
Monday 19 April 2010

Inspiring Communities launch was great!

The sun came out for our Inspiring Communities launch event last Saturday (17 April) at Greengate Junior School. Hundreds attended, families and young people alike, and joined in the fun and looked on what's on offer for young people and parents across Central and Hindpool over the next year.

The event saw a host of organisations come together to showcase what they have on offer, DARE Dance ran some taster sessions, The Relics performed and talked to young people about signing-up for their music workshops, Signal Films showed some of their equipment and promoted their 'Movie Makers' project, Barracudas had all sorts of instruments available to try and lots of youngsters had a go at the stilt walking, Street Soccer, Connexions, The Bay roadshow and lots more all added to the fun.
Steve Robson, one of the Inspiring Communities co-ordinators said "It's been a great day, lovely weather, lots of people have come along and we've been able to showcase the excellent range of opportunities that are available for young people in Barrow.
The feedback from the groups has been really good and they've all signed up lots of youngsters interested in taking part in a variety of projects."
Also on the day Mike Hindle a football freestyler, from Streetwise Soccer, showed off his ball control skills and impressed the crowd, Cumbria Fire and Rescue Service, Neighbourhood Management and the neighbourhood police team met residents and gave out free information and advice. The fire engines were particularly popular with the younger children who climbed inside and watched the ladder reach high into the sky.
The school hall was full of stalls, giveaways such as stress balls, dog fouling bags, pens and lots of information leaflets and the neighbourhood police officers kept the crowds well supplied with tea, coffee and biscuits.
Steve Robson added "It's been a very worthwhile day and we're really grateful to all the organisations that took part in the launch. Without them it wouldn't have been as successful as it was. Lots of people have worked hard to make it happen and it's great to see the agencies and the community working together to promote opportunities for our young people."

All photos courtesy of Rosie Hillman.

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