
Wednesday 3 February 2010

'Vague but Exciting' - Guest blog spot from Inspector Geoff Steele (Cumbria Constabulary)

Here's the first, and excellent, guest blog post ... it comes from Inspector Geoff Steele of Cumbria Constabulary who works here in Barrow. Geoff is writing from his viewpoint as one of the Campaign Leaders for our Inspiring Communities project and not on behalf of Cumbria Constabulary. None of the views expressed in his post necessarily, or are intended to, reflect or represent the views and policies of Cumbria Constabulary.

'Vague but exciting'
When Steve (from Central and Hindpool Neighbourhood Management Team) asked me to be a 'Guest Blogger' I had no idea what I would write about and still don’t. Having stressed myself, I have decided just to stick with my normal stream of conscious style and blog my thoughts about last weekend (ending on Sunday 31st January)

I started with a list of stuff that happened since Friday;

- Celebrate a colleague’s retirement
- Internet
- Tufty Club Re-union - there will be folk out there, particularly Barrovians, who understand this one (my onyx role was a taxi driver for my wife.)
- Do it yourself-a minor and rare success with a door - did involve use of drills and glue (real sense of pride here)
- Sky Plus - the 8th wonder of the world

Anyway having started to waffle - I am hoping to wind into my poor grammar some themes, which relate vaguely to “inspiration”. Anyway the weekend’s best bits;

I’m off work and have just enjoyed a great Sunday Lunch at Dalton together with my family.

Inspiration needs good food and family!

I was allowed Banoffe pie which rendered pointless this morning’s trip to the Gym

Knowledge and heroes
Today’s web access has included watching an interesting documentary on the web which featured one of my heroes, Tim Berners- Lee

This lead to my blog title – unless you already know the story follow the links and consider how rich he could have been if he had been of the same school as Bill Gates.

Have been fascinated by all stuff nuclear since I was a child and was excited by the news that a significant step forward has been made in the search to create the power of the sun on earth
Inspiration needs exercise/sport!

As a creature of the web have also visited Barrow Raiders related sites to see what is getting the Barrow Raiders fan base talking regarding the coming season, this reminded me of this great photo and the unexpected successes of last year

Anyone who was at Warrington and was part of the six thousand or so Barrovians (and in my case adopted Barrovians) in the crowd will have no doubt we deserve, and should work together, to get the Stadium the town needs so desperately.

Inspiration needed imagination and dreams (and a climate where imagination is encouraged) and heroes as role models (preferably not individuals whose sole claim to fame is fame itself).

Looking ahead my forthcoming week’s work will hopefully culminate in a conference about ‘Safer Schools’ my team and I have organised, supported by local partners.

The conference is themed “It takes a village to raise a child” and aims to celebrate the work of local schools and how they act as hubs linking communities-education and young people.

Inspiration needs good relationships and understanding.
I am passionate and can be argumentative about what really matters when it comes to our health safety and success. I really think we need to get to get a better grip on the reality that we will be healthy if we live healthy lives, will be safe if we care for our neighbours and will be successful if we encourage and support all our children. Institutions such as the police and health service deal with symptoms but they aren’t going to fix the world that, unfortunately, still sits with you and me.

Inspiration needs people to challenge and ask difficult questions.

So Share a Smile – Inspector Geoff Steele, Cumbria Constabulary.


  1. Anonymous3/2/10

    What about this week?? LOL

  2. I'm sure Geoff will have an equally busy, thoughtful and interesting week this as he did last - he usually does :)

  3. Anonymous3/2/10

    Good to know what goes on in a person's mind :)

  4. Thanks anonymous ... glad you like it.

  5. Anonymous3/2/10

    Like that title "It takes a village to raise a child", so why are we building 'Academy City'?

  6. Hi Anon - the 'village to raise a child' quote suggests to us that we all have a responsibility for the safety, health and nurturing of children within our community. The Academy development doesn't appear to us to exclude that happening, although perhaps you feel differently.

  7. Thanks Marsh Street Arches and Garden CIC.
