
Wednesday 21 April 2010

Stay secure and beat the burglar

Cumbria Constabulary has today launched a crime prevention campaign to tackle burglary and theft across the county.
The six week-long campaign, designed to raise awareness of the steps people need to take to protect their homes and possessions from thieves, will see officers carry out dedicated police patrols in hotspot areas that are often targeted by criminals. Police will also be displaying posters in key locations in their communities and handing out pocket-sized ‘top tips’ to remind homeowners and motorists to secure their homes and property.

A new video has also been launched on the Constabulary’s website that highlights the insecurities that opportunist thieves are looking out for in our communities. In the short film, Detective Inspector Dave Banks takes on the mindset of a burglar to demonstrate how easily thieves can take advantage of inadequate locks and unlocked windows.

Assistant Chief Constable Jerry Graham said “Statistics reveal that there have been 75 less victims of burglary and 179 less victims of thefts from vehicles in Cumbria between April 2009 – March 2010, compared to the same period in 2008/09. However, one victim is one too many in our eyes; and this campaign has been launched in a bid to encourage our communities to help us to reduce crime and beat the criminals.

“Tackling burglary and theft is a top priority for Cumbria Constabulary but we can only tackle these issues as a community. A high proportion of burglaries and thefts reported to police in Cumbria occur when property or premises are left insecure or because valuable items like purses, keys or handbags are left on show in windows or in vehicles.

“By taking extra care and acting on simple crime prevention tips, communities can work alongside their local policing teams to tackle theft and reduce burglaries in their neighbourhoods.”

As part of the campaign, police officers are urging hotel and business owners across the county to pay extra attention to security following a recent spate of burglaries where premises were targeted due to cash or a safe being left in the property overnight.

ACC Graham continues “We have dedicated teams of detectives around the county who are highly skilled at investigating burglaries and bringing offenders to justice but we need members of the public to play their part in reducing crime in Cumbria.

“Our county is one of the safest and most beautiful in the country and we want you to help us keep it that way. Pick up the phone and report any suspicious activity or people to us so that we can do the rest. I would urge communities, local businesses and neighbours to look out for each other and keep your premises and property as secure as possible. It can take a matter of seconds for a thief to strike and spoil your summer – stay secure and help us beat the burglar.”

The following advice can help you to make sure your property is secure:

Top Tips to keep your house safe
- Fit burglar alarms & good outside security lighting, check regularly to ensure they work
- Lock doors & windows before you go out
- Remove keys from locks & keep out of reach of windows & doors
- Ensure your house is secure, preventing someone entering when you are busy elsewhere in the house or garden
- Ensure side gates & sheds are locked
- Keep gifts, cash & valuables safe & well hidden, so they can’t be seen or  reached by thieves
- Postcode your valuables with a UV pen
- Leave a light on in a room & draw curtains when you go out at night
- Look out for your neighbour’s property
- Consider joining a Neighbourhood Watch Scheme
- Cancel newspapers, milk etc when you go on holiday
- Make sure callers to your home are genuine, always ask for ID
Top Tips to keep your car safe
- Never leave keys in the ignition or in your car, even for a short time
- Park with care, if possible in a busy, well lit area
- If you have a garage use it. If you park on a driveway, close & lock any gates
- Close windows, sunroof, lock doors & activate security alarms when leaving your car
- Take valuables with you when you leave your car, eg: cash, credit cards, mobile phones, satellite navigation systems etc.
- If you have no choice make sure valuables are locked in the boot, taking care no-one is watching you
- Keep your driving and vehicle documents safe & not in your car
- Postcode your valuables with a UV pen
- Make sure your keys are secure at home & work
- On cold mornings, don’t leave your car unattended with the engine running while it warms up
For more information on home security, please contact a member of your local policing team on 0845 33 00 247.

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