
Monday 23 June 2014

Barrow Man Wins Top National Neighbourhood and Home Watch Award

Pete Thomas, a Neighbourhood Watch co-ordinator from Barrow, has been voted the Outstanding Neighbourhood Watch Coordinator in England and Wales. Distinguished volunteers from across England and Wales were recognised at a prestigious ceremony in London for their efforts in reducing crime. Attended by dignitaries from the Home Office, Cabinet Office and the Police Service, the awards were held as part of National Neighbourhood and Home Watch Week and organised by the Neighbourhood and Home Watch Network.

Pete was presented with the award by Michael O’Toole, the Crown Representative for the Voluntary and Community Sector in the Cabinet Office.

On receiving the award Pete paid tribute to the local police for their support and especially to the local PCSO’s. He also wanted to point out that the award wasn’t just for himself. It recognised the contribution of all his colleagues who worked alongside of him to promote community safety and neighbourliness in Barrow and the South Lakes.

In the 12 years since the Fife Street, Barrow, Neighbourhood Watch scheme has been running, Pete and the group have provided CCTV for a local store, dropped curbs for the benefit of residents with disabilities and the emergency services, a bicycle for the local Police Community Support Officer, security lights and property marking for residents.

He has encouraged young people to work alongside older residents – they put together a visual audit of problems in the area, which encouraged respect between generations. Young people were also invited to the police station to learn how officers tackle crime and disorder.

Pete worked with the Fire & Rescue Service to arrange fire checks and the installation of smoke alarms for some residents. He takes part in multi-agency Streetsafe Operations, providing reassurance and help to people in the community.

He has been instrumental in the formation of the ‘Bringing Communities Together Scheme’, inviting schemes to share problems and solutions. This is now being rolled out more widely.

Barrow PCSO Iain Richards says ‘Partnership working in Barrow is essential to getting things done. A crucial element of that is involvement of the public. Pete cares deeply about his community, knows it very well, and has immense energy and enthusiasm. On top of all that, he’s easy to get along with and has helped the Police and the community for many years. He is very generous and has helped set up many Neighbourhood Watch Groups in this area. He helps the groups to start and then provides continual support for as long as the residents need him.  He is willing to help others throughout the Borough – he always finds time to support others. Pete uses the skills he has amounted with his own group to pass on to others and help build their success.   We are so pleased for him, and all the members of Fife Street Neighbourhood Watch, and think that he fully deserved to win the award’.

David Farmer, Chair of the Cumbria Neighbourhood Watch Association added ‘this is recognition of all the hard work Pete has put in over many years to keep his community safer. It is also recognition that when people are willing to get involved in neighbourhood watch schemes they can help make their communities safer and nicer places to live and to work. The Association and the Constabulary are always ready to support people who may wish to start a scheme in their area’.

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