
Tuesday 4 December 2012

Cumbria Police advise “Don’t let thieves steal your Christmas”

Cumbria Police launch their annual campaign today to help people keep their property safe and reduce burglary and theft in the lead up to Christmas.

People are preparing for Christmas; buying presents, stocking up on food and drink to make sure that their families will be enjoying themselves on Christmas day.

Cumbria Police launch their campaign in an aim to ensure that thieves and criminals don’t try and spoil the festivities. Posters, flyers and advertisements on local radio and in supermarkets will be encouraging people to think about security to protect their home and their possessions.

All over the county there are specific operations and events taking place to bring awareness to our communities that burglary does increase during December. 

During the months of January to November 2011 there were 581 cases of burglary in people’s homes, on average 39% of these were to insecure properties. In December 2011 alone, there were 61 homes subject to burglary, with 52% being insecure. 

By following simple crime prevention advice, we can all help to stop thieves from stealing people’s Christmases:
·       Don’t leave gifts on show
·       Always lock your doors, even when at home
·       Keep mobile phones, cash and keys out of sight
·       If away from home after dark close blinds, where possible, and set light timers

Assistant Chief Constable Jeremy Graham said “This is an annual campaign that Cumbria Police do to encourage people to be security conscious at this time of year.

“Around this time of year we can become very busy, making preparations for the festive holidays; ensuring that you have locked your doors and windows can be one small step in protecting your home and possessions.

“Homes lit up with Christmas lights can draw people’s attention to the inside of properties, therefore it is important to not keep gifts and valuables on show. Make sure all your doors are locked, even when you are at home during the day as well as after dark, if you are in another part of the house you may not hear someone coming in through the front or the back door.

“Be aware of your own personal belongings when out and about shopping. Make sure that your wallet or purse is secure on your person. Wallets should be kept in inside, zipped pockets, and bags containing purses should be kept closed, worn over the shoulder, and with any side fastener next to the body.  Don’t put your handbag in the child seat of a shopping trolley.

“Remember crime is low in Cumbria, and by following a few simple security steps, we can all reduce opportunities for criminals to steal our possessions. ‘Don’t let thieves steal your Christmas.”

Mobile phones can be an easy target for thieves or can be misplaced when you are dealing with other demands, so installing applications which can help track your phone if it is lost or stolen will help find it. Information about these can be obtained at the Cumbria Police website at

Cumbria’s Police and Crime Commissioner, Richard Rhodes added “Christmas is a really important time for families and friends.  It is essential that this special time is not spoilt by a small minority that cause misery. 

“Having read the advice issued I know that there are things that I will be doing differently this Christmas to ensure that my home and personal property are kept secure and I would urge everyone to take time to follow the advice.

“Thankfully, burglary is rare in the county but when it does happen it has a devastating impact but by working together we can make Cumbria an even safer place to live.”

Throughout Cumbria there will be Special Constables on patrol offering advice and reassurance to shoppers in our City Centres.This will also provide a visible deterrence to any opportunistic thieves.

Attention will be paid when on patrol to vulnerable areas which have been prone to burglaries in the past to help prevent reoffending and provide reassurance to the community.

To raise awareness, the following will be taking place in Barrow. The Town Centre will see an increase in visible patrols to deter opportunistic thieves and shoplifters targeting Christmas shoppers.

Personal safety and crime prevention advice will be available from the local police stations and police officers who are out on patrol.

In Walney, police officers will be visiting residents on Tuesday 4th December to talk to them about security over Christmas and offering crime reduction advice.

For more information about protecting your property and belongings, visit

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