
Monday 22 December 2014

Bright lights on the horizon - Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year from everyone in Neighbourhood Management

So, once again, the end of the year is upon us. The New Year will bring lots more changes for us here in Neighbourhood Management ( we’re sure for our friends in many other agencies too.

This year has seen the Furness Enterprise project, ‘The Workshop’, move out of our office in Dalton Road and close down completely in September. Not long afterwards, in November, our neighbourhood police team colleagues from Cumbria Constabulary also moved out of the office.

Our team of four is once again reduced in numbers, as has happened year on year for the last few years. There are now three of us remaining and we will keep the office at Dalton Rd open for the first couple of months of 2015 and then we will be closing down and moving into Barrow Town Hall.

We will miss being so accessible to all the residents, workers and general passers-by that have called in since we first moved in during 2007. We’d like to thank you all for your help, support, kindness and friendship over the years and we hope you feel it has been reciprocated from all of us here.

We have certainly tried our very best to offer a service to everyone that put care, kindness and compassion at the very heart of everything we've done – we hope to continue this although we know we’ll have to find new ways to carry this through.

For us here it has always been very important to listen to what people are really telling us, to try and get to the bottom of what is happening so we can help and hopefully prevent it happening again wherever possible. We believe the best way to do this is with an open heart, to care about what we do and to be kind in how we approach our relationships with others. We hope you agree.

Looking to the future we can see a number of bright lights on the Barrovian horizon, we have been involved in the Inspiring Barrow project which will continue for another year at least and has engaged hundreds of young people to think creatively about their futures, to learn and be inspired to be the best they can be. We are proud to maintain our involvement with this great local project.

Likewise the first anniversary of the Women’s Community Matters centre has just passed by, the women only centre in Duke Street is a great example of how, with the right philosophy, so much can be achieved by a few kind, caring and determined women. The centre is another beacon of hope in what sometimes feels like a gloomy landscape as we constantly hear about cuts to services. They work alongside the women who come to them for help, offering a warm, friendly and safe place to be, to learn and to grow. We wish them all the very best as they grow into 2015 as they continue to develop their services and their vision for the benefit of Barrow.

Another great project also recently celebrating its first anniversary is Love Barrow families, working with families experiencing difficult challenges they are changing the way in which public services are delivered locally. Showing us that working alongside people, no matter how difficult or challenging their circumstances, is the best way to be helpful. Love Barrow families is built on the recognition that all of us have something to offer, that we all have assets and that only through truly working together will we be able to help people experiencing real challenges make the changes they need and they want.  Love Barrow families is a ground breaking local project to be proud of.

There are plenty more great things happening in Barrow that give us hope for the future, the Love Barrow Awards will take place again in March 2015 at the Forum, Duke Street ( recognising the many and varied individuals and organisations who go the extra mile to keep this community the generous, friendly and safe place it is. Of course there are many other local organisations offering great services with committed and caring workers, too many here to mention so we've just mentioned the ones we've been involved with in some way – long may they all continue well into 2015 and beyond.


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