
Monday 16 March 2015

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion at University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay

 Equality, Diversity & Inclusion at University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay NHS Foundation Trust
We would like your views on how can we ensure that everybody can access our services.  For example, how can we improve our communications and information to patients, families and carers? How can we improve your experience when visiting our services? How can we improve our recruitment policies and processes?
We would particularly like to hear from people who have, or who represent people with protected characteristics as identified in the Equality Act 2010, which are:
  • age
  • disability
  • gender reassignment
  • pregnancy and maternity
  • race
  • religion or belief
  • sex
  • sexual orientation
To hear your views, you are invited to attend an event in your local area:
Kendal, Town Hall 1 April 1-3pm
Barrow, The Forum 8 April 9.30–12.30pm
Ulverston, Coronation Hall 8 April 1.30–3.30pm
Tea, coffee and a snack will be provided.

There will be British Sign Language (BSL) interpreters attending all the events.
We believe that providing equality of opportunity to patients, their families and carers, and staff is fundamental to ensuring that our hospitals are a Great Place to be Cared For; Great Place to Work. Managing diversity and inclusion underpins the Trust’s strategic plan to ensure that people from all communities in our local area and beyond want to access University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay NHS Foundation Trust for care and treatment.
At the session we will:
·         talk to you about how the Equality Act 2010 can have a positive impact on the way you access health care at the Trust
·         seek your views about how the Trust intends to meet its public sector equality duty under the Equality Act.

·         confirm whether we are planning appropriate action and if we have missed something important, to seek your views about what else we should include.

We would be grateful if you could confirm your attendance at one of the events with: Vicki Davies, Trust Headquarters

email: by 20th March 2015

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