
Thursday 12 January 2012

Neighbourhood Wardens clean-up in Central Barrow

Neighbourhood Wardens, from the Neighbourhood Management team, have been clearing rubbish left in the street by a local resident. It should go without saying that no rubbish should be left out, in front or back streets, except in the appropriate containers such as wheelie bins, recycling bags and boxes etc.

Where the source of the rubbish can be proven Barrow Borough Council will issue fixed penalty notices against people leaving rubbish around the streets.

Please use your common sense, use your bin and recycling containers and remember it is an offence to present waste for collection before 12 midday on the day before collection or leave bins out past midnight on the day of collection.  Failure to adhere to these instructions could result in a £100 Fixed Penalty Notice. For further information please visit

Photos show Sutherland St corner/rear Greengate St today - rubbish bags dumped in the street and then becoming split open and spreading around nearby grass landscaping.

Following intervention from the Neighbourhood Warden team the the bags have been removed and the site cleaned (see photos below). The Wardens will be providing a local address with information about manging their waste and the problem will be logged on the council's database for reference should future problems re-occur.

            These two photos show the site after clearance by Neighbourhood Wardens.

Please help us look after Barrow and do your bit to present your waste properly and keep your neighbourhood clean and tidy. Thanks for your help.


  1. Anonymous12/1/12

    maybe the council should act on the threats to fine these people for the rubish/dogmess instead of just saying it it might stop a lot of job loses due to cutbacks if they did fine people it could save thousands of pounds think about the jobs that could be saved and how the streets might be cleaned up just start to force the fines get hard on these people

  2. Hello, thanks very much for your comment. I agree that issuing fines against offenders should help deter problems with littering, dog fouling and fly-tipping. Barrow Council does issue a number of warning letters and fines every year. If people receiving a fine pay without a problem then the fine is not publicised in the local press, it is only when people don't pay the initial fine that the council considers court action and then this will be public and appear in the local press.

    Most people receiving warning letters or fines for littering, dog fouling, management of waste etc do respond by either changing their behaviour or paying their fines.

    We do seem to have a persistent minority who refuse to act properly and continue littering, fly-tipping and fail to pick up after their dogs and it is very difficult to persuade those people to change their behaviour. For dog owners the council does provide free dog bags, available from the Town Hall reception and Neighbourhood Management office in Dalton Rd.


    for further information. Thanks again for your comment.
