
Thursday 30 June 2011

Cumbria Mental Health Group Awareness Day

Saturday 9 July 2011 awareness day raffle and tombola is getting near, it is taking place at Barrow Indoor Market.

Raffle prizes -
1st: Kettle, toaster and coffee maker
2nd: Jewellery Box
3rd: £10 top ten bingo vouchers and tin of biscuits
4th: Bottle of Gordon's Gin, 5th Tin of biscuits.

Our local office is at Lesser Kings Hall 57-59 Hartington Street telephone 01229 826655. For further information email: or call 01229 826655 or 01229 827870.

Wednesday 29 June 2011

New interview suite in South Furness will help victims of serious crime

Cumbria Constabulary is set to launch a new video suite in South Furness to help support victims and witnesses of serious crimes.

Thanks to the support of Cumbria County Council, local councillors and the Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnership that have together secured the £26,500 needed to run the new facility, officers will officially open the video suite on Thursday 30 June 2011.

Currently, victims or witnesses of serious crime in South Furness who need to be video interviewed are transported to the nearest video suite facility which is in Windermere – a journey that can take up to an hour from the South Furness area. In addition to the inconvenience caused to the interviewees, this process cost Cumbria Constabulary around £13,000 in the time it took officers’ to travel to and from the premises each year, and approximately £3,000 per year in fuel.

Detective Sergeant Mike Brown is based in Barrow police station and has been leading the project. He said: “I am delighted that after more than a year of planning, South Furness is now able to provide a facility that will significantly improve the service and care provided to victims and witnesses of crime.

“This project has only been made possible by real partnership working and a shared understanding by organisations in the area that the responsibility to improve the standards of care to victims falls to everybody – not just the police.

“The law states that in cases involving vulnerable people, children or any sexual offences, victims need to be video interviewed. This is to ensure we secure the best possible evidence and get clear statements while memories are detailed and fresh. It also provides the best protection for a victim or witness in court.

“Those who contributed funding for this project recognise that it is vital that people involved in serious incidents like sexual or violent crimes are video interviewed at the earliest possible stage in order to help secure convictions. The new suite will be more accessible and is designed to be more comfortable and welcoming than an interview room in a police station. It aims to provide an environment that makes the interviewee as relaxed as possible in the hope of making the whole experience of recalling their experiences and being questioned by police less traumatic.”

Officers hope that the new facility will reduce the number of complaints that are withdrawn as previously individuals have refused to travel to Windermere to be interviewed. Officers have also had to stop and assist many victims who suffered from travel sickness – so they had an unpleasant experience before they even reached the interview suite.

Detective Chief Inspector Paul Duhig from Cumbria Constabulary’s Public Protection Department said: “The opening of the interview suite tomorrow will make a real difference to vulnerable victims of crime in South Furness.

“This project is an excellent example of working positively with other key partners who are also committed to protecting the public, especially children and adults who may be at risk. At a time when Cumbria Constabulary has to save significant sums of money this new facility would not have been possible without the support of partner agencies and local councillors who donated so generously, and Cumbria County Council who have provided the building free of charge for five years.”

Councillor Gary Strong, Cumbria County Council's Cabinet member responsible for safer and stronger communities, said: "The County Council recognises the important role the new video suite will play in lessening the trauma to victims of crime.

"Tackling crime and supporting communities requires a fully co-ordinated multi-agency approach and that is what we've seen delivered here. Traditional boundaries between organisations have been broken down, there's been no buck-passing or finger pointing - instead we've all worked together to deliver something the people of Barrow need and deserve."

Handy Loans coming to Barrow - more affordable credit!

Need a loan? Take the stress out of financial difficulty.

Did you know ...
•As long as you have income, are over the age of 18, and can demonstrate that you are able to repay a loan over an agreed period, you can apply for a Handy Loan
•Our loans are affordable and a decision is made within 7 days
•Our loans are available to everyone regardless of your credit history and employment status
•We are a Cumbrian partnership working with Cumbria County Council, Local Credit Unions and CART
•We offer impartial money guidance where necessary
•Other lenders can charge in excess of 1000% APR compared to our affordable rates of 26.82% with no hidden costs

A Cumbrian partnership is now offering a Handy Loans Service in Barrow -soon they will be on your doorstep.

Every Wednesday from the 3rd August 2011 they will be in the Neighbourhood Management office at 242/244 Dalton Rd.

To find out more contact 01900 607 550 or visit their website  at  

An ideal opportunity to access more affordable credit.

Are you interested in joining a new Credit Union for the Borough of Barrow-in-Furness?

A Credit Union is a way of giving all members of our community the chance to save small or large amounts of money and to borrow money at affordable rates.

A Credit Union is not run to make a profit. Any money made by the Credit Union is either paid out as a dividend to members, or kept, and used to expand the credit union's services, thus benefiting all its members.

Before the new Credit Union can open we need to find out how many people in the area are interested in becoming members. We do this by asking you to sign a Pledge form. Signing the Pledge Form doesn't commit you to anything. It just shows us how many people in the community are interested in joining the Barrow & District Credit Union. It’s very important for us to understand the level of interest that there is in Barrow & District. The Credit Union can only open if enough people want it to happen.

For more information and to sign the pledge, please visit the Credit Union Study Group website at

Monday 27 June 2011

Special Constables awarded for service to South Cumbrian communities

A group of Special Constables who serve the communities of South Cumbria received awards last week for completing over 11,000 hours of duty between them.

South Cumbria’s police commander, Chief Superintendent Paul Kennedy, presented a dozen officers with certificates in recognition of their commitment to Cumbria Constabulary and their efforts to serving the local community.

Special Constables commit to providing at least 208 hours of voluntary service per year but, between April 2010 and March 2011, 12 specials who support the Barrow Borough, Kendal and Lakes & Ulverston Neighbourhood Policing Teams gave over 400 hours of their own time - completing a combined total of 11,000 hours of duty.

As well as using the time to completing the training they need to fulfil their roles, the officers designed and took part in local operations to tackle community priorities and conducted regular high visibility police patrols.

Special Chief Inspector Richard Steen presented two additional awards during the ceremony. Special Inspector Nick Oliver received the Greatest Achiever 2010 award in recognition of his commitment to the his newly appointed role and dedication to developing his colleagues. Nick completed an outstanding 1,964 hours of duty.

The second award was for the ‘Best Developed Officer in 2010’. This was presented to Special Constable Stuart Game after being recognised as being reliable, hard working and dedicated to improving his knowledge and increasing public reassurance in the Kendal area. Stuart completed an impressive 1,473 hours of service.

Inspector Nick Oliver said: “I feel honoured to be able to work with such a dedicated team of people who give 100% to everything they do – from providing a presence at local community events to routine police patrols.

“I have learned a lot this year from S/Ch Inspector Steen and the rest of the team. I was delighted to be presented with my award and was also very proud of Special Constable Game.

“I have only been a Special for a short time but I have learned some valuable lessons. I will continue to work with the team and help develop our already very strong bond. We are all dedicated to our roles within the communities of South Cumbria and I hope that we continue to have another excellent and enjoyable year.”

Chief Superintendent Paul Kennedy said: “The successful policing of South Cumbria is down to the close ties officers have with our communities and the Special Constabulary is key to maintaining this relationship.

“Across South Cumbria we benefit from the voluntary commitment of our Specials who work side by side with regular police officers. Between them, they have dedicated over 11,000 hours of their time which says a great deal about their commitment. The Special Constabulary is a real asset for the people of South Cumbria as we work to continue delivering the best possible local policing service. I, along with many colleagues in Cumbria Constabulary, sincerely thank our Specials for their dedication and assistance in keeping South Cumbria safe.”

You can follow the day to day activities of a Special Constable on Twitter at:

If you would like more information on becoming a Special Constable please visit our website or contact the recruitment team on: 01768 217092 or 01768 217090.

Friday 24 June 2011

John Woodcock MP to launch the Islands of Barrow and Furness Peninsula Walking Festival with the Mayor of Barrow-in-Furness

John Woodcock, MP for Barrow and Furness will join Councillor John Murphy, The Mayor of Barrow-in-Furness, to formally launch the Islands of Barrow and Furness Peninsula Walking Festival 2011 with the inaugural Love Barrow Walk on Friday, 1st July, 2011.

The Love Barrow Walk will be led by the Mayor and will include a personal introduction and tour of Barrow Town Hall. Everyone wishing to participate on this walk are asked to meet on the Courtyard at the rear of Barrow Town Hall at 1 pm. The walk will explore the heritage of the St. George’s area, one of the oldest parts of the Town.

The Festival runs from the 1st July until 31st July and the first week includes a variety of walks across the Borough:

1st July Love Barrow Walk 1pm Barrow Town Hall
2nd July Cistercian Way 12noon Rose Garden, Ulverston
2nd July Beach clean Earnse Bay 10-12 noon
3rd July Walney Walk plus Widows Crossing 1pm Dock Museum
Meet at North Scale 4pm to explore the beasts of Walney Channel
5th July Barrow – Foxfield long coastal walk. Barrow station 10.30am
7th July Walney North End Sunset walk 6.45pm

A leaflet detailing the full Walking Festival programme can be downloaded at   or picked up from Barrow Tourist Information Centre and other distribution points across Cumbria.

The Sunday Times on 21st June 2009 declared this festival one of the best eight walking festivals in the UK.

Councillor John Murphy, Mayor of Barrow commented “The Furness Peninsula is a wonderful area of the country with stunning heritage and charming, picturesque walks. I urge everyone to come and explore the coastal fringes and byways of this wonderful area”

The Islands of Barrow and Peninsulas Walking Festival is a five week festival of walks against the stunning backdrop of the Furness Peninsula and featuring the islands of Barrow and is a Barrow-in-Furness Sea Change Cultural Event. Follow ancient trails, greenways and coastal paths exploring the natural and built history of this south western corner of Cumbria.

For further information contact Mrs. Ann Taylforth, Barrow Town Centre and Festivals Manager on 01229 876389.

“Walk and be happy, walk and be healthy” – Charles Dickens

Thought for the Week

“Though we travel the world over to find the beautiful, we must carry it with us or we find it not.”  Ralph Waldo Emerson

Thursday 23 June 2011

Barrow and District Disability Association

The Barrow & District Disability Association, based on 71-77 School Street, Barrow (Back of Home Bargains on Dalton Road) has a wide range of activities and services for and including disabled people. These include:

- Disability Access Advice, e.g.ramps., widths of doors, Part M Building Control regulations
- Disability Advice and Benefits Service (DABS). This is a completely new service that will benefit disabled people, their carers, families, friends, and professionals interested in their welfare. Call or telephone 01229 432599 for an appointment to see either Julia Everett or Nanette Pyatt, DABS Officers.
- Willow Tree Cafe, this is a fantastic cafe offering top quality food in a highly professional manner at a reasonable cost. We believe we have the best chef in town! Come try us and make your mind up yourself.
- 10 to 12 weeks courses including: Drawing, British Sign Language, Soft Furnishings, Dressmaking; beginners, intermediate, and advanced, beadwork, Intermediate Acrylics, Advanced Acrylics, and Advanced Mixed Media Art. Concessions for people on means tested benefits. Call into enrol or for more details.
- Computer courses of 10 to 15 weeks duration: Beginners Computers; Intermediate Computers; Desktop Publishing; Beginners Spreadsheets; Creative Projects Using Publisher; Digital Imaging; Beginners Word Processing; Web Design for Beginners; Introduction to Photoshop; Beginners Digital Photography; Photoshop for Beginners. Call into enrol or for more details.


Complementary therapies available from Margaret Hall such as Bowen Technique, homeopathy, Indian Head Massage (wonderful!) and many more therapies. Phone 01229 463028 for more details and an appointment.

They have much, much more to offer, call in or phone on 01229 432599 for more details.

How would people on Barrow Island spend £1million?

The people who attended the Big Lottery drop-in on 9th June would spend it mainly on supporting young people. Priorities are a new Community Centre for all ages and improved formal and informal places for Sport and Play.

Many residents mentioned the possibility of upgrading Cavendish Park and making it more of a community facility for people on Barrow Island.

The results strongly mirrored the recent Streetsafe carried out on the Island in May.

All the information collected in the Drop in and Streetsafe will be presented to a meeting on 7th July.

County Council officer Derek Brook is hopeful that a group of residents will come forward to help to take the lead on proposed projects.

“We have over 30 people who have expressed an interest in working with us on the Big Lottery Big Local Trust project. But we are happy to have more. With £1 million we can really make a difference but it will involve hard work. It’s really important that the process is led by the community and not people like me – we are here to offer advice and to help.”

The first meeting of the Big Lottery Residents group will be at Dundalk Street on Thursday 7 July at 6.30pm. Anyone wanting to attend should contact Derek Brook on 407312 or sign up on the Facebook page Barrow Island Big Local Trust.

Appointment of Chief Executive of Cumbria Police Authority

At the Annual Meeting of Cumbria Police Authority, held on Wednesday 15 June 2011, the Authority Members formally agreed to appoint Stuart Edwards (Acting Chief Executive) as the Authority’s Chief Executive.

Stuart moved from Cumbria County Council to take up his appointment as Deputy Chief Executive with Cumbria Police Authority in 2003. This was at the time when the Secretariat became an Independent body having previously been administered under a service level agreement with Cumbria County Council. The Authority’s Chief Executive retired in February 2010 and since that time Stuart has been Acting Chief Executive.

Commenting on Stuart’s appointment, Councillor Ray Cole, Chairman of Cumbria Police Authority said: “Over the past sixteen months, Stuart has done an outstanding job as Acting Chief Executive. He has faced many difficult and complex challenges including the preparation for and delivery of evidence for the successful but demanding combined HMIC and Audit Commission inspection process and has worked closely with the Treasurer and Chief Constable to address the severe financial consequences faced by the Constabulary as a direct consequence of the Government Comprehensive Spending Review.

“It is the Government’s intention to abolish Police Authorities in 2012 and replace them with a directly elected Police and Crime Commissioner. It will be the responsibility of Stuart and his team to complete the extensive additional work for this process, within the tight timescale, to ensure a smooth transition while providing ‘business as usual’.

“While he has been with the Authority Stuart has demonstrated his professional knowledge, dedication and ability to adapt, and manage, during these times of unprecedented change. Members of the Authority have every confidence in his capabilities and welcome him to the post of Chief Executive.”

Charity Car Boot Sale on Sunday, 3rd July

The Mayor of Barrow, Councillor John Murphy, is holding a Charity Car Boot Sale on Sunday, 3rd July commencing at 7.30am on Market Street Car Park.

The cost per car is £5, which is payable on the day and spaces will be allocated on a first come first served basis. All booking fees are in aid of Furness First Responders.

If the weather is inclement, the boot sale will be postponed until the following Sunday.

Wednesday 22 June 2011

It’s a fair cop – Cumbria police win TyreSafe annual award

Cumbria Constabulary has been awarded the prestigious TyreSafe outstanding achievement award for 2011 for its ‘tireless’ campaign work promoting tyre safety.

The accolade was presented by Stuart Jackson, chairman, TyreSafe to PC Shaun McKeown, Forensic Vehicle Examiner for Cumbria Police Collision Investigation Unit, and Sgt Graeme Hodgson from the Roads Policing Unit at the Tyre Recovery Association’s annual dinner held at St Johns Hotel in Solihull on 17th June.

TyreSafe, a not-for-profit organisation, is the UK’s leading tyre safety organisation and is dedicated to raising awareness about the importance of correct tyre maintenance and the dangers associated with defective and illegal tyres.

Jackson said: “Our thanks go to Cumbria Constabulary for its relentless drive in supporting tyre safety. Not only has it been a great partner behind the scenes but has also been at the fore in many of our initiatives, as well as promoting those of its own.”

“Indeed, PC McKeown was a key speaker at our inaugural industry roadshow earlier this year, once again highlighting how Cumbria Police is willing to go the extra mile to spread the tyre safety message.”

Additional praise was also given to the hard work undertaken by Cumbrian officers to highlight motorbike tyre safety, as the county is a favourite with those wanting to experience the beautiful scenery and diverse riding conditions.

Another exciting partnership was with transport and logistics firm Eddie Stobart, whose headquarters are based in Cumbria, which saw a unique tyre safety livery on one of its fleet’s trailers.

The eye-catching lorry was placed at strategic roadside locations in the county as part of last October’s tyre safety month, as well as being used by Cumbria police to conduct roadside tyre checks.

PC McKeown said: “Tyre maintenance is something that is often overlooked by motorists when it should be high up on everybody’s priorities to ensure that we don’t become another road casualty statistic.

“Unfortunately, police and our emergency services partners have to deal with the horrific aftermath of collisions on a daily basis and defective or unsafe tyres can often be a contributing factor.

“However, TyreSafe plays a hugely important role in raising the awareness of the dangers of unsafe tyres, so we’re only too happy to be involved. Road safety is an absolute priority for Cumbria Constabulary.”

For more information about tyre safety and TyreSafe visit

Friday 17 June 2011

“Walk and be happy, walk and be healthy” – Charles Dickens

The 'Islands of Barrow and Furness Peninsula Walking Festival' programme dates announced.

The Sunday Times on 21st June 2009 declared this Festival one of the best 8 Walking Festivals in the UK. The Festival runs from the 1st July until 31st July and will start with a Love Barrow Walk personally led by the Mayor of Barrow-in-Furness, Councillor John Murphy, and will include a personal introduction and tour of Barrow Town Hall. The full programme of walks is set out below:

1st July Love Barrow Walk 1pm Barrow Town Hall
2nd July Cistercian Way 12noon Rose Garden, Ulverston
2nd July Beach clean Earnse Bay 10-12noon
3rd July Walney Walk plus Widows Crossing 1pm Dock Museum
Meet at North Scale 4pm to explore the beasts of Walney Channel
5th July Barrow – Foxfield long coastal walk. Barrow station 10.30am
7th July Walney North End Sunset walk 6.45pm
8th July A walk from Furness Abbey (Greenway) 6pm
9th July Dalton Walk Meet Tudor Square 1pm
10th July Haematite Heritage Walk 1pm Wax Lyrical Lindal
14th July Walney North End Sunset walk 6.45pm
15th July Biggar Village Walk 5.30pm
16th July Barrow’s Wildside Ormsgill Quarry, How Tun Woods 2pm
16th July 1pm – 4pm Intro to North Walney Nature Reserve
17th July Barrow’s Wildside South Walney Nature Reserve 10.30am
17th July Morecambe Bay Stroll 1 pm Leece Tarn
21st July Walney North End Sunset walk 6.45pm
23rd July Piel Walk 10.30am Snab Point explore the Heritage of Piel and Sheep Islands, Piel Castle and The Ship Inn with John Murphy
24th July Piel Walk and 11am Snab Point A guided walk peppered with interesting stories and facts led by John Murphy. Art Gene want to gather your favourite anecdotes about this magical isle.
24th July Family Wildlife Safari North Walney 1–4pm
24th July Barrow’s Wildside Owl Prowl Abbotswood time 9pm
28th July Creatures of the Estuary Sandscale Car Park 2pm –4pm
28th July Walney North End Sunset walk 6.45pm
29th July Local Heritage of Furness Walk Meet Furness Abbey Amphitheatre 6pm
30th July Barrow’s Wildside Extended Westfield Trail 12noon
30th July Bat Walk 8.45pm Barrow Park
31st July Wildlife Walk Sandscale 11am–3pm

Copies of the Walking Festival leaflet can be downloaded at

Mrs. Ann Taylforth, Barrow Town Centre and Festivals Manager commented “This is the eighth Walking Festival we have organised and it has proved very successful. Every year we try to find something a little different to add to the Festival programme as well as the well loved favourites. This year we are joining with the Barrow Wildside Project being run by Cumbria Wildlife Trust and introducing an Owl Prowl and exploring the wildlife of How Tun Woods. There is something for everyone, from Walks across to Piel island, to an evening Bat Walk with Westmorland and Furness Bat Group, children’s beachcombing at Sandscale Haws and a Get on Track Walk with the Outthere project.

All walks are being led by qualified walking guides and we are delighted to be working in collaboration with SeaChange, Feet First in Furness, Cumbria County Council, Westmorland and Furness Bat Group, Cumbria Wildlife Trust and the National Trust. Walking Festival leaflets will be available from Barrow Tourist Information Centre, outlets across South Cumbria and are featured in the What’s on in South Lakeland Guide. Details of all walks are available on line at

Councillor John Murphy, Mayor of Barrow commented “The Furness Peninsula is a wonderful area of the country with stunning heritage and charming, picturesque walks. I urge everyone to come and explore with me the coastal fringes and byways of this wonderful area”

The Islands of Barrow and Peninsulas Walking Festival is a five week festival of walks against the stunning backdrop of the Furness Peninsula and featuring the islands of Barrow and is a Barrow-in-Furness Sea Change Cultural Event. Follow ancient trails, greenways and coastal paths exploring the natural and built history of this south western corner of Cumbria.

For further information contact Mrs. Ann Taylforth, Barrow Town Centre and Festivals Manager on 01229 876389 or walking Guides John Murphy on 01229 473746 or Richard Scott on 823144.

Thought for the Week

“The power of imagination makes us infinite.” John Muir

Thursday 16 June 2011

Missing young person found

Cumbria Police have said that missing young person, Chloe Wilson, was found safe and well in Barrow at 5:40 pm last night.

Cumbria Police Authority appoint Chair and Vice Chair.

At the Annual Meeting of Cumbria Police Authority, held on Wednesday 15 June 2011, the members reappointed Councillor Ray Cole as Chairman and Mrs Lynda Shaw as Vice Chair of the Authority.

Following the meeting, Councillor Cole, who has been Chairman for the last two years said: “I consider it an honour and a privilege to be elected as Chairman of Cumbria Police Authority and I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the tremendous support the Authority members have given me over the past twelve months.

“As a direct consequence of the Government’s October 2010 Comprehensive Spending Review the Authority, working closely with the Constabulary, were required to make extremely difficult decisions to address the £18.7 million reduction to our budget over the next four years. Every possible avenue was explored to make savings and it was with great reluctance found necessary to dramatically reduce the number of support staff employed within the organisation. I fully understand the anguish and personal uncertainty this has given to our loyal and dedicated staff, sadly, there was no option.

“It is the intention of the Government to abolish Police Authorities in May 2012, and replace each one with a single elected Police and Crime Commissioner. I personally, do have severe reservations as to the wisdom of such a radical and untested programme of change; however we at Cumbria Police Authority will continue with ‘business as usual’, working closely with the Constabulary on behalf of the people of Cumbria and putting in place a transition strategy.

“During the transition period the Authority will ensure the Constabulary, within a reducing budget, continue to provide an efficient and effective Police Service for the residents and visitors to this county. I am absolutely confident that with the professionalism and vision of the Chief Constable, his Senior Command team, supported by the dedication of Cumbria Police Officers and support staff, the Constabulary will continue to deliver a police service which ranks with the best in the country.”

Mrs Shaw who has been appointed as Vice Chair of the Authority said: “I am pleased to have the opportunity to continue to support the Chair and the other Members of the Authority at a time of challenging budget cuts and future radical changes to police governance.

“I am one of 8 independent members on the Police Authority who collectively bring a variety and wealth of experience to the oversight of Cumbria Constabulary. The Authority’s task is to prepare for possible change while maintaining stamina and enthusiasm for our busy and important role.”

Wednesday 15 June 2011

Summer Fayre - Thursday 23 June

Summer Fayre - Thursday 23 June 2011, at Jubilee House,15 Abbey Road, Barrow from 1pm till 3pm. Attractions include various stalls, craft nearly new, books ,dvds and much more. All profits go into the Service Users amenity fund, for Jubilee House.

For further information contact Chris McSorley on 01229 407232 or Email: 

Barrow and Furness Pensioners Association Meeting

Monday 20 June 2011, this meeting has been rescheduled from Monday 13 June 2011 and takes place at the forum, Duke Street, Barrow-in-Furness from 1.30pm.

Discussions on BAFPA actions at Parliament with a projection of photographs proposed. AGM takes place in same venue on Monday 11 July 2011 ratification of revised constitution and election of a new committee for 2011-2012.

Refreshments will be available.

Tuesday 14 June 2011

Everyday cycling for everyone!

Welcome to Team Green Britain Bike Week – a national celebration of cycling! This is taking place 18th - 26th June nationwide.

Team Green Britain Bike Week is the UK’s biggest mass participation cycling event – last year almost half a million people participated at events across the country. The aim is to get more people cycling, more often, and the event offers something for everyone – from families, schools and companies, to seasoned cyclists and those who have never cycled before.

Team Green Britain Bike Week is an annual opportunity to promote cycling, and show how cycling can easily be part of everyday life by making ‘everyday cycling for everyone’. Demonstrating the social, health and environmental benefits of cycling, the week aims to get people to give cycling a go all over the UK, whether this be for fun, as a means of getting around to the local shops, school, the library or just to visit friends.

In 2011, Team Green Britain Bike Week is hosting 'Britain's Biggest Bike Fix' - an ambitious attempt to fix as many bikes as possible during one week.

Research shows that 77% of people own a bike yet only 14% use them regularly, so this year Team Green Britain Bike Week is encouraging people to dust down and liberate the thousands of once-loved bikes languishing in sheds around the country, by taking part in Britain’s Biggest Bike Fix.

Barrow’s ‘Dr Bike’ Clinic - Barrow Borough Council, in partnership with Topmark is able to offer a ‘Dr Bike’ clinic on:

Saturday 25th June 2011
10am – 12 noon
Park Leisure Centre’s All Weather Facility.

A trained mechanic from Topmark will attend the event to deliver bike safety checks and basic repairs. This can include fixing punctures and adjusting brakes and gears, as well as advising on potential problems and giving tips on looking after bikes. The clinic will encourage people who own a bike, but don’t use it, to bring it along to the event, have it checked and rediscover the joy of travelling on two wheels.

For more information on Barrow’s 'Dr Bike Clinic' or the event please contact Mike Otto on 01229 876496 or

Police in South Cumbria are launching a ‘cone amnesty’

Police in South Cumbria are launching a ‘cone amnesty’ after being left with increasing replacement bills.

Officers are aware that residents in the area have been ‘borrowing’ the no waiting cones for personal or commercial use over a period of time, but as officers now face bills of up to £2000 to replace the 200 that are estimated to be missing, they are launching an amnesty in the hope that they will be returned.

Acting Inspector Steve Christy from Cumbria police said: “We know that people in the area find our no waiting cones useful and many are ‘borrowed’ by people who want to mark out designated no parking zones.

“They may ‘borrow’ several but only return one or two – but the missing cones add up and we need them for a public service. They are essential for our role and for public safety so we hope that we can prompt people to have a clear out and return the cones that they may have. We won’t ask any questions and you won’t face arrest for having them, just leave them out or drop them into a police station and help us avoid paying out hundreds of pounds of tax payers’ money.”

Monday 13 June 2011

Victim urges neighbours to lock up after thieves steal sentimental scan of her baby

A Barrow woman who recently became a victim of burglary has joined police in issuing a warning to her neighbours to keep their homes secure.

19 year old Amber Marshall of Anson Street, Barrow woke up to find that burglars had stolen handbags, purses and a camera belonging to her and her mum while her and her newborn daughter were asleep overnight between 7 June and 8 June. The most distressing aspect of the crime for Amber was that the offender(s) made off with a camera that contained photographs of her daughter and a handbag that contained a sentimental ultrasound picture.

The offender(s) got into her home through the front door which had been left unlocked so Amber is now joining forces with police to encourage her neighbours to keep their homes secure and avoid the hassle and heartache of being a victim of crime.

Amber said: “We were all asleep upstairs and must have completely forgotten to lock the front door because they came in during the night.

“When I realised what had happened the next day I felt physically sick. The first thing that they would have seen when they came through the door was my baby’s pram, and they would have realised I had a newborn daughter from all of her things downstairs. Despite seeing all this, they still stole our purses, handbags and a camera that had photographs on of my daughter.

“I feel violated and want to move. I never thought that it would happen to my family.

“If I could pass on some advice it would be to lock your doors and windows, because you never know if you’ll be next. I’d also tell people to take their purses, bags and cameras upstairs with them when they go to bed so they’re not lying around.

“We didn’t expect this to ever happen to us and now that it has, it has shaken us all.”

In total, police are investigating 38 burglaries in South Cumbria that have occurred this financial year (since 1 April 2011). Twenty seven of the 38 burglaries occurred in the Dalton, Barrow and Ulverston areas and 14 of the 27 occurred in properties that were left insecure. This has prompted local officers to highlight the problem and issue crime prevention advice to local residents in a bid to stop others becoming victims of burglary.

Detective Chief Inspector Mike Forrester said: “The good news is that there have been eleven less victims of burglary in South Cumbria so far this year. However, the figures show that more than half of the victims in the Barrow, Ulverston and Dalton areas may have saved themselves the heartache by simply locking their doors and windows.

“It is clear that our message isn’t getting through to some who find it hard to break the habit of keeping their doors and windows unlocked -so I hope that Amber’s story hits home.

“Many people simply do not realise the amount of distress and hassle that comes with being a victim of burglary. It is an awful crime that can leave victims unsettled and uncomfortable in their homes – which is why we investigate burglary as a priority in Cumbria.

“We will do everything we can to catch offenders and protect residents from burglars but it is a crime that we can only tackle together, as a community. We need local people to make criminals’ lives as difficult as possible by taking home security seriously.

“There are a lot of opportunist thieves out there who won’t be able to resist an open door or window. If you lock up, you can deter a thief and keep hold of your possessions. Look out for your neighbours and if you spot somebody acting suspiciously in your local area, report it to us immediately so that we can try and prevent a crime before it happens.”

Police offer the following advice for keeping your homes secure:
• Ensure that you lock your doors and windows when you go out
• Keep your side gates and sheds locked
• Keep cash and valuables safe and well hidden
• Postcode your valuables with a Ultra Violet pen and consider registering them at*
• Leave a light on and draw your curtains when you go out at night
• Make sure callers to your home are genuine, always ask for identification

For more information on home security, please contact a member of your local policing team on 0845 33 00 247.

If you have information or witnessed any suspicious activity around Anson Street between 7-8 June, please contact Barrow CID on 0845 33 00 247 or call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

Friday 10 June 2011

Thought for the Week

“Even a small act of compassion grants meaning and purpose to our lives.” Dalai Lama

Barrow woman jailed for attempted robbery

A Barrow woman was jailed yesterday for an attempted robbery in the town.

29 year old Helen May of Lesh Lane, Barrow appeared at Barrow Crown Court yesterday, Thursday 9 June, where Judge Batty sentenced her to 4 years and 8 months in prison.

The sentencing follows an incident that took place on Saturday 2nd April 2011, where a 50 year old local woman was walking along Bridgegate Avenue with a friend when she was approached by May from behind. May grabbed the woman’s handbag causing her to drop her shopping that she was carrying. May then attacked her with a pen causing several small puncture wounds to her victim’s arm.

35 year old local man, Scott Beattie, was passing by at the time of the incident and saw what was happening. He stopped to help the victim and approached May who swung at him before running off. Mr Beattie followed and restrained her on Bridgegate Avenue until police arrived.

May pleaded guilty to attempted robbery at a previous hearing on 6 May 2011.

Detective Constable Wayne Dixon from Barrow CID said: “This is a significant sentence that shows how serious May’s assault was on her victim.

“Robberies do not happen often in Cumbria and the sentence May has received, and the actions of Mr Beattie, show that the local community and criminal justice system will not tolerate violence like this on our streets.

“I’d like to thank Mr Beattie and the wider public for the assistance in this case, which has resulted in a dangerous criminal being put behind bars."

Chief Superintendent Paul Kennedy presented an award to Mr Beattie in Barrow police station at the end of May in recognition of his bravery and help.

Ch Supt Kennedy said: “Mr Beattie’s actions on 2 April were admirable and it was thanks to his quick thinking and bravery that May was apprehended and brought to justice.

“His community spirit meant that he disregarded his own safety to try and protect others. While we would never encourage people to tackle violent offenders, we would like to thank Mr Beattie for his instinctive reactions that helped to keep the community safe.”

Police warn of bank charges scam

Police are appealing for people to be on their guard against fraudsters after an elderly widow was conned out of £175.

A company calling themselves ‘Reclaim Express’ contacted the woman, who is in her eighties and from Grange area, and told her that she was due £3017 back in bank charges.

She was then advised they would claim the money back on her behalf but there would be an administration fee of £175, which she would not have to pay until she had received her money.

She was told to obtain a UKASH voucher, which is available in many local stores, to the value of £175 and then re-contact them to provide the voucher number in order to check the money was present. Once checked, she would receive her money and she would need to send them the voucher to enable them to claim the £175.

UKASH is a genuine service that works as an internet money transfer scheme, and it is the voucher number which is needed to claim the money and not the physical voucher. Therefore the money has been withdrawn from the victims account but she has received no payments from Reclaim Express.

PC Neil Parkin said: “We want to warn people to be vigilant against calls from companies offering bank charges back for a fee. If anyone believes they are due bank charges, then we would advise them to contact their own bank or local established law firm.

“If anyone is using the UKASH voucher scheme, then they should only give the voucher number to people who they trust and who they want the money to go to and would advise that they treat these vouchers as they would cash.”

Please pass this warning on to elderly or vulnerable friends, neighbours and relatives so that they do not fall foul of these scams. If you have any doubts to the validity of anyone’s identification please call Cumbria Constabulary on 0845 3300 247 and an officer will be more than willing to give advice on the issue.

For further information about protecting yourself from financial crime contact the Action Fraud hotline on 0300 123 2040, or visit

Central and Hindpool Neighbourhood Management Board - community representatives wanted

Central and Hindpool Neighbourhood Management Board has got two vacancies for community representatives. We are looking for a resident of Barrow Island and one from Central Barrow (the area between Greengate St and Salthouse Rd/Vulcan) to act as the community representative at our board meetings which are held every six weeks at the Neighbourhood Management offices, Dalton Rd.

We have five existing community representatives and have agreed to expand this to seven more accurately reflect the area we cover.

If you are a resident active in your area, have a knowledge of what's going on and would like to work alongside councillors, council offiers, police, Fire Service and other agencies to improve your neighbourhood then get in touch with us now at or ring 01229 876546 and ask for Steve Robson.

If you'd like a chat for more iformation about what the role entails don't hesitate to get in touch. We look forward to hearing from you. 

Thursday 9 June 2011

Police investigate lottery fraud

Cumbria Constabulary has appealed for people to be on their guard against fraudsters after an elderly gentleman was conned out of nearly £26,000 in a complex lottery scam.

The warning came after it was discovered that a man from the Kendal area had been conned into parting with £25,600 over a two month period.

He received an initial phone call telling him he had been entered into a prize draw. The following week he received a further call informing him he had won a third prize and would be later informed how much he had won.

He was then asked to send a sum of money to release the prize. Shortly after, he received a phone call to advise him that his winnings have increased and more money was required.

This was the first of many calls of a similar nature, asking for cheques to be sent to various locations in the UK or Spain. After sending seven transactions, the victim received no winnings and realised he had been the victim of fraud.

PC Jane Collyer, said: “If you receive calls asking for you to send money in order to receive a prize, alarm bells should ring and you should contact police immediately. The money does not exist, and these conmen will go to any length to try and get your life savings.

“Please pass this warning on to elderly or vulnerable friends, neighbours and relatives so that they do not fall foul of these scams.”

Police are asking people to take the following precautions:
• Do not make direct contact with people claiming to have winnings from a competition you have not entered.
• Never give out personal details, in particular bank details, over the phone, by post or by email.
• Do not send cash, cheques or money transfers to sources that you do not know or trust.
• If you have any doubts about the legitimacy of callers or businesses, then alert Cumbria Police, who will be more than happy to come and look over the correspondence with you.
• If you want to check out a company do not use the contact details they provide to you - use the yellow pages or directory enquiries to ensure you get the genuine contact details.

If anybody has information about this scam or can help police with their enquiries, they are urged to contact south Cumbria CID on 0845 33 00 247 or call Crimestoppers to provide information anonymously on 0800 555 111.

Wednesday 8 June 2011

Cumbria Mental Health Group

Cumbria Mental Health Group are holding a 'tea and chat' at a new venue. The meeting will be on 14th June at St Marks on the corner of Rawlinson St - 2 till 4pm. All are welcome.

They are also planning a Mental Health Awareness Day and tombola for Barrow Market on Saturday 9th July. Their local office is at Lesser Kings Hall 57-59 Hartington Street telephone 01229 826655 or 827870. For further information email  or mobile is 07879990956

The next locality meeting will be held on Monday 11 July 2011 from 1.30pm-3.30pm both at St Matthews Halls, Highfield Road.

For further information call 01229 826655 or visit  

Green Heart Den – management committee invitation

Marsh Street Arches and Gardens CIC are looking to recruit management committee members, follow the link for more information …

If you would like to join their management committee, please express your interest by post to: Marsh Street Arches and Garden CIC c/o CHNMT, 242/244 Dalton Road, Barrow in Furness, Cumbria, LA14 1PN

Tuesday 7 June 2011

Safer, Stronger, Better…Excellence in our communities

Tuesday 14 June 2011 at The Studio, the forum, Duke Street, Barrow 9.30am.

9.30am Coffee and registration
10.00am Introduction – Dave Coverdale, CDRP chair
10.10am Community activism HERE Community groups and neighbourhood watch in Barrow and the surrounding areas Presented by local people and supported by their PCSOs (Police Community Support Officers)
10.40am Community Messaging in Barrow and Cumbria Luke Chandler
11.00am Coffee
11.20am Demonstration by a Cumbria Constabulary Drugs Dog and handler
11.45am Summation and Close

To confirm your attendance please contact Rebecca on or 01229 876475 or 07747446234

Friday 3 June 2011

Thought for the Week

“The future depends on what we do in the present.” Mahatma Gandhi

Race For Life and Free Sports for Women and Girls

Women and Girls Sports Day taking place straight after the Race for Life at Furness Academy South Site and Duddon Canoe Club from 12 noon – 3pm. For further details contact;
Dan Myles on 01229 845929
or email   

Activities include: dance sessions, aerobics, spinning classes, cricket, football, tag rugby, power kites, dance mats, table tennis, netball, rounders, athletics, all at Academy South Site.

Canoeing at Duddon Canoe Club, sessions start at 12 noon, 1pm and 2pm.

The £1M Barrow Island Big Lottery Award

Come and have your say on Thursday 9 June 2011 at Dundalk Street Centre, Dundalk Street, Barrow Island from 2pm to 4pm and 6.30pm to 8.30pm.

Thursday 2 June 2011

What’s on in Barrow Park

Sunday 12th June - Race for Life 11-2pm to book a place visit

Sunday 12th June - Churches together service 2.30pm. In the Bandstand

Sunday 18th June - Skateboard competition at the Skate Park

Sunday 26 June - Dalton Town Band 2-4pm at the Bandstand

Sunday 3rd July - Barrow Steelworks Band 2-4pm in the Bandstand