
Friday 28 June 2013

Barrow Police in ‘Twitter Takeover’ event

Police in Barrow are teaming up with colleagues from emergency services to carry out a 24 hour ‘Twitter Takeover’ on Saturday 29th June.

Following on from the success of their first Twitter event last year, representatives from Barrow police, Cumbria Fire and Rescue Service and Bay Search and Rescue will tweet about a selection of the call outs they deal with over the course of 24 hours to give the community an insight into the work that goes on around the clock to keep them safe.

Cumbria Constabulary Inspector, Mike O’Hagan, who is in charge of the policing team in Barrow said “The whole aim of this event is to raise awareness of the diverse and complex role of the emergency services in Barrow.

“We hope to highlight the volume of emergency and non-emergency calls that we, and our partners deal with on a daily basis, to help keep local communities safe.

“Our Twitter account, @barrowpolice, now has over 5,000 followers and by publishing basic information about our activity over a 24 hour period, we hope to encourage more local people to log onto Twitter to see what work goes on around the clock.

‘’Followers of Barrow Police on Twitter will be aware that whilst the account provides a valuable source for community information, the informal nature of some of the tweets we send out reaches out to an online generation and keeps followers engaged.”

The agencies participating in the event will use #barrow999 as part of any Twitter posts during the period. To log onto the web chat, go to:

Thought for the Week

"Happiness comes when your work and words are of benefit to yourself and others." Buddha

Tuesday 25 June 2013

New Barrow Police Station in 2015

Cumbria’s Police and Crime Commissioner, Richard Rhodes has announced that the new police station in Barrow will be operational in 2015.

The announcement comes after the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Cumbria has recently concluded a tender exercise in accordance with the EU Procurement Directives for the Design and Build of a Police Station in Barrow-in-Furness.

Cumbria’s Police and Crime Commissioner, Richard Rhodes said “I am pleased to announce that Cumbria-based Thomas Armstrong (Construction) Ltd is the winning bidder for the contract to build a new police station at Barrow.  People will benefit locally as well with Furness Enterprises being used to promote the local labour and supply chain. 

“The overall cost of the new police station will be £8.5 million and our intention is for the police station to be operational in April 2015.

“Work is currently underway to conclude the contract formalities. Subject to final detailed planning permission, construction is expected to start on land owned by the Police and Crime Commissioner for Cumbria at Andrews Way, Barrow-in-Furness in early autumn.

“The Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner has purchased land at Andrews Way from Cumbria County Council. Outline planning permission has been granted from Barrow Borough Council.

“The current police station is not fit for purpose and on completion of the new building it will be offered to the market for sale.”

This project forms part of the joint Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner’s and Constabulary’s estate strategy to improve its estate and provide sustainable, efficient and fit for purpose accommodation for its officers and staff. Some officers currently located in the Ulverston police station will also transfer to the new station.

Assistant Chief Constable Jerry Graham said “The new facilities at Andrews Way will maintain our presence in Barrow.

“It is exciting to see details of our new area headquarters taking shape, which will provide fit for purpose custody facilities and officers and staff working in South Cumbria with the accommodation and facilities they deserve.

“The new facilities are on track to become operational in April 2015 and have been designed to fit the unique requirements of the South Territorial Policing Area and will ensure that we continue to provide a modern policing service now and in the future.”

“The new police station provides our local communities with a very visible presence and enables us to look to the future as to how we can best serve our communities.”

The building will evoke civic pride and inspire confidence in those who see and use it. The good design is much more than just façades and finishes. It is pleasant to look at but will also work well and stand the test of time. It is flexible, sustainable and fit for purpose. The long term benefits repay the initial investment.

Specifically the new station will be:-
§ Distinctive, modern and reflecting the values of the Constabulary and the traditions of Barrow in Furness, together with its past and present day industry.
§ Of high quality, flexible, efficient and providing a sustainable accommodation model for the foreseeable future.
§ Be class leading in its capital cost model – reflecting the need to deliver true value for money. Some of the capital funding has been generated through a careful reduction in the estate which has seen underutilised and in efficient buildings being disposed of.
§ Provide a fully compliant custody complex with 18 operational cells which meets the current and projected custody needs. Custody capacity will increase force wide. Strengthening custody business continuity and offering resilience to the southern and western area of the county.
§ Accommodate all of the current operational teams from within the existing station and some from the Ulverston site.
§ Provide a public counter facility.

Wednesday 19 June 2013

Thought for the Week

“It’s not that I’m so smart, it’s just that I stay with problems longer.” Albert Einstein

Thursday 13 June 2013

Police urge people to keep their homes secure this summer

Summer is a popular time for holidays away to enjoy the sun – however it is also a perfect opportunity for a burglar.

Cumbria Police are asking people to follow some simple precautions to ensure while people are relaxing their home is safe and secure.

Claire Stevens, Community Safety Officer for Cumbria Constabulary explains “If you take some simple steps to protect your home you can enjoy your holidays with peace of mind. For example, while you are away make your home look like someone is living in it – don’t close your curtains in the daytime as this show the house is empty. You can use automatic-timer switches to turn your lights on when it goes dark.

“I would advise that you cancel any milk or newspaper deliveries – but be careful of who might overhear your conversation. Similarly, avoid discussing your holiday plans where strangers may hear details. Holiday season can be great fun, but it’s important to think ahead to prevent problems while you are away.”

Some other precautions people can take include:
  • Arranging for a relative or trusted neighbour to occasionally check the house
  • Cutting the lawn before you go and trim back any plants that burglars could hide behind
  • Uncollected mail is a sign that you are away; the Royal Mail’s ‘Keepsafe’™  service will keep your mail for up to two months while you are away
  • Consider leaving important documents and valuable items with other family members, in the bank, or lock them in a safe
  • Do not put your home address on your luggage when you are travelling to your holiday destination
  • If you normally leave valuable pedal cycles or similar items in your shed, consider putting them in the house
  • Finally, make sure that you’ve locked all outside doors and windows and, if you have a burglar alarm, make sure it is set (and know who has keys to reset it if it activates)
The Crime Prevention Website has a handy checklist to help you prepare your security measures before you go away.

Wednesday 12 June 2013

Thought for the Week

“You may have occasion to possess or use material things, but the secret of life lies in never missing them.” Mahatma Gandhi

FREE Barrow’s Wildside events

'An introduction to identifying trees in Summer'
Sat 8 June, 1-3pm meet at How Tun Wood car park, Cliffe Lane. Book your place by calling 01229 716300.
Come along and have the secrets of tress unlocked on this guided walk aimed at those with little knowledge of identifying trees in the summer months. The walk is approx 1.5 miles long.

‘Food for Free’
Sun 9 June 10.30-12.30pm
Meet at Mill Café car park, Furness Abbey, Barrow. Book your place by calling 01539 816300.
Come along for a morning’s foraging in the hedgerows and woodland and find out what tasty morsels nature can provide for us.

Thought for the Week

"Be simply yourself and don't compare or compete." Lao Tzu