
Friday 3 May 2013

Crime down by 11% in Cumbria

Crime in Cumbria has fallen by 11% the latest figures released by the Police and Crime Commissioner show. The Police and Crime Commissioner has the responsibility of holding the Chief Constable to account for the performance of Cumbria Constabulary.

The figures from April 2012 to the end of March 2013 detail that there have been 290 less incidents of anti-social behaviour, a 3% reduction in burglaries to 641 dwelling offences and 443 less assaults with injury.

Cumbria’s Police and Crime Commissioner, Richard Rhodes said “It is pleasing that the latest set of crime figures show that crime is again down in the County for the seventh year proving Cumbria really is a safe place to live, work and visit.

“Overall, there has been an 11% drop in crime across the County with 2,771 fewer victims of crime which is an outstanding result for the people of Cumbria.   

“Anti-social behaviour has reduced by 1% (290 less incidents) to 25,772 incidents across the County and I would again urge people to report anti-social behaviour. There are less than two burglary dwelling offences a day in the county making Cumbria one of the safest places in England.

“There has been a 17% reduction in assaults with injury, however the number of serious violent crimes has increased by 55, mainly as a result of the way in which the crime has been recorded. This will continue to be reviewed.

“The percentage of crimes solved has fallen to 37.9% from 39.7% however, the Constabulary still has the highest percentage in its most similar group of forces for solving crime. The fall was predicted but again I have asked the Chief Constable to focus on this aspect as Cumbria has previously had a high expectation about the number of crimes solved. I have also asked the Chief Constable to focus on some of the areas where performance is not at the level the public might expect such as the satisfaction of anti-social behaviour victims and the increase in police officer sickness.

“Under reporting still remains an issue and I would urge people especially those experiencing domestic violence, hate crime and sexual assaults to come forward. I am concerned that we do not have a sexual referral centre in Cumbria and will be supporting efforts to ensure that we have the right facilities in the county.

“Overall, these figures demonstrate the high-level of dedication and hard-work by the Chief Constable, all officers, PCSOs and police staff together with partners and members of the public. The Police Authority also has had a key role in providing scrutiny prior to my election in November.

“I have set the policing priorities for Cumbria Constabulary for the next 12 months in line with the Police and Crime Plan. I will keep you updated on performance as we progress through the year.”

Temporary Chief Constable Bernard Lawson said “I am pleased to see that overall crime in Cumbria remains low.

“Over the last year police officers, PCSOs and staff have been working hard to support our communities to tackle crime and anti-social behaviour and focus on the issues that matter most to local people. This commitment shines through in the latest figures released today showing that crime has fallen by 11%.

“It is encouraging to see, from national statistics released last week, that 68% of our community believe we are dealing with the local issues which matter most to them.

“Despite the general overall reduction in crime and anti social behaviour that these figures show, we will not become complacent. Our priority will always be to tackle crime and anti-social behaviour by  engaging with the people in our local communities so that we can focus our resources on the areas that they feel are important.

“We are in a difficult financial climate, however we will continue to fight crime through community policing so that Cumbria continues to be a safe place to live, work and visit.”

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