
Tuesday 10 April 2012

Police warn public to be aware of Microsoft fraudsters

Cumbria police are warning the public to be aware of bogus telephone calls from people claiming they are from Microsoft, in order to gain access to computers.

Police in Carlisle have received a number of complaints from members of the public regarding receiving a telephone call from people claiming to be from Microsoft. They are being advised during the call that there is a virus or programme problem on their personal computer and are then being talked through how to allow the caller to have remote access to their computer. Once access is gained, the caller is keeping the unsuspecting victim preoccupied whilst they have potential access to personal details held on the computer, including and bank or password details.

PC Mark Robson, said “It is important to make people aware of this type of bogus call. Microsoft has a built in system which will report any fault automatically and they will only contact you on request. These calls can be convincing and for someone who does not know a lot about computers, we can put our faith in people who sound as if they do and are trying to help you.

“Our advice is, if you have not reported any fault to Microsoft, then do not allow anyone to have remote access to your computer. If you are suspicious, then hang up.”

Anyone who has any concerns or would like further advice can contact their local Neighbourhood Policing Team or visit

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