
Thursday 13 June 2013

Police urge people to keep their homes secure this summer

Summer is a popular time for holidays away to enjoy the sun – however it is also a perfect opportunity for a burglar.

Cumbria Police are asking people to follow some simple precautions to ensure while people are relaxing their home is safe and secure.

Claire Stevens, Community Safety Officer for Cumbria Constabulary explains “If you take some simple steps to protect your home you can enjoy your holidays with peace of mind. For example, while you are away make your home look like someone is living in it – don’t close your curtains in the daytime as this show the house is empty. You can use automatic-timer switches to turn your lights on when it goes dark.

“I would advise that you cancel any milk or newspaper deliveries – but be careful of who might overhear your conversation. Similarly, avoid discussing your holiday plans where strangers may hear details. Holiday season can be great fun, but it’s important to think ahead to prevent problems while you are away.”

Some other precautions people can take include:
  • Arranging for a relative or trusted neighbour to occasionally check the house
  • Cutting the lawn before you go and trim back any plants that burglars could hide behind
  • Uncollected mail is a sign that you are away; the Royal Mail’s ‘Keepsafe’™  service will keep your mail for up to two months while you are away
  • Consider leaving important documents and valuable items with other family members, in the bank, or lock them in a safe
  • Do not put your home address on your luggage when you are travelling to your holiday destination
  • If you normally leave valuable pedal cycles or similar items in your shed, consider putting them in the house
  • Finally, make sure that you’ve locked all outside doors and windows and, if you have a burglar alarm, make sure it is set (and know who has keys to reset it if it activates)
The Crime Prevention Website has a handy checklist to help you prepare your security measures before you go away.

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