
Monday 29 March 2010

Crackdown on illegal drug use and supply in Barrow town centre

Police visited pubs and clubs in Barrow last weekend as part of an ongoing crackdown on illegal drug use and supply.
During the evening of Saturday 20 March 2010, officers and a passive drugs dog visited licensed premises in the town to identify anyone who was carrying illegal substances
The evening was deemed a success after officers searched fourteen people under the Misuse of Drugs Act and caught three people in possession of controlled drugs.

Two men from Barrow were given warnings for being in the possession of cannabis, while a 46 year man from Barrow was arrested on suspicion possessing class A drugs. He has been placed on police bail until 3rd April pending further enquiries. A 26 yr old local man who is awaiting sentence for assault in a licensed premises was also arrested in a pub during the evening's visits after officers discovered he was in breach of his court bail conditions.
Sergeant John Dilks in charge of the operation said: “Last weekend's operation is part of our ongoing commitment to making the town centre and night time economy in Barrow safer.
"We know that violence and disorder relating to drink and drugs has a big impact on the quality of life for our local communities so we are doing all we can to deter and detect the misuse of drugs in our pubs and clubs.

“We work closely with the licensing trade and I'd like to thank all the licensees of every premises we visited who were clearly in support of our presence. By joining up with police and fully supporting our efforts, it shows that the whole community is behind our drive to make the pubs and clubs of Barrow drug free.
"Illegal drugs will not be tolerated in Barrow and we are committed to working on behalf of our communitites to tackle the issue. I'd urge anyone with information about drugs in their neighbourhoods to speak to their local police officer or call police on 0845 33 00 247."

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