
Thursday 18 November 2010

Barrow police launch operation to target retail and vehicle crime

Police in Barrow have launched a six week operation to clamp down on shoplifting, vehicle crime and anti-social behaviour in the town centre.

Operation Shepherd, which begins this week and will run until 31 December, will see increased numbers of officers on high visibility patrols around Barrow town centre who, working alongside retailers, will target shoplifters and provide a reassuring presence in and around busy car parks for Christmas shoppers who visit the area.

Inspector David Bosson states “Operation Shepherd is in its third year and has proved to be extremely successful in the past.

“By having extra officers on hand during peak times in the lead up to Christmas, we will be able to patrol busy town centre areas and work with shop owners and CCTV operators to target thieves to help make Barrow town centre a safe and vibrant place to visit and shop.

“In previous years Operation Shepherd has led to criminals being caught and convicted and a large amount of stolen property was recovered. We hope that it will be as successful this year and that our high visibility presence will act as a deterrent to criminals who may think they can cash in during the weeks leading up to Christmas.

“Police officers and Police Community Support Officers will also be working with the Neighbourhood Management and Parking Wardens to enhance our presence and focus on preventing and detecting vehicle crime.

“We would remind shoppers to still be vigilant, remove valuables from vehicles and keep their personal belongings secure to help stop themselves becoming victims of opportunist crime."

Police offer the following top tips to keep your vehicle safe:
- Never leave keys in the ignition or in your car, even for a short time
- Park with care, if possible in a busy, well lit area
- Close windows, sunroof, lock doors & activate security alarms when leaving your car
- Take valuables with you when you leave your car, eg: cash, credit cards, mobile phones, satellite navigation systems
- If you have no choice make sure valuables are locked in the boot, taking care no-one is watching you
- Keep your driving and vehicle documents safe & not in your car
- Postcode your valuables with a UV pen
- Make sure your keys are secure at home & work

For more crime prevention advice or to speak to your local officer, contact 0845 33 00 247. If you witness a crime or suspicious incident, please inform the police on 0845 33 00 247 or contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

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