
Friday 17 February 2012

FREE Lectures at the Forum, Duke Street

FREE Lectures at the Forum, Duke Street

‘Small Hydro Power Plants’
Wednesday 29 February 7.30pm

35th Celebrity Lecture
‘Manufacturing - a future for Britain’

Wednesday 14 March 7.30pm

Speaker: Dr. Julie Madigan Chief Executive of The Manufacturing Institute
Organised by CMI, PESC

‘Security at the Olympics’

Thursday 22 March 7.30pm

Speaker: Peter Bowe, CEO, Assure Ltd
Organised by BDAE

‘Mars Spirit & Opportunity Rovers’

Wednesday 11 April 7.30pm
Speaker: Stuart Atkinson, Eddington Astronomical Society, Kendal
Organised by PESC

‘Nuclear Institute Lecture’

Thursday 19 April 7.30pm

Speaker: TBA
Organised by BDAE

Admission free to all lectures.

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