebration of different festivals taking place around November:- El Eid, Bodhi day, Divali, Christmas, Chinese and Persian New Year.

Artwork will be on display, prepared by local school children the week prior to the festival, as well as performances by a local choir on both days.

During the day;
On Saturday the 21st, in forum twenty eight, there will be performances and workshops from Bollywood Brass Band, Polish dancers, Tango, Salsa & Latin dance and Makendo (mask making).

There will also be henna tattooing, story telling, film shows, A590, local performers and lots more entertainment. Some of the workshops will be pre-bookable - ask forum twenty eight box office for more details (tel: 01229 82 00 00).

An artificial Ice Rink will also open on lower Dalton Road free admission 10.30 am – 6.30 pm .

Christmas Lights Switch On
The switch on of Barrow's Christmas lights will be by Dave Myers of Hairy Bikers , there 's also a childrens’ lantern parade, Bollywood Brass Band, Christmas hits and carols from Denis Horan and street antics from Jukalo & Joel Dickinson starts 4.00 pm Town Square lights switch on approx 5.05 pm

Evening Concert 7.30pm
The evening concert will star Bollywood Brass Band, as well as local young people performing music relating to the festivals, and dance from the workshops. A great day out for the family - come along.
Evening concert Adults £6/ £3 concessions and family of 4, £15

CVS Volunteer Workshop

Are you wanting to improve your skills and get a job in administration, youth work, health & social care, retail, driving, teaching, nursing, environmental work? Whatever job you are looking for why not gain some experience first by volunteering? Try volunteering to expand and enhance your CV and improve your job prospects. It is a fantastic opportunity to meet new people, improve your skills, try a new challenge and it also helps to improve your confidence.

Locally in Barrow our volunteer centre at 72-74 Scott Street is now holding monthly 'Introduction to Volunteers'. The sessions cover the wide range of volunteering opportunities, organisations that are needing volunteers, the benefits of volunteering and state benefits, training opportunities, courses and NVQ's available to volunteers. This is a fantastic opportunity to find out what is available to you. No skills or qualifications are necessary.

Next Session 18th November 2009 at 12.30pm-2.30pm Tel: 01229 823144 to book your place or e-mail:

CVS Community Learning Champions

Community Learning Champions encourage and support adults to join the learning path!

We provide information on courses for adults which are running in your community and around the Furness area. If you want to talk about adult learning, we are here to offer support to get you started! – there’s no pressure just information for you to think over your options.

Free Supportive impartial well informed & Friendly

Start your journey on the learning path today

For more information contact The Learning Co-ordinator, Cumbria CVS Barrow, 72-74 Scott Street, Barrow-in- Furness, Phone: 01229 823144

Tuesday 10 November 2009

National Metal Theft Action Day

Cumbria Constabulary is taking part in a national ‘day of action’ against metal theft on Wednesday 11 November along with other forces across the UK.

As one of the top performing police forces in the country, Cumbria aims to dedicate the day to visiting scrap metal dealers and conducting increasing numbers of stop checks on vehicles across the county to raise awareness and identify and deter offenders.

Throughout the day, officers will be working with partner agencies to tackle the issue and will engage with scrap metal dealers so that they can play their part in driving the numbers of metal thefts down across Cumbria. Officers will also be out and about to test scrap metal for the presence of Smartwater – an invisible marker that ‘tags’ property with details of it’s rightful owner.

Detective Chief Inspector Mike Forrester said: “We are pleased to support this national day of action and hope that members of the public will support us in coming forward to report suspicious vehicles or individuals.

“Metal theft can be a profitable business and we want communities to be confident that we are doing all we can to target these criminals. Theft of common metals such as piping can cause a real disruption for vital everyday services such as water, gas and electricity and can have a negative impact on our communities.

“The high visibility operation that is planned as part of our policing pledge will send offenders a strong message about the robust approach we adopt towards reports of this crime – it simply won’t be tolerated.”

Between January 2007 and November 2009 there have been 185 metal theft crimes across South Cumbria, 50 of those took place in 2009. Officers in the South of the county have been working on a successful multi-agency policing operation dubbed ‘Operation Statute’, which was launched last year to tackle a series of metal thefts in the area.

Over the last twelve months, officers involved in the operation have been working with partners such as the local Council and Environmental Health, to regulate scrap metal dealers and educate them on the legalities around carrying scrap metal. Since the operation began, there has been a surge in the number of applications for waste carrier licences – a legal requirement if you are carrying legitimate scrap metal.

Sergeant Paul Madden who has been leading the operation said: “We launched this operation in response to the number of reports we were receiving about the theft of metals including radiators and piping in South Cumbria.

“We’re pleased to see that there has been a massive uptake in the number of applications that the Environment Agency receive for waste carrier licences since Operation Statue began. This, along with the commitment of those involved and the amount of awareness we’ve generated amongst the local community, has significantly reduced the reports of metal theft we receive.”

Friday 6 November 2009

Knowhow Nonprofit is a new website to help with all aspects of managing a non-profit organisation. It is packed with practical information and resources covering topics as diverse as managing volunteers, commissioning and procurement and setting up a charity shop.
There’s a discussion forum to share experiences. The site is intended to be a friendly and useful space for a community of non-profit people and organisations sharing what they have learnt to help others.

Tenants with Disabilities Forum

The Tenants with Disabilities Forum meets on a regular basis to discuss issues affecting people with a wide range of disabilities and the elderly. We are very keen to extend membership of the group and welcome newcomers to the meetings. The next meeting will be held on Wednesday 18th November at 10.15am at The Community Centre on Grange and Cartmel Crescent.

For further information contact Norman Hird on 01229 433192

Share a smile ...

More smiling faces collected today but still plenty more to go to reach the 1,000!

Don't be shy ... take part and give Barrow the gift of your smile.

Wednesday 4 November 2009

Share a Smile

Your next chance to take part in the 1,000 Smiling Faces project is outside Barrow Town Hall, 12-2pm Friday 6th Nov.
All you need to bring is your smile and a spare minute of your time!

Cumbria Police Authority holds first full meeting in Barrow

People from across the Furness area will get a chance to share their views on their Policing service next week when Cumbria Police Authority hold their full public meeting in Barrow for the first time ever.

On Wednesday, 11 November, the county’s policing watchdog will be holding its full Authority meeting at Forum 28, Duke Street, Barrow-in-Furness. This is the first time the Police Authority has held a meeting away from its base at Carleton Hall in Penrith. The Authority’s role is to hold Cumbria’s police service to account on behalf of the public in the whole of Cumbria and it has decided to take its meetings out to areas around the county to get closer to the people it represents.

The meeting will start at 1pm in the Grasmere Suite. Anyone is welcome to come along and sit in and observe the meeting.

In the morning there will be an opportunity for anyone from the local area to tell Members of the Police Authority about the issues that matter most to them and what they they would like to see police focussing on in their area. Police Authority Members will also be available in the foyer of Forum 28 from 10am that morning for an informal chat. In particular, Members would like to hear what local people think should be the policing priorities in their area and receive feedback on their experience of the police service.

Chairman of the Police Authority Ray Cole, who comes from Millom, said: “This is a wonderful opportunity for people from this area to get involved in policing in their area. I would encourage everyone to come along and give us their views on policing and tell us what they think the Police should be focusing on in the South Cumbria area.

“It is also a chance for them to see the Police Authority in action by popping along in the afternoon and sitting in on the Authority’s meeting. At the meeting we will be starting our consideration of the budget for 2010 -11 and what people tell us in the morning will help us in developing the budget over the coming months.”

Anyone wanting more information about the meeting can contact Joanne Head at Cumbria Police Authority by ‘phoning 01768 217226 or e-mailing

Tuesday 3 November 2009

Share a Smile tomorrow ....

11am to 2pm Wednesday 4th November at the 'Spirit of Barrow' statue at the corner of Portland Walk, Dalton Road.

All you have to do is give us the gift of your smile ...

... look forward to seeing you there!

Would your business like to sponsor a Neighbourhood Warden?

Read more from the recent Evening Mail article here.

What people say about the Warden team ...

“For years now people have had to address their problems to departments that, at times, have made them feel like they are just put on a list that will be dealt with sometime if they’re lucky. The Wardens have changed all that. You are able to talk to someone face to face and know that they can solve your problem, nothing is too much trouble. They are not only approachable, they are accessible.” Judith Cassells, Parade Street Area Residents Group

“The Neighbourhood Wardens are an asset to the community in Barrow. They offer an effective service to the public as advocates for the communities in which they work and operate as proactive agents for other public service providers. The Warden’s knowledge and understanding of fire related issues has assisted in driving down the instances of miscellaneous anti-social fires. There has been a reduction of around 50% in this type of incident over the last three years.”
Dave Coverdale, Locality Manager, Cumbria Fire and Rescue Service.

“They are visible on the streets, adding to public confidence and accessibility for the public to speak to someone who has an interest in the area. Members of the public feel sometimes more comfortable speaking to a Warden about their issues rather than police. Our own police and community support officers speak very highly of the role of the Wardens and the information shared and value they bring to our partnership. I think the idea of sponsorship is a good one and an opportunity for local businesses to develop and promote the town of Barrow." Inspector Dave Bosson, Neighbourhood Police Team, Cumbria Constabulary

“They have helped to generate trust and developed meaningful relationships in the neighbourhood by regularly attending meetings with residents, community groups and local businesses. Before the Wardens were introduced many problems, particularly smaller ones concerning local residents, were overlooked and left to continue. They are the friendly face of public service and have helped to improve the relationship between the local community, the local authority and statutory agencies. The quality of their work with the Junior Warden scheme has also helped to build a meaningful relationship with young people in the neighbourhood.” Graham Bromley, MAST Residents Group and Marsh Street Arches and Garden CIC

“On behalf of the pupils, staff and governors of St James’ CE Junior School I would like to express my absolute support for the role of the Neighbourhood Wardens. Not only have they enriched the community but they have given so much to our school. They fulfil a vital role within our community and much of our new found community cohesion would be lost without them.” Angela Rawlinson, Head Teacher St James’ CE Junior School

Streetsafe in Central Barrow

Photos courtesy of Steve Hillman.

To find out more about Streetsafe visit

Monday 2 November 2009

Co-operative Community Fund

The Co-operative Community Fund is a grant scheme to help local communities throughout the UK. Community Fund grants range between £100 and £2,000 and are awarded to community, voluntary or self-help groups to run projects that meet the following criteria:
• Address a community issue
• Provide a good long-term benefit to the community
• Support co-operative value and principles
• Ideally be innovative in its approach

Full criteria in on the website. If you need any assistance call 0161 827 5879.

Applications need to be made online at:

Thursday 29 October 2009

Learning and having fun ... how good does it get!

The Central and Hindpool Junior Wardens have recently enrolled on the John Muir Award scheme (visit here to learn more).

This is an environmentally based scheme where the young people need to discover, explore, conserve and share. The Junior Warden's work will be based around the Green Heart Den communty garden site (visit here to learn more).

You can visit our Flickr site to view photos of recent activity at

It's fun and we're all learning as we go along. What more could we want?