
Thursday 2 February 2012

Cumbria Police pledge to ‘Stand by’ people with a learning disability

Cumbria Police today signed up to Mencap’s ‘Stand by me’ police promise to show their commitment to ending hate crime against people with a learning disability.

Mencap launched the ‘Stand by me’ campaign during Learning Disability Week 2010 and has called on police services to commit to a police promise that will help make sure people with a learning disability can live their lives free from the fear of crime.

The ‘Stand by me’ charter consists of ten points of best practice that will complement their existing work to support people with a learning disability. This has included working with Eden Mencap and People First to host a Hate Crime Conference, which focussed on disability hate crime.  This is due to be replicated countywide in the spring.  Smaller workshops have also taken place to identify hate crime and the process in place for reporting incidents, trainee police officers regularly complete projects with local care homes and charities to ensure they understand the issues faced by people with a learning disability.

Alongside the policing promise Mencap will work with officers to develop practical guidance and spell out the adjustments they need, to make to sure they can support victims with a learning disability.

Assistant Chief Constable Michelle Skeer said “It is the job of the police to protect the most vulnerable members of our community, by signing up to Mencap’s ‘Stand by me’ pledge, we can make sure our service is tailored to the needs of people with a learning disability.

“We don’t want anyone to suffer in silence, so if you or anyone you know has been a victim of hate crime, then contact the police immediately, so that we can support you and bring offenders to justice.”

David Congdon, Mencap’s head of campaigns and policy, said “Many police services are doing good work and their response is getting better. Other services are still failing to support victims of disability hate crime. Through the ‘Stand by me' campaign we want to make sure that all police services are following the example set by the best services. We welcome Cumbria Constabulary's commitment to constantly strive to uphold these standards and help end disability hate crime in a generation.”

For more information on the 'Stand by me' campaign and to show your support visit

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