
Friday 30 April 2010

Thought for the week

"One of mankind's greatest gifts is the ability to laugh at our own accidental folly."
Albert Einstein

Thursday 29 April 2010

Green Heart Den Opportunities for Volunteers

In an effort to increase participation and build on the capacity of our organisation we would like to offer the opportunity should you wish to become involved with our project. You can choose how you want to become involved, and it need not take up too much of your time.

If you would like to learn more about potential volunteering opportunities within our project please feel free to contact our temporary volunteer coordinator, Graham Robinson. Graham is currently working to attract potential volunteers and developing a volunteer data base and would be interested in hearing from anyone wishing to become a valued volunteer on our project and help to make a real difference in their community.

Full details can be found our blog page at:

Our temporary Volunteer Coordinator Graham Robinson can be contact by:

Email at:  Tel: 01229 889694  Mob: 07749 656 127 and/or: 07545 523 694
By post at: c/o CHNMT, 242/244 Dalton Road, Barrow in Furness, Cumbria, LA14 1PN

Want to get into Sports Coaching?

If you ...
 - live in Barrow Borough,
 - have no level 1 sports qualification,
 - are aged 16 or over, and interested in sport

You can get involved in 'Recruit into Coaching'

You will receive ...
 - Access to 2 free sports courses from Furness College Sports Hub
 - Get your first level 1 sports coaching award FREE of charge
 - Improve your CV
 - Be deployed within a supported setting to improve your coaching skills
For more information please contact: Becky Underwood from Cumbria Sport Partnership
Telephone: 01228 221248 E-mail:

Youth Clubs @The Annexe - Hindpool

Youth Clubs @ The Annexe, Bath Street - Hindpool

Junior Youth Club for junior school age group
Every Monday and Wednesday at 5.00pm to 7.00pm

Secondary Youth Club for 12 to 15 year olds
Every Thursday from 6.00pm to 8.00pm

We aim to provide a variety of enjoyable things to do and a safe place to go.

Activities include: computer suite, arts and crafts, sports activities, electronic games (Wii, Xbox etc) healthy cooking, live music, art, leisure and recreation projects and activities. Call 0787 464 9200 for more information.

May Day Spring Fair - St James' Church

St James' Church is running a May Day spring fair on Bank Holiday Monday (Monday 3rd May), it will open its doors from 11am to 2.30pm. There will be a wide variety of stalls as well as a raffle and tombola. Home made pie and peas and soups will be available.

The event is being held to raise money for the church and will charge an admission of 25p. Accompanied children will be admitted free of charge.

Friday 23 April 2010

Thought for the week

"All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts, We make our world."

Thursday 22 April 2010

Zircus Plus - circus skills workshops 8 May to 26 June.

For more information about booking places contact Forum 28 on 01229 820000.

or visit

See also

Get inspired with Barracudas carnival artisit - join in the fun now!

Join in the fun with Barracudas carnival artists - music, dance, stilts and costume.

Thursday evenings 5-6pm Beginner music - learn drums and saxophone
Thursday evenings 6-8pm Carnival night - all welcome!

Barracudas Carnival Centre
Corner Bath St (Abbey Rd)
Barrow in Furness
LA14 5TY

01229 812036

Cycle safely this summer

Police today issued an appeal for pedal cyclists to take care on Cumbria’s roads, and for motorists to stay alert as the cycling season kicks in.

The number of people using bicycles increases in Spring and Summer, which brings with it an increase in the number of collisions and injuries sustained by cyclists.

In 2009 there were a total of 123 road traffic collisions involving pedal cyclists in Cumbria resulting in injury, 86 of which occurred between April and September.
• 29 of these occurred in the South Lakes (six resulted in serious injury to the cyclist)
• 22 occurred in Barrow (three were serious)
• 39 occurred in North Cumbria (5 were serious)
• 33 occurred in West Cumbria (9 were serious)

Police and partner agencies today issued a reminder for cyclists to take care, and for motorists to stay alert.

Inspector Richard Vernon from Cumbria’s Roads Policing Unit said: "The causes of collisions involving pedal cyclists can vary considerably but the usual outcome involves a major injury to the cyclist. This is the start of the period of highest risk for cyclists so I would like to deliver two messages, one to cyclists to do everything they can to be visible and avoid dangerous situations and the second to motorists to give extra consideration to cyclists.

"27 per cent of collisions involving bicycles are caused when drivers fail to see the bicycle, but a surprisingly 18 per cent are caused by cyclists failing to look properly, especially at right hand turns.

“This highlights the importance of cyclists wearing high visibility clothing and helmets. Cyclists should be also especially cautious of riding along the nearside of large goods vehicles where there is a left hand bend or left junctions because a long vehicle turning can 'squeeze' the cyclist and ultimately run them over."

Top tips for cyclists:
• Wear high visibility clothing and a helmet
• Make sure the bike is in good working order - especially the brakes
• Use good quality lights in hours of darkness and reduced visibility
• Avoid the nearside of large goods vehicles while cycling near sharp left bends or left turns
• Practice the ability to check over your left shoulder while cycling without causing a wobble
• Take special care when turning right and signal clearly so that there can be no doubt about your intentions

Top tips for drivers:
• Give extra space to cyclists when passing
• Judge the path and speed of the cyclist, especially at junctions and where the road narrows
• When opening a car door on the roadside check for oncoming cyclists
• Be aware of the potential for cyclists to ride on the nearside while vehicles are waiting at traffic lights or junctions
Insp Vernon said: “By staying alert, and by looking out for one another on the roads, we can help make Cumbria safer.”

Wednesday 21 April 2010

Stay secure and beat the burglar

Cumbria Constabulary has today launched a crime prevention campaign to tackle burglary and theft across the county.
The six week-long campaign, designed to raise awareness of the steps people need to take to protect their homes and possessions from thieves, will see officers carry out dedicated police patrols in hotspot areas that are often targeted by criminals. Police will also be displaying posters in key locations in their communities and handing out pocket-sized ‘top tips’ to remind homeowners and motorists to secure their homes and property.

A new video has also been launched on the Constabulary’s website that highlights the insecurities that opportunist thieves are looking out for in our communities. In the short film, Detective Inspector Dave Banks takes on the mindset of a burglar to demonstrate how easily thieves can take advantage of inadequate locks and unlocked windows.

Assistant Chief Constable Jerry Graham said “Statistics reveal that there have been 75 less victims of burglary and 179 less victims of thefts from vehicles in Cumbria between April 2009 – March 2010, compared to the same period in 2008/09. However, one victim is one too many in our eyes; and this campaign has been launched in a bid to encourage our communities to help us to reduce crime and beat the criminals.

“Tackling burglary and theft is a top priority for Cumbria Constabulary but we can only tackle these issues as a community. A high proportion of burglaries and thefts reported to police in Cumbria occur when property or premises are left insecure or because valuable items like purses, keys or handbags are left on show in windows or in vehicles.

“By taking extra care and acting on simple crime prevention tips, communities can work alongside their local policing teams to tackle theft and reduce burglaries in their neighbourhoods.”

As part of the campaign, police officers are urging hotel and business owners across the county to pay extra attention to security following a recent spate of burglaries where premises were targeted due to cash or a safe being left in the property overnight.

ACC Graham continues “We have dedicated teams of detectives around the county who are highly skilled at investigating burglaries and bringing offenders to justice but we need members of the public to play their part in reducing crime in Cumbria.

“Our county is one of the safest and most beautiful in the country and we want you to help us keep it that way. Pick up the phone and report any suspicious activity or people to us so that we can do the rest. I would urge communities, local businesses and neighbours to look out for each other and keep your premises and property as secure as possible. It can take a matter of seconds for a thief to strike and spoil your summer – stay secure and help us beat the burglar.”

The following advice can help you to make sure your property is secure:

Top Tips to keep your house safe
- Fit burglar alarms & good outside security lighting, check regularly to ensure they work
- Lock doors & windows before you go out
- Remove keys from locks & keep out of reach of windows & doors
- Ensure your house is secure, preventing someone entering when you are busy elsewhere in the house or garden
- Ensure side gates & sheds are locked
- Keep gifts, cash & valuables safe & well hidden, so they can’t be seen or  reached by thieves
- Postcode your valuables with a UV pen
- Leave a light on in a room & draw curtains when you go out at night
- Look out for your neighbour’s property
- Consider joining a Neighbourhood Watch Scheme
- Cancel newspapers, milk etc when you go on holiday
- Make sure callers to your home are genuine, always ask for ID
Top Tips to keep your car safe
- Never leave keys in the ignition or in your car, even for a short time
- Park with care, if possible in a busy, well lit area
- If you have a garage use it. If you park on a driveway, close & lock any gates
- Close windows, sunroof, lock doors & activate security alarms when leaving your car
- Take valuables with you when you leave your car, eg: cash, credit cards, mobile phones, satellite navigation systems etc.
- If you have no choice make sure valuables are locked in the boot, taking care no-one is watching you
- Keep your driving and vehicle documents safe & not in your car
- Postcode your valuables with a UV pen
- Make sure your keys are secure at home & work
- On cold mornings, don’t leave your car unattended with the engine running while it warms up
For more information on home security, please contact a member of your local policing team on 0845 33 00 247.

Community Champions

NHS Cumbria, Cumbria CVS and Cumbria Local Involvement Network are working together to support and train Community Champion Volunteers in Cumbria.
What are Community Champions?

They are local people who care about the health of their community and of those around them. They are volunteers who work a few hours a week either on a one-to-one basis with individuals or with groups who want to improve their health – educating, encouraging, supporting and mentoring.

We are holding an information session on 27 April 2010 for you to find out more about Community Champions.

When & Where? Tuesday 27th April at Hindpool Community Centre, Nelson St, Barrow

The session begins at 10 am and ends with lunch at 12:30 pm

Come along and find out more about how you can make a difference.

To book your place please contact Louise Blackburn at Cumbria CVS.
By phone on 01228 512513 or by email

Monday 19 April 2010

Our Flickr pages

Our Flickr site including the latest photos from the Inspiring Communities launch on 17 April 2010. Thanks to all who took part and made it such a great day. All Inspiring Communities photos courtesy of Rosie Hillman.

Inspiring Communities launch was great!

The sun came out for our Inspiring Communities launch event last Saturday (17 April) at Greengate Junior School. Hundreds attended, families and young people alike, and joined in the fun and looked on what's on offer for young people and parents across Central and Hindpool over the next year.

The event saw a host of organisations come together to showcase what they have on offer, DARE Dance ran some taster sessions, The Relics performed and talked to young people about signing-up for their music workshops, Signal Films showed some of their equipment and promoted their 'Movie Makers' project, Barracudas had all sorts of instruments available to try and lots of youngsters had a go at the stilt walking, Street Soccer, Connexions, The Bay roadshow and lots more all added to the fun.
Steve Robson, one of the Inspiring Communities co-ordinators said "It's been a great day, lovely weather, lots of people have come along and we've been able to showcase the excellent range of opportunities that are available for young people in Barrow.
The feedback from the groups has been really good and they've all signed up lots of youngsters interested in taking part in a variety of projects."
Also on the day Mike Hindle a football freestyler, from Streetwise Soccer, showed off his ball control skills and impressed the crowd, Cumbria Fire and Rescue Service, Neighbourhood Management and the neighbourhood police team met residents and gave out free information and advice. The fire engines were particularly popular with the younger children who climbed inside and watched the ladder reach high into the sky.
The school hall was full of stalls, giveaways such as stress balls, dog fouling bags, pens and lots of information leaflets and the neighbourhood police officers kept the crowds well supplied with tea, coffee and biscuits.
Steve Robson added "It's been a very worthwhile day and we're really grateful to all the organisations that took part in the launch. Without them it wouldn't have been as successful as it was. Lots of people have worked hard to make it happen and it's great to see the agencies and the community working together to promote opportunities for our young people."

All photos courtesy of Rosie Hillman.

Friday 9 April 2010

Thought for the week

"Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes."  Mahatma Gandhi


The Community Fund is a grants scheme that helps local communities throughout the UK. Funds come from committed members of the Co-operative Group, donating part, or all, of their share of the profits. These members have already raised millions of pounds each year for all kinds of community projects.

Over the past 10 years the Group’s members have donated more than £8 million to the Co-operative Community Fund, allowing hundreds of local groups, projects, community groups, self-help organisations and charities nationwide to benefit.

Community Fund grants, between £100 and £2,000 are awarded to community, voluntary, or self-help groups, to run projects that meet the following criteria.

Groups and projects must:
• carry out positive work in the community
• address a community issue
• provide a good long-term benefit to the community
• support co-operative values and principles
• ideally be innovative in its approach

If you have any questions about the Community Fund email: or visit:

Interested in becoming a volunteer?

Citizens Advice Bureau Barrow - Interested in becoming a volunteer?

If so please come along to an information evening for prospective volunteers on Wednesday 14th April 2010 at 6.3Opm, at the Citizens Advice Bureau, Ramsden Hall, Abbey Road Barrow.

Working Creatively in the Digital World

A FREE evening of inspiring talks from industry experts

Tues 27th April: The Forum: 6–8.30pm Barrow-in-Furness

The latest in a series of events showcasing enterprise in the creative and digital sector. Signal Films and Furness Enterprise invite you to an evening with industry professionals Tony Foggett, CEO of Code Computerlove, and Denise Proctor, CEO of NOISE Festival, who will share their success stories of working creatively in digital communications, discuss how to successfully market your work and offer advice on making a living in the creative and media sector.

The Speakers:
Tony Foggett is CEO of Manchester-based creative agency Code Computerlove and since 1999, alongside his partners, has grown the company into a multi-million pound turnover business delivering award winning digital marketing solutions for clients including HMV, Waterstone's, Matalan, NUS, Crown Paints, PZ Cussons, Huggies, Butlins, Durex and First TransPennine Express. Code is now recognised as one of the UK's top full service digital agencies and a leader in its field in the north. Tony has spearheaded the company’s ability to innovate and stay ahead and helped to establish Manchester's reputation for digital creativity and digital excellence. He is an active advocate for the sector and new talent and is board member of North West Vision & Media, Manchester Digital Council and Manchester Metropolitan University’s School of Art Advisory Board.

Denise Proctor set up the NOISE Festival in 2004, the first ‘virtual’ festival of its kind in Europe exhibiting a vast array of creative artwork with digital capabilities from people under 30. She is recognised within the music industry as the figure who pioneered the single music download revolution, ten years before it became industry standard. Denise comes from a highly successful background in online having set up PWP, one of the first UK interactive design companies that created the world's first interactive music CD-Rom with video and has won a plethora of awards including Best Web Design for the Manic Street Preachers (Sony) and The Times Award for E-Commerce. She worked with Lord David Puttnam in the setting up of NESTA Futurelab and has directed a host of music videos (including No.1 selling artists), adverts and television titles.

The Rundown
6.00pm – Welcome & Introductions
6.10pm – Tony Foggett, Code Computer Love
6.55pm – Buffet & Drinks
7.15pm – Denise Proctor, NOISE festival
8.00pm – Audience Q and A
8.15pm – Drinks & Networking

For more information and to book a place, please contact Laura at Signal Films on 01229 839983 / 838592 or email

This event is funded by Furness Enterprise, Barrow Regeneration and The Northwest Development Agency.

Thursday 8 April 2010

Approaching Learning with Confidence - FREE training course!

Cumbria CVS and Inspiring Communities - learn to help your child with their school work and learning ...
Approaching Learning with Confidence!

Free Training Course with free lunch provided.

· Who should attend? – Anyone interested in developing their self confidence and their approach to learning and understanding.
· The aim is to understand your approach to learning and development and to build self confidence.

At the end of the course participants will be able to:
· Feel more confident in supporting your children’s learning
· Review your own learning experiences
· Understand the importance of managing your own learning
· Understand the importance of time management
· Review different methods of gathering information
· Understand Assertiveness

When Thursday 22nd April , Thursday 29th April ,Thursday 6th May ,Thursday 13th May ,Thursday 20th May ,Wednesday 26th May

Where Cumbria CVS Barrow – Lesser Kings Hall – Hartington Street, Barrow-in-Furness

Time 12 noon –3pm Free lunch provided

This is an accredited course which participants can work towards if they wish. Accredited courses are recognised formal qualifications where you will receive a certificate from the Open College Network. If you would like any further information please contact Michelle Doherty Tel: 430564 Mobile 07792 26484

To book a place please contact Lisa on 01229 823144 or email

Street Soccer's back in Hindpool!

Street Soccer has started again at Hindpool Park Wednesdays 9-12 year olds 6.30pm - 8pm

Thursdays 13-16 year olds 6.30pm - 8pm

It's FUN and it's FREE! No kit needed, just turn up and play.

For further details contact Craig Rutherford on 07816163346.
Be inspired! Be who you want to be ....

Thursday 1 April 2010

Thought for the week ...

"We should all be concerned about the future because we will have to live the rest of our lives there."

Charles Kettering

Love Barrow Awards donation to St Mary's Hospice

MONEY raised at Barrow’s annual community awards night has been donated to a Furness charity.

A total of £750.61 was raised at this year’s Love Barrow Awards after guests were asked to place donations in the envelopes on each table.

The awards committee chose St Mary’s Hospice in Ulverston to hand over the funds to.

Awards committee member Rebecca Rawlings said: “We’re very grateful to all the people who kindly donated money on the night we’re delighted to have raised so much.

“It was a pleasure to visit the hospice – we had the chance to take a tour around the building and see what a marvellous place it is. It was great to be able to hand over the money to Zoe.”

Steve Robson, also on the Love Barrow Awards committee, added: “St Mary’s Hospice provide such a great service for the Furness community and thanks to the kind donations of all those present at the Love Barrow awards we’ve been able to show our support for their great work.”

Zoe Guest is fundraising manager at St Mary’s Hospice. She said: “On behalf of the patients and staff at St Mary’s Hospice I would like to say a big thank you to the organisers and attendees of the Love Barrow Awards for raising funds for us at their recent ceremony.

“We really appreciate all the support we receive from local people. Without their help we wouldn’t be able to continue providing all of our services.”

Article and photo courtesy of Rosie Hillman.