
Friday 12 June 2009

Which social problems pose the greatest threat?

Which social problems pose the greatest threat to British society in the 21st century?
Out now, a new book -
Contemporary Social Evils - demonstrates the public hunger for a new way of living and general unease about how greed, consumerism and individualism have pervaded our way of life. The book was formally launched yesterday in central London and a podcast of the event is now available to download.
The book brings together the findings from a
major consultation with leading thinkers, commentators, activists and members of the public, led by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation. It summarises the findings so far, including new research with disadvantaged groups, and looks forward to a post-recession future. Contributors range across the political spectrum, from AC Grayling and Ferdinand Mount to Julia Neuberger, Matthew Taylor and Anthony Browne.
"This is a brave exploration of some of the fundamental assumptions around values and attitudes that we hold, written at an important moment. I commend this timely, intelligent and challenging book". (Clare Tickell, Chief Executive, Action for Children)
"A splendid series of thought-provoking studies on the social evils of our time, blessedly free of nostalgia, an essential contribution to a much-needed national debate on the society we seek to make for the sake of those who will come after us." (Chief Rabbi, Sir Jonathan Sacks)
For more information on the JRF's Social Evils project go to

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