
Friday 8 January 2010

Advice to Cumbrians for dealing with continued snowy conditions

The same group of emergency services, local authorities and partner agencies that worked together to respond to the recent floods in Cumbria are again working in partnership to respond to snow-related incidents and ensure the county and local residents are prepared for the continuing bad weather.

The police, fire service, ambulance service, NHS, Environment Agency, Highways Agency, Cumbria County Council, district councils, energy providers and mountain rescue teams today issued the following advice to help people stay safe over the coming days.

Road closures:
For the most up to date information on road closures listen to BBC Radio Cumbria or visit the Cumbria County Council website at

Driving in the snow:
Plan your journey in advance:
 • Only drive if essential.
• Check weather forecasts and tune into local radio stations to check road conditions and closures
• Tell someone at your destination what time you expect to arrive

• Make sure you are equipped with warm clothes, food, boots, a torch and a spade
• Clear your windows and mirrors before you set out and carry a screen scraper and de-icer

If you have an accident, break-down or become stuck in bad weather conditions:
• Do not use a mobile phone while driving. Stop somewhere safe or ask a passenger to make the call
• On a motorway, it is best to use a roadside emergency telephone because the emergency services and breakdown recovery services will be able to locate you easily. If you have to use a mobile phone, make sure you know your location from the numbers on the marker posts on the side of the hard shoulder
• If you have to leave your vehicle to get help, make sure other drivers can see you

Vehicle maintenance:
• Keep lights, windows and mirrors clean and free from ice and snow
• Keep your battery fully charged
• Add anti-freeze to the radiator and winter additive to the windscreen washer

• Check that tyres have plenty of tread depth and are the correct pressure

Drive according to snowy and icy conditions:
• Allow extra time and distance to brake as it can take ten times longer to stop
• Use the highest gear possible to avoid wheel spin
• To brake without locking your wheels, get into a low gear earlier than normal, allow your speed to fall and use the brake pedal gently
• Be wary of satellite navigation systems as they tend to direct you over high rural roads that are likely to be closed or particularly hazardous in winter
• Do not assume that pedestrians have seen you. They may be elderly, young or not be able to hear you
• Do not attempt to cross flooded roads if the water seems too deep
• Drive slowly through water in first gear but keep the engine speed high by slipping the clutch - this will stop you from stalling
• Test your brakes when you have driven through a flood before you drive again at normal speed

Diesel powered vehicles may suffer problems in low temperatures. Normal Diesel fuel will Cloud at 0 degrees centigrade, it will form a gel at around -10 and turn to wax at around -35. For bio diesels these temperatures will be less. This can result in vehicles not starting or wax crystals blocking fuel lines and pumps. Diesel flow additives can be bought from most automotive stores to counteract this.
Health and Hospitals:
Anyone with a pre existing health condition should speak to their doctor about how to protect themselves during winter.

If you need health advice or assistance it is important to seek the correct help from the right source:
• Self-Care - A well-stocked medicine cabinet can help with most minor infections and cuts such as diarrhoea, colds, flu and headaches, but seek advice if worried
• NHS Direct - on 0845 46 47 or - offers expert help and advice over the phone
• Community Pharmacy - Has fully trained health professionals who’ll provide quality healthcare advice
• GP Surgery - If you have an illness or injury that won’t go away
• NHS Walk-In Services - Both Minor Injury Units or Primary Care Assessment Services can treat minor injuries and illnesses
• A&E and 999 - Are for life threatening conditions and emergencies only

Vulnerable and elderly people:
Cumbria County Council's adult social care department has contingency planning arrangements to ensure that care can still be delivered to vulnerable people in adverse conditions. The council has a database of local contacts who can help reach service users if their own carers are unable to get to properties. These include vulnerable people's families, friends and neighbours. The county council is also in constant contact with volunteer organisations, agencies and contractors which deliver care on its behalf to assess and address any problems.
In such a prolonged cold spell with the logistical problems presented by the travel difficulties, it is inevitable that there has been some service disruption, but the county council's number one priority throughout has been to safeguard vulnerable people and preserve lives.
Some day centres have closed temporarily as service users either cannot or do not want to travel in the cold weather. Staff are, however, making welfare checks on anyone who would have used day services to ensure they have access to food and are warm.
Volunteers from the meals on wheels service are continuing to deliver meals to service users and, where necessary, walking in when roads are too bad to drive on. Although there has been some disruption to meals on wheels services, contingency arrangements are being made when necessary.
Meanwhile the county council is asking people to look out for any vulnerable people who may live in their area and to make sure they are alright. An offer of helping with shopping or a quick home visit could make all the difference in the current conditions.
Anyone whose carer does not turn up should contact their care manager or Cumbria County Council's adult social care department and we will ensure alternative arrangements are put in place for you.

The contact details are as follows:
Allerdale - 01900 706325
Barrow - 01229 407894
Carlisle - 01228 227000
Copeland - 01946 506352
Eden - 01768 812242
South Lakeland - 01539 713377

Anyone who doesn't receive care from us normally but is experiencing problems should contact the county council on the appropriate number as we will endeavour to help you as well.

An out of hours emergency contact service is also available on 01228 526690.

Preparation at home:
Stock up on non-perishable foods to keep you going in the event that you have difficulty travelling to local shops.
Keep your mobile phone charged in case of emergency and have torches and candles at hand in case there are any problems with energy supplies.
A well-stocked medicine cabinet can help with most minor infections and cuts such as diarrhoea, colds, flu and headaches, but seek advice if worried.

Keep yourself warm:
• Have regular hot drinks and meals
• Wear warm clothes
• Stay active
• Try to keep the room you’re in at a temperature of 21 degrees or more

Frozen ponds, lakes and rivers:
Do not to put yourself or others in danger by venturing onto frozen bodies of water, such as ponds, lakes and rivers.

It may seem tempting but in doing so you are putting yourself at risk of drowning if the ice breaks and you are also putting others who may attempt to rescue you in danger.

Parents should know where their children are when they are out and about in the cold weather and discuss with them the dangers of playing on frozen bodies of water – if possible – never leave youngsters unsupervised near frozen ponds, rivers and lakes.

Pet owners should also keep dogs on leads near frozen water if there is a risk of them venturing onto the ice and getting into trouble.

Advice on dealing with the thaw:
As temperatures begin to drop, the snow and ice that has built up will begin to thaw and melt. This will make driving conditions treacherous as water sits on top of ice, and again when melt-water refreezes overnight. Drive according to the conditions.

Pipes that have burst as the water inside them freezes and expands will begin to thaw out and may lead to flooding in properties and homes.

Animal health:
Try to stock up on feed for pets and livestock. If you are having difficulties reaching animals or sourcing feed contact the National Farmers Union for advice if you are a member or the Farm Crisis Network at or call 0845 367 9990.

Further information;

Weather information:

Mountain and fell conditions:

Driving advice:

Age concern: or call 0800 00 99 66

Health advice:

NHS Direct: 0845 46 47

Police non-emergency number: 0845 33 00 247

In an emergency call 999.

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