
Thursday 7 January 2010

Make sure you're registered to vote!

Are you ready for the 2010 General Election?

The Electoral Commission, the independent elections watchdog, is warning everyone who wants to have their say in the 2010 General Election to make sure they are registered to vote.

Says Commission Chair Jenny Watson: “Research published after the last General Election estimates that about three and a half million people who were eligible to vote were not registered. The evidence coming through since then suggests the picture isn't getting any better.

"If you’re not registered, you can’t vote – it’s very simple. Take a few minutes now to make sure that you are able to have your say on election day. You can print off a registration form from

“Many people assume they are automatically on the electoral register if they pay council tax or if they have voted before. This is not the case: you need to register every year. And if you have moved house, even within the same borough, you need to re-register with your new address.

“So if you want to vote in the General Election, now’s the time to act and make sure nothing stops you.”

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