
Thursday 23 June 2011

Appointment of Chief Executive of Cumbria Police Authority

At the Annual Meeting of Cumbria Police Authority, held on Wednesday 15 June 2011, the Authority Members formally agreed to appoint Stuart Edwards (Acting Chief Executive) as the Authority’s Chief Executive.

Stuart moved from Cumbria County Council to take up his appointment as Deputy Chief Executive with Cumbria Police Authority in 2003. This was at the time when the Secretariat became an Independent body having previously been administered under a service level agreement with Cumbria County Council. The Authority’s Chief Executive retired in February 2010 and since that time Stuart has been Acting Chief Executive.

Commenting on Stuart’s appointment, Councillor Ray Cole, Chairman of Cumbria Police Authority said: “Over the past sixteen months, Stuart has done an outstanding job as Acting Chief Executive. He has faced many difficult and complex challenges including the preparation for and delivery of evidence for the successful but demanding combined HMIC and Audit Commission inspection process and has worked closely with the Treasurer and Chief Constable to address the severe financial consequences faced by the Constabulary as a direct consequence of the Government Comprehensive Spending Review.

“It is the Government’s intention to abolish Police Authorities in 2012 and replace them with a directly elected Police and Crime Commissioner. It will be the responsibility of Stuart and his team to complete the extensive additional work for this process, within the tight timescale, to ensure a smooth transition while providing ‘business as usual’.

“While he has been with the Authority Stuart has demonstrated his professional knowledge, dedication and ability to adapt, and manage, during these times of unprecedented change. Members of the Authority have every confidence in his capabilities and welcome him to the post of Chief Executive.”

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