
Tuesday 8 March 2011

Cumbria Police Support European Seatbelt Campaign

From Monday 7th March to Sunday 13th March Cumbria Constabulary will take part in a Europe-wide seatbelt campaign coordinated by TISPOL (Traffic Information System Police), an organisation which joins together Traffic Police from across Europe in an effort to reduce the number of people killed or seriously injured on Europe's roads each year.

As part of the Cumbria Road Safety Partnership (CRSP), Officers from Cumbria's Roads Policing Unit, together with Community and Response Officers from across the Force will target drivers and passengers of all types of vehicles this week to ensure through enforcement and education that a strong message goes out that wearing seatbelts is compulsory for a reason.

Sergeant Jo Fawcett of Cumbria Constabulary's Roads Policing Unit said "Along with my colleagues, I attend horrendous road traffic collisions on a regular basis all over Cumbria and there is absolutely no doubt in my mind that the wearing of seatbelts is a major factor in both the saving of lives that would otherwise be lost.

“It is also clear that wearing seatbelts minimises the severity of the injuries people suffer. I'd urge everyone, however short the distance, to make sure they belt-up, and take responsibility for securing young people who travel with them.

"This week will see Officers out on Cumbria's roads, targeting those who don't wear their seatbelts, and sending out educational messages through community groups and the local media."

A spokesperson from TISPOL states: “It is well documented that seatbelts significantly reduce the loss of life and degree of severe injury in the event of a road traffic collision.

“Research provides us with the valuable knowledge that seatbelts save lives. Where vehicle occupants choose not to wear a seatbelt, the law is clear and the police enforce the law, as we know lives are saved as a result of seatbelt enforcement. Those people who chose not to wear a seatbelt expose themselves and their fellow passengers to the risk of fatal or serious injury consequences.”

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