
Wednesday 13 July 2011

Mayor launches defibrillator campaign to keep hearts going in Furness

The mayor of Barrow will this week present the first defibrillator of his planned year long campaign to save lives across the borough.

This year, the Mayor’s charity will raise money for defibrillators and encourage companies, shops and cafes to become Cardiac Smart, so they can help save lives when people have heart attacks.

On Saturday 16th July at 12 noon John Murphy, the Mayor of Barrow, will be presenting the first of many defibrillators to Thornton’s Coffee Shop.

Every year around 100 people in Furness die of coronary heart disease. In 2009, During there were 117 deaths from coronary heart disease in Furness, of these 64 were attributed to heart attacks.

Heart disease, also known as coronary heart disease is caused by the gradual build up of fatty deposits inside the coronary arteries which interrupts the normal blood flow to the heart. This is usually caused by smoking, an unhealthy diet and lack of exercise.

People with a family history of coronary heart disease are also at high risk of developing the condition. The best way people can protect themselves from coronary heart disease is by being healthy, eating healthily and being active.

Research shows that if people receive CPR and early defibrillation within ten minutes of having a heart attack, then their chances of survival drastically increase.

Automatic external defibrillators can be used by anyone and are becoming more common place as technology improves and the price of defibrillators decreases. Cllr John Murphy is working with organisations across Furness including the British Heart Foundation, NHS Cumbria, Cumbria County Council, North West Ambulance Service and with support and encouragement from Furness First Responders to raise money to buy defibrillators and place them in areas with a high footfall, so they can potentially save lives in the future.

Alongside this he is also hoping to raise awareness of heart disease and how people can reduce their chance of developing the condition by improving their lifestyle choices, such as by smoking less, drinking less and eating a healthy balanced diet alongside taking regular exercise.

Cllr John Murphy said: "We probably all know of someone who has suffered with a heart attack. This is an important and innovative initiative and I am asking for the backing of the whole of Furness to support me in my campaign to put potentially lifesaving equipment (defibrillators) in public places across the town.

"It is not a case of people just handing over their money; that money might be used to save the life of a parent, grandparent or friend."

Anyone wishing to get involved in the Mayor’s Charity defibrillator campaign can do so  by contacting the Mayor's Office on or drop donations into the Town Hall reception.

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