
Thursday 7 June 2012

Police campaign urges victims to give Domestic Violence the Red Card

Cumbria Constabulary is focussing on tackling domestic violence during the European Cup by urging victims to give the violence a ‘red card’.

‘Give Domestic Violence the Red Card this European Cup’ is the message Cumbria Constabulary is sending to victims and offenders throughout the tournament. Historically, there has been an increase in domestic violence incidents, especially after high profile games.

Cumbria Constabulary is using the tournament to urge more victims and witnesses to report information to police and for offenders to think about their actions in an effort to prevent them.

DCI Lee Johnson, said “There is never an excuse for domestic violence and the European Cup does not give offenders any justification for their behaviour to fall below acceptable standards. – violence of any type simply will not be tolerated in Cumbria.”

“During this campaign we want to raise awareness of domestic abuse and highlight how victims, family members, witnesses, and others affected by violence can get in touch to seek help. The message ‘Give Domestic Violence the Red Card’ is impactive and straight forward. It raises awareness of the issue whilst sending a warning to violent offenders that they are being watched, and we will take positive action where possible.”

“Domestic violence is notoriously underreported so we are using this opportunity to encourage victims and witnesses to have the confidence to report incidents to us so we can help. This help could be through taking action against the offender or simply putting victims in touch with our partner agencies such as Victim Support and Let Go service to offer advice. Victims can be reassured to know that we have dedicated domestic abuse specialists and investigators within our Public Protection Units who will be on duty around the county during England matches to offer key support to those in need.”

 “Our advice to victims would be that if you are worried that you will be more at risk during the European Cup don’t wait - contact us with confidence by calling 101, alternatively for free, independent, confidential advice, contact the Let Go service who offer non-judgemental help and support, practical help and safe accommodation, whether or not you wish end the relationship."

“We want everyone to enjoy the European Cup and that includes ensuring that people are free of the fear of violence.”

“We also want to appeal to the offenders too; you can help by seeking out guidance and support to stop yourself from hurting your family. Think about your actions, if you feel angry or irate then walk away. Don’t hurt those people who love you.”

If you want to speak to someone about Domestic Violence, you can contact Let Go on 01228 633640 (North Cumbria), 01229 582386 (South Cumbria) or 01900 842991/2 (West Cumbria) or email

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