
Tuesday 16 June 2009

Lunchtime Walks in Town Centre

Are you fed up of sitting at your desk having lunch and not really getting a break from the phone?
Would you like to be able to fit some exercise into your weekly routine but are struggling to find the time?

If you answer yes to either of the above, or would just like to do something different during your dinner break, then the brand new lunch time walking programme is for you!!

Starting on Thursday 2nd July then every subsequent Tuesday and Thursday there will be led walks lasting approx 40-45 mins leaving Schneider Square at 12.30pm. The walks will be led by Richard Scott, co-ordinator of Feet First in Furness - the local Walking for Health Scheme, who has vast experience of leading group walks.

Apart from the much publicised health benefits of exercise - reducing the risk of health problems such as diabetes, heart disease, stroke, cancers and osteoporosis. Walking at lunchtime can leave you relaxed, energised, mentally alert and with improved concentration for the afternoon!

So get the date in your diary, bring a pair of comfortable shoes or trainers and join in! See poster below you could display on your office notice board. For more information contact Mike Otto, Health Improvement Officer on 01229 876496 or at

Download the Lunchtime Walks Poster.doc

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