
Thursday 20 December 2012

People who are out celebrating over Christmas are urged to enjoyed themselves, violence free

Cumbria Constabulary and Cumbria’s Police and Crime Commissioner are encouraging everyone to drink sensibly and not to lose control over the festive period. 

Pubs and clubs in the town centres become busier over the Christmas period and with only a few days to go, officers will be out on patrol focusing on defusing incidents before they escalate into violence.

Extra officers will be out on patrol on key dates, including ‘Festive Friday’- the last Friday before Christmas, which has traditionally been a popular night out in towns across Cumbria, and can experience a corresponding rise in alcohol fuelled violence and disorder.

Officers will be working with licensed premises to try and prevent people who are already drunk being served further alcohol. Pubwatch will also continue to inform local licensees about those who have been banned, especially for violent disorder.

Assistant Chief Constable Jeremy Graham said “Our personal safety campaign was launched at the beginning of December to encourage everyone to enjoy themselves safely. This is even more important as the Christmas holidays approach, with more people being off work and spending more time socialising with friends and family.

“Our aim is to provide a safe environment for everyone to enjoy themselves over the Christmas period. It is only a minority who become involved in violent disorder and by providing extra officers, we are able to monitor situations and intervene before they escalate.

“We will not tolerate people who put others at risk of harm by engaging in violent behaviour. Everyone in Cumbria has a right to socialise with friends and family without fear of intimidation or violence.

“At this time of year police officers do come into contact with people who normally don’t get into trouble. They may have over indulged and in a situation which has escalated quickly, before they know it are in trouble with the police.

“When you think about the consequences of drinking too much and losing your senses it’s just not worth it. You can ruin your Christmas before it’s begun by getting arrested, being sent home or being banned from all pubs and clubs in the area.”

Cumbria Police and Crime Commissioner, Richard Rhodes said “Christmas is a great time to catch-up with friends and family to have some fun and perhaps a drink.  However, it is also important to know your limits for the amount of alcohol you consume and your personal safety.

“The majority of people behave responsibly and enjoy Festive Friday. I will be going out with Officers and PCSOs in Barrow and Carlisle to experience policing first-hand the types of disorder and anti-social behaviour that are being dealt with by the Constabulary."

Posters that highlight the consequences of people losing control of their senses are being displayed in shops, pubs and clubs around the county and short adverts are being played throughout December on CFM Radio.

As part of the ongoing personal safety ‘Keys, Money, Phone, Plans to Get Home’ campaign, police officers will continue to hand out information in credit card size that prompts people to consider how they will be getting home and provides a space to write an ‘In Case of Emergency’ (ICE) contact number, should they lose their mobile phones.

The campaign encourages people planning a night out to follow this advice:
  • Think: Keys, money, phone, plans to get home?
  • Stick with your friends and look out for each other
  • Stash some cash in case you lose your purse or wallet
  • Pre-book a taxi home
  • Don't make yourself vulnerable by getting too drunk
  • Store an ICE (in case of emergency) number in your phone

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