
Tuesday 16 April 2013

Speeding in Barrow being tackled by local police officers

Police in Barrow have been focusing on localised speeding problems in the local areas, to address concerns raised by residents.

Between the 25th March  to 30th March  in excess of 125 speeding offences were detected and are being followed up by conditional offers of fixed penalties or speed awareness courses.

Neighbourhood  Policing Officers together with Roads Policing officers and with assistance from the Safety Camera Partnership staff have been in the following areas, Abbey Road, Rampside Road, Ocean Road, Michaelson Road, Ironworks Road, Vickerstown School and on the A590 at Park Road.

Inspector David Bosson, of South Cumbria Roads Policing Unit, said “Our aim in carrying out these speed checks is to improve road safety and reduce anti-social driving. Providing a visible presence not only deters drivers from speeding but also reassures our local community that we are tackling the issues which concern them the most.

“We will be continuing to focus on speeding issues during the coming months and will continue to use all  of the resources at our disposal, including Safety Cameras, Roads Policing Teams and our Neighbourhood Officers.

“Speeding is one of the significant ‘fatal four’ collisions, with drugs/alcohol, distractions such as using a mobile phone and not wearing a seat belt being the other three. Reducing your speed will not only prevent you running the risk of being prosecuted but also could save a life.”

Police and Crime Commissioner, Richard Rhodes said “Road safety is one of the key priorities that I have set Cumbria Constabulary over the coming year.  It is only by us all continuing to work together that we will reduce risks on our roads.”

If you have any concerns about speeding in your area, please contact Cumbria Police and ask to speak to your Neighbourhood Policing Team on 101. Alternatively check out our website to see when the next online meeting is in your area, where you have the opportunity to highlight your issues and concerns.

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