
Thursday 31 March 2011

Barrow Borough Council Easter Holidays


All Council Departments will close at 4pm on Thursday 21st April 2011 and will re-open at 8.30am on Tuesday 26th April 2011.


OPEN SATURDAY 23 APRIL 10.30am to 2.30pm

OPEN FRIDAY 22 APRIL 10am to 5pm
OPEN SATURDAY 23 APRIL 11am to 5pm
OPEN SUNDAY 24 APRIL 11am to 5pm
OPEN MONDAY 25 APRIL 11am to 5pm



Cumbria Police Authority - Policing Plan

The Policing Plan for Cumbria is published and available to view from today. This plan sets out the services the Chief Constable has agreed with the Police Authority to deliver for the people of Cumbria. The plan makes the best use of the people and money available to deliver a safer and stronger Cumbria.

Ray Cole, Police Authority Chairman said “The Police Authority works on behalf of everyone in Cumbria to make sure that your police force is effective at fighting crime and provides value for money.

“We set out in the plan how areas of concern for the public will be addressed working with partner agencies, such as burglary, antisocial behaviour, speeding and dangerous driving. The plan also identifies how we will continue to address other priority areas such as drugs trafficking and protecting vulnerable children and adults. In the current economic climate, reviewing and restructuring our organisation will also be a major focus for us.

“The continuing priority of the Police Authority will be to ensure the Constabulary maintains the highest possible standards of policing throughout the county, within the current greatly reduced budget.”

The Policing plan is available to view on the Police Authority Website and the Constabulary website the Constabulary website

Walk to Remember for St Mary's Hospice

'Walk to Remember' registration days take place on Tuesday 5th April 9-4pm and Wednesday 4th May 9-4pm at Asda, Walney Road, Barrow-in-Furness.

Entries are now being taken for the 5th annual St Mary’s Hospice moonlight walk. Pop along to Asda with your registration fee of £10 to take part.

The 'Walk to Remember' takes place Friday 20th May 2011 10pm from Asda, Walney Road, Barrow-in-Furness. With everyone wearing pink flashing hats, pink t-shirts and bunny ears, Barrow will be transformed by a ray of flashing lights, feathers and sequins as walkers unite to support St Mary’s and embark upon this awe- inspiring night time challenge. Find out more here

Wednesday 30 March 2011

Barrow's Wildside - drop-in sessions

Is an exciting new project that aims to improve green spaces in Barrow for wildlife and the local community. Being outside and closer to nature improves your well being too! Loads of exciting plans are being planned for young and old alike. You and your family can get involved in walks, training, practical conservation work.

To find out more why not attend one of the drop-in sessions at:

Barrow Market - Wednesday 13 April 12 noon-3pm

Neighbourhood Management offices, Dalton Rd - Friday 15 April 2-3pm

Barrow Park Pavilion - Saturday 16 April 12noon-3pm

For more info contact Sue Thurley, Barrow's Wildside Project Officer on 01539 816300.

Friday 25 March 2011

Thursday 24 March 2011

Thought for the Week

“We know the truth, not only by the reason, but also by the heart.” Blaise Pascal

Wednesday 23 March 2011

Police issue advice to communities as British summertime starts

Cumbria Constabulary are issuing crime prevention messages to help people keep their homes and cars safe as the clocks change and British summertime starts on Sunday 27th March.

As we start to enjoy longer days and lighter nights, people can be tempted to leave doors and windows open which can attract opportunist thieves. Officers are appealing to their communities to keep possessions safe, hidden and locked to help them beat the criminals.

As summer approaches many people are out enjoying the Lake District, national parks and local attractions that our county offers, Officers are urging people to ensure that their cars are locked and possessions are either left at home or locked away in the boot.

Assistant Chief Constable Jerry Graham said: “As the lighter evenings and better weather approaches we urge people to be vigilant and secure their property which will help to prevent them from becoming a victim of crime.

“Tackling burglary continues to be a priority for the Constabulary, particularly those involving people’s homes. It is very distressing to have a stranger enter your home and steal personal belongings.

“Despite having the lowest burglary figures in the country, investigations show that that this number could be greatly reduced if we all simply remembered to keep possessions safe, hidden and lock up our homes and cars.

“In a matter of minutes thieves can take advantage of an opportunity; remember to lock windows and doors of your home when you go out. It is also important to secure the windows and doors that are easily accessible to thieves when you are upstairs or in your garden.

“I would also urge people to ensure that they take the following advice to ensure the safety of your car; closing windows, locking doors and activating security alarms when leaving your car, even if only for a short time.

“Cumbria remains one of the safest places in the country, demonstrated by the low levels of crime we see year on year. We want our communities to help us keep it that way, and ensure that thieves do not spoil the start of summertime.”

Top tips to keep your house safe:
• Keep cash & valuables safe & well hidden so they can’t be seen or reached by thieves
• Lock doors & windows before you go out, removing keys from locks & keep them out of reach
• Leave a light on in a room & draw curtains when you go out at night
• Postcode your valuables with a UV pen, considering registering them on
• Cancel newspapers, milk etc when you go on holiday
• Look out for your neighbours property
• Make sure callers to your home are genuine, always ask for ID

Top tips to keep your car safe:
• Park in a busy, well lit area or secure car park if possible
• Close windows, sunroof, lock doors & activate security alarms when leaving your car
• Do not leave valuables or shopping on display in your car
• Take possessions & valuables with you when you leave your car, eg: coats, jackets, cash, credit cards, mobile phones, sat nav systems etc
• If you have no choice, make sure valuables & shopping are locked in the boot; taking care no-one is watching you
• Never leave keys in the ignition, even if only for a short time & on cold days, don’t leave your car unattended with the engine running while it warms up
• Always keep your keys secure
• Car security advice:

For more information and useful crime prevention advice visit the Cumbria Constabulary website at or contact you local Neighbourhood Policing Team on 0845 33 00 247.


The Open University is well known for providing courses to suit people from all walks of life and we are keen to get more people on board from Cumbria. You don’t need qualifications to take most of our courses and there is a wide range of informative learning opportunities on offer. For example, you can explore your passion for arts, culture and society, try your hand at psychology, discover a new language or discover a taste for politics or philosophy. Learning is based around your needs, you don’t have to attend classes and depending on your household income, many courses are offered free or at a subsidised rate.

The Open University can also help groups study together by offering extra support throughout a course, so for example if you are part of a volunteering or carers group why not get together with the other members and choose something to learn together! This work is done through the Community Partnerships Team and we work with organisations who are interested in education and learning, whether this is in the workplace or community environment.

Interested in finding our more about how we can work with you or your group?

Katrina Coleman
Community Partnerships Manager
Tel 0191 4776100

Or check out our website at

The A590 Youth Theatre Easter Craft Fair

At the forum, Duke St, Saturday, 26 March 2011.

Doors open 10am-3pm. Adults entry £1 Children FREE.

Friday 18 March 2011

Police appeal for witnesses after recovering a skimming device from a Workington Cash Machine

Detectives in West Cumbria’s CID are appealing for witnesses and advising anyone that may have used the cash machine at HSBC Bank, Pow Street, Workington to be vigilant when checking their accounts for any suspicious activity after recovering a 'skimming device' from the machine.

On Wednesday 16th March, Police were alerted to the cash machine at HSBC, Pow Street after a member of the public using the machine raised the alarm to the bank.

The skimming device consisting of a false panel, looking exactly like a legitimate slot was fixed onto the cash machine to fraudulently obtain credit and debit card numbers. When the card passes through the false card slot, the card details are saved onto a Memory Card within the device. A second, well concealed video device is then often placed above the key pad on the cash machine which records pin numbers as they are tapped into the machine.

The skimming device was well concealed and not noticeable upon first inspection.

Both devices installed on the HSBC’s cash machine were recovered by police and are being examined by the Forensic department.

Detective Constable Nicola Ivison said: "Both devices from the cash machine were recovered and as both were intact, both the HSBC and the Police are confident that whoever was responsible for this crime have not obtained the users’ bank details of anyone using the cash machine.

"However, I'd like to urge users to be vigilant when checking their account and appeal to anyone who uses Cash Machines to always look for any suspicious attachments or devices on the machine. Ensure that you shield your pin number and where possible, withdraw cash from machines that are situated within a bank or building society.

"Offences of this nature are highly organised and can cause a lot of distress and misery for many innocent victims. A full investigation into the incident has begun and we are appealing for anyone who noticed any suspicious activity to contact the Police."

Police have issued the following advice to using cash machines safely:
- Shield the keypad from prying eyes or hidden cameras with your free hand while you type in your PIN.
- Where possible use cash from machines that are situation within a bank or building society.
- Check your immediate surroundings to ensure there's no-one lurking suspiciously near you - if they are, then use a different machine.
- If you're listening to headphones, turn them down or take them off - you may need to be aware of the world around you.
-Never allow yourself to be distracted - for example if someone tells you that you've "dropped something".
- If you suspect there's something unusual about the machine, or any sign that it might have been doctored, then don't use it.
- If you pay for purchases by card, make sure you check your bank statements and credit card accounts regularly so you can spot any unusual activity quickly.

A spokesman for the bank said their cash machines are checked regularly and customers are offered protection against fraud, they have advised that anyone that has any concerns of unauthorised activity on their accounts should make contact initially with their own bank.

The Police are appealing for anyone who noticed any suspicious activity at or around the HSBC Bank recently to contact DC Nicola Ivison on 0845 33 00 247 or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

Thought for the Week

"Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere." Chinese Proverb

Thursday 17 March 2011

Inspiring Communities News #48

Inspiring Communities News #48 - Find out what's on and what's happening in and around Barrow. Follow the link below ...

Wednesday 16 March 2011

Monday 14 March 2011

Cumbria Foundation Grassroots Grants


Aims to support small voluntary and community groups and organisations (grass roots groups) enabling them to continue or expand their work including advocacy, community voice and service provision for local people.

Who can apply?
* groups with an average annual income up to £30,000 in the last three financial years (average to date if not three years old)
* volunteer-led groups helping people facing disadvantage
* applications from new and small groups are particularly welcome
Last year we gave 106 grants for an average of £2,050 and approved 82% of applications.

Examples of activities supported;
* junior football club coaching and training
* disabled access
* community market garden
* grass cutting machine
* drop-in club for older people

Wednesday 9 March 2011

New advice warns buyers ahead of Olympic ticket sales

With less than one week to go until the ticketing process for the Olympic Games opens, new advice has been launched to make sure it’s the criminals who miss out.

The rise in the use of the internet to purchase tickets and accommodation packages online, coupled with the huge expected demand, gives criminals new opportunities to sell non-existent tickets and steal personal and credit card details to use in other crimes.

Sports fans will be able to get their hands on over 8 million tickets for the Olympic Games and a further 2 million for the Paralympics from 15 March – 26 April when the ticket process opens.

By taking some simple steps, ticket buyers can help to avoid falling victim to crime.

Deputy Chief Constable Stuart Hyde said: “The 2012 Games will be one of the biggest sporting events this country has ever hosted, with nearly 11m tickets available for events right across the country.

“Criminals are always looking for ways to con and steal and will see the Olympics as a way to cash in by selling fake tickets or setting up hoax websites. These sites are almost always professional and honest looking, but could take your money and leave you out of pocket and a victim of crime.

“We are offering some easy-to-follow advice to help keep you safe and ensure that people’s excitement about the Games next year isn’t blighted by a bad online experience.”

If you’re buying a ticket for the Games:
o The London 2012 ticket application process opens on the 15 March and you have until 26 April to apply for tickets through LOCOG as tickets are not allocated on a first come first served basis.

o The only way to apply for a ticket in the UK is at This is London 2012’s official site. You can also get a postal application from any Lloyds TSB branch, or from any public library in Northern Ireland. Don’t buy a ticket from an unauthorised website or tout. You risk being scammed, and not getting the ticket you wanted and paid for.

o If you get a ticket for an event you can’t attend, you can return your ticket to get a refund through the London 2012 official ticket exchange. Your ticket will then be officially resold. Details of this will be announced in due course.

o There are only three official providers for Games Breaks and Hospitality.
Packages in the UK - these are:
Jet Set Travel -

o Other websites or companies will not be authorised to sell you a ticket as part of a package in the UK. Always check the terms and conditions to see exactly what you are being sold;

o Outside of the UK London 2012 tickets are sold through the country’s National Olympic Committee, or their authorised retailer.

o If you find tickets for sale before the 15th March 2011 or available from any unauthorised source at anytime, don’t buy them. They are not genuine. Report it to your local police, or London 2012 via

If you want advice and guidance on fraud please visit

Tuesday 8 March 2011

Cumbria Police Support European Seatbelt Campaign

From Monday 7th March to Sunday 13th March Cumbria Constabulary will take part in a Europe-wide seatbelt campaign coordinated by TISPOL (Traffic Information System Police), an organisation which joins together Traffic Police from across Europe in an effort to reduce the number of people killed or seriously injured on Europe's roads each year.

As part of the Cumbria Road Safety Partnership (CRSP), Officers from Cumbria's Roads Policing Unit, together with Community and Response Officers from across the Force will target drivers and passengers of all types of vehicles this week to ensure through enforcement and education that a strong message goes out that wearing seatbelts is compulsory for a reason.

Sergeant Jo Fawcett of Cumbria Constabulary's Roads Policing Unit said "Along with my colleagues, I attend horrendous road traffic collisions on a regular basis all over Cumbria and there is absolutely no doubt in my mind that the wearing of seatbelts is a major factor in both the saving of lives that would otherwise be lost.

“It is also clear that wearing seatbelts minimises the severity of the injuries people suffer. I'd urge everyone, however short the distance, to make sure they belt-up, and take responsibility for securing young people who travel with them.

"This week will see Officers out on Cumbria's roads, targeting those who don't wear their seatbelts, and sending out educational messages through community groups and the local media."

A spokesperson from TISPOL states: “It is well documented that seatbelts significantly reduce the loss of life and degree of severe injury in the event of a road traffic collision.

“Research provides us with the valuable knowledge that seatbelts save lives. Where vehicle occupants choose not to wear a seatbelt, the law is clear and the police enforce the law, as we know lives are saved as a result of seatbelt enforcement. Those people who chose not to wear a seatbelt expose themselves and their fellow passengers to the risk of fatal or serious injury consequences.”

Monday 7 March 2011

Inspiring Communities News #47

Inspiring Communities News #47 - find out what's on and what's happening.

Friday 4 March 2011

Thought for the Week

"The only person who is educated is the one who has learned how to learn and change." Carl Rogers

World Book Day today - A celebration of books and reading.

World Book Day is a worldwide celebration of books and reading, and is marked in over 100 countries around the globe.

Today the UK and Ireland will mark World Book Day through a series of activities all over the country.

Dame Lynne Brindley, CEO of the British Library shares her favourite book: “As a child, Alice in Wonderland was always a favourite book. It is a real privilege to now be able to view the various depictions of Alice by artists from John Tenniel to Salvador Dali on public display in the British Library’s Treasures Gallery. Having had cats at home as child, my favourite character was undoubtedly the Cheshire Cat – I think I lived in hope that mine would also strike up a conversation!”

Baroness Tanni Grey-Thompson DBE, 11-time Paralympic Gold medallist: “Favourite book – at the moment Pride and Prejudice and Zombies by Seth Grahame-Smith. It has it all the class of Austen, a happy ending but zombies too. Completely irreverent.”

Bounce by Matthew Syed has got the vote of Lord Herman Ouseley, Chair of Kick It Out, football's equality and inclusion campaign. "Like everything else in life, Bounce is convincing about the part luck plas in being successful in sport," he said. "You may be hugely talented, but success comes only with hard work, knowing the right people and being in the right place at the right time to get the sort of bounce that really makes a difference."

Last but not least, Baroness Sue Campbell, Chair of UK Sport and Youth Sport Trust picks More Than Just A Game by Chuck Korr and Marvin Close, “because it shows the power of sport in inspiring people and changing lives,” and the man responsible for administering the Public Lending Right, Registrar Jim Parker tells us “My favourite childhood book was Gavin Maxwell's Ring of Bright Water - the author's account of how he reared a wild otter and estblished an otter sanctuary in the western isles of Scotland. Beautifully and evocatively written at a time in the late fifties and early sixties when wildlife and environmental issues were beginning to come to public attention.”

Thursday 3 March 2011

FREE Well-Being Course in Hindpool

Starts Tuesday 8 March 2011 from 9.30am-11.30am at Hindpool Children’s Centre, Bath Street. Come and join our relaxed, fun and interactive classes, natural health for you and your family.

You will learn:
•How to give a relaxing massage
•About different kinds of therapies
•How to naturally help common problems like stress, colds, teething and much more.

For further information or to book a place call or text Gillian on 0774 538 8606. Crèche available.

'Home Town' exhibition by John Duffin at the Dock Museum

John Duffin was born and raised in Barrow. He has now lived in London for over twenty years yet continues to paint and draw his hometown. He frequently returns to Barrow to make sketches and drawings of the area. His paintings are then completed in London and are a combination of memory, actuality and vision. This exhibition highlights John’s rare ability to be able to depict a place in just the right light, time of day or mood to capture its essence.

Wednesday 2 March 2011

Thousands of smokers prepare to make No Smoking Day their time to quit

Thousands of smokers across the country are taking the opportunity of No Smoking Day – Wednesday 9th March – to quit smoking.

Smokers are much more likely to succeed in their quit attempt if they begin planning in good time, setting a quit date, getting all the support and information they will need in advance by going to free NHS stop smoking services or pharmacies and visiting 'No Smoking Day’s' website dedicated to smokers –

So why not make 'No Smoking Day' your time to quit? You can kick the habit with the help and support that is available. Those who do stop smoking on 9th March will gain health and financial benefits in next to no time, including:
• Feeling fitter and having loads of energy to start that healthy lifestyle – not feeling out of breath when the dog takes you for a brisk walk!
• Saving loads of money – giving up a 20-a-day habit is like a £44 a week pay rise!

Locally organisers from Barrow Borough Council, NHS Cumbria and other organisations are hosting an event in Barrow Indoor Market on Wednesday 9th March from 10am-2pm. Smokers can have their carbon monoxide levels monitored and receive free information on quitting.

In addition passes for a free swim or an aerobics/dance or spin class at the Park Leisure Centre will be available for anyone speaking to an advisor on the day. For those people who wish to use exercise as a motivational tool to quit an advisor from the Leisure Centre will be on hand to discuss options and offer discounted memberships.

In addition to the Indoor Market event display materials will be available in local venues including the Dock Museum, Forum, Town Hall, Dalton Leisure Centre and the Park Leisure Centre. Advisors will also be speaking to quitters in other local settings to raise awareness.

22.6 % of adults in the area smoke and research has shown that over two thirds of them would like to quit. 'No Smoking Day' provides an excellent opportunity for them to do that. By using the support available on 'No Smoking Day' and throughout the year you can significantly increase your chance of success.

For more information, please contact either;
- Julie Hodgson, Environmental Health Officer, Barrow Borough Council - 01229 876381
- Mike Otto, Health Improvement Officer, Barrow Borough Council - 01229 876496
- Charlotte Chorlton, Locality Health Improvement Specialist, South Cumbria NHS Cumbria

No Smoking Day is in its 28th year and is a registered charity supported by an alliance of the UK’s health promotion agencies and major health charities

For more information about the campaign visit  and for how to quit smoking go to